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Chateau Haut-Bages Liberal (奧巴里奇城堡)是法國Bordeaux (波爾多)產區 Pauillac (波雅克村)的酒莊之一,1855年被評為五級酒莊。 同時是Union des Grands Crus de Bordeaux(波爾多特級酒莊聯合會,簡稱 UGCB)的成員之一。
Chateau Haut-Bages Libéral位於 Medoc 產區的Bages Plateau (巴斯高地)上,非常靠近這裡最高的地方,站在酒莊裏可以俯瞰到 Gironde (吉倫特河)。Libéral (利博利)家族於18世紀在這裡建立了自己的家園,並用自己家族的名字命名了酒莊。該家族在波爾多不僅擁有自己的酒莊,同時也是十分有地位的葡萄酒商,在家族歷代成員的經營下,Chateau Haut-Bages Liberal 於1855年成功入選五級莊之列。
1960年,Cruse 家族入主Chateau Haut-Bages Liberal,翻新了酒莊的葡萄園。該家族也是一個實力雄厚的葡萄酒世家,當時還是 Chateau Pontet-Canet(龐特卡奈古堡)的擁有者。1982年,Taillan 集團購下奧巴里奇城堡,該集團旗下擁有眾多波爾多酒莊以及酒商公司,無論是釀酒經驗還是市場經驗都極為豐富,在該集團的管理下,Chateau Haut-Bages Liberal煥發出一派新面貌。目前,酒莊的莊主為Taillan 集團創始人Jacques Merlaut 的孫女—— Claire Villars-Lurton ,Villars 的丈夫則是波爾多實力釀酒家族 Lurton 家族的 Gonzargue Lurton ,Lurton 家族掌管著波爾多數個列級莊,釀酒歷史悠久,出產的葡萄酒品質極佳。此外,Gonzargue 也是二級莊Chateau Durfort-Vivens(杜霍酒莊)的莊主。
Chateau Haut-Bages Liberal的葡萄園毗鄰 Chateau Latour(拉圖城堡)和 Chateau Pichon-Longueville Baron(碧尚男爵酒莊),享有溫和且濕潤的海洋性氣候。葡萄園面積為30公頃,主要被分成了兩大塊,其中一塊覆蓋著深層礫石土壤,另一塊則富含白堊質黏土-石灰岩土壤,這種土壤類型為酒款帶來力量感和礦物質風味。葡萄園內種植了70%的赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)和30%的梅洛(Merlot),平均樹齡為35年,種植密度為 10,000株 /公頃。奧巴裏奇城堡的團隊是有機種植的忠實踐行者。他們一直在種植葡萄樹和保護環境之間尋求平衡,為獲得有機種植與生物動力法認證而努力。
為了獲取成熟度最佳的葡萄,酒莊會密切監控葡萄的狀態,葡萄成熟時通過人工進行細緻採摘。採收後的葡萄經過精挑細選會進入發酵環節。奧巴里奇的釀造車間配備了16個混凝土罐和16個不銹鋼罐,這些溫控發酵罐體積不一,可供地塊、品種、樹齡以及採收時間不同的葡萄分開發酵,發酵時間一般持續18-24天。發酵完成後,酒液會在法國橡木桶中陳釀16-18個月,其中正牌酒的新桶比例為50%,酒窖採用自動恒溫、恒濕系統,溫度控制在15-16攝氏度之間,濕度是在80%左右。裝瓶前酒莊還會用蛋清來澄清酒液。此外,奧巴里奇城堡邀請了全球極具影響力的釀酒師 Eric Boissenot 擔任酒莊的釀酒顧問。在他的指導下,Chateau Haut-Bages Liberal 的葡萄酒品質節節攀升。
Chateau Haut-Bages Liberal 奧巴里奇城堡
The nose is fresh, crisp and exalted aromas of small black berries. A few notes of spices and tobacco distributed in the bouquet a certain elegance. In the mouth, the attack is full and ample. The wine is precise, with firm tannins and well-proportioned acidity. The style is both gourmet and classic. The finish is long and voluminous.
La Chapelle de Bages 奧巴里奇城堡夏貝爾副牌
The nose is very expressive and clear with aromas of red fruits and tobacco. On the palate, the fruit is juicy and the tannins are round. A few notes of minerality and a clean style.
A balance and a straight structure that make it a very pleasant wine to drink.
Le Pauillac de Chateau Haut-Bages Liberal 奧巴里奇城堡波雅克副牌
The nose is very expressive and clear with aromas of red fruits and tobacco. On the palate, the fruit is juicy and the tannins are round. A few notes of minerality and a clean style.
A balance and a straight structure that make it a very pleasant wine to drink.
La Fleur de Haut-Bages Liberal 奧巴里奇城堡美人副牌
The nose is very expressive and clear with aromas of red fruits and tobacco. On the palate, the fruit is juicy and the tannins are round. A few notes of minerality and a clean style.
A balance and a straight structure that make it a very pleasant wine to drink.
Le Haut-Medoc de Chateau Haut-Bages Liberal 奧巴里奇城堡上梅多克
The nose offers expressions of ripe black fruits; as well as a slightly acidic freshness. On the palate, the attack is frank and subtle. The structure is supple with rather present tannins. The wine is ample and offers a nice volume in the finish.
Le Rose De Vertheuil
The nose has a pretty bouquet of aromas of fresh and ripe summer fruits, flowers (rose petals) and a slight hint of spice. The palate is round and supple. A soft freshness that reminds the taste of a ripe white peach. A rosé made of balance, roundness, fruity and freshness. A wine that will pleasantly accompany your aperitifs and summer meals.
⭐Pauillac 名產區,1855年分級被評為五級莊
⭐莊主夫婦同時擁有多間名莊如二級莊Durfort Vivens
⭐一級莊神級釀酒顧問Eric Boissenot加持