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Chateau Rauzan Segla 魯臣世家莊園

Second Growths of 1855 Grand Cru Classé 列級莊二級莊

魯臣世家莊園(Chateau Rauzan Segla)位於法國波爾多梅多克(Medoc)的瑪歌(Margaux)村,在1855年的梅多克分級中,魯臣世家莊園位列二級莊。

與每個歷史悠久的酒莊相似,魯臣世家莊園的得名也源於首創家族的姓氏。1661年路易十四(Louis XIV)時期,地位顯赫且財力雄厚的Rauzan建立了魯臣莊園(Chateau Rauzan)。彼時,魯臣家族已經是瑪歌酒莊(Chateau Margaux)的管理者,緊接著又擁有了拉圖城堡(Chateau Latour),因而魯臣世家莊園可以說是曾與瑪歌、拉圖一脈同門。

1763年,由於家族遺產紛爭,魯臣莊園被分成兩部分——如今的露仙歌酒莊(Chateau Rauzan-Gassies)和因聯姻更名為“Rauzan-Segla”的魯臣世家莊園(Chateau Rauzan-Segla)。魯臣家族出品的葡萄酒品質頗高,還曾於1790年收到了美國總統托馬斯·傑斐遜(Thomas Jefferson)親筆信予以盛讚。

1855年,在波爾多葡萄酒商會(Bordeaux Wine Council)籌備評選的列級莊制度中,魯臣世家莊園名列第六位,緊跟在木桐酒莊(Chateau Mouton Rothschild)之後榮獲了二級莊稱號。在1994年被Brent Walker轉讓給了Chanel集團的所有者Wertheimer家族。香奈兒集團購入魯臣世家莊園後,對莊園進行了大規模的修整,實行了翻新酒窖、改用更小容量的發酵罐以實現分地塊釀造、新增葡萄分揀臺、完善葡萄園排水系統等一系列措施,使酒莊得以煥發新的生機。

Nicolas Audebert


2014年,曾擔任Cheval des Andes釀酒師一職的Nicolas Audebert成為了酒莊新的管理者以及首席釀酒師。


2010年,“葡萄酒皇帝”Robert Parker公佈了自己心目中的20款“偉大葡萄酒”,這20款佳釀後來被稱為“The Magical 20”,魯臣世家莊園紅葡萄酒即名列其間。在帕克看來,出產這20款酒的酒莊都有著“波爾多一級名莊”的實力,可見魯臣世家莊園釀造工藝的深厚和葡萄酒品質的優異。



魯臣世家莊園僅生產兩款葡萄酒,即正牌酒魯臣世家莊園紅葡萄酒-Chateau Rauzan-Segla, Margaux, France和副牌酒魯臣世家莊園副牌-Segla, Margaux, France。正牌酒色澤濃郁深沉,香氣馥鬱優雅,口感精緻而複雜,結構平衡而精妙,是Robert Parker和James Suckling等眾多知名酒評家和權威酒評機構高分榜單上的常客。副牌酒既繼承了正牌酒的優雅,也有著自己的特點,其果香充沛,富有活力,口感柔順,十分易飲。

Chateau Rauzan Segla




瑪歌產區座擁 359年歷史
Robert Parker-“The Magical 20”

Looking, smelling and tasting a glass of Rauzan Segla wine is an invitation to a journey like no other. An adventure that is full of unique and delicious experiences that characterise the fine wines from Bor deaux. This j ourney of pleasure begins on the eye. The beauty of a colour so intense that is impossible to take one' s eyes off of it.A
colour that draws us in and makes us want to discover its secrets. The pleasure of its luxurious aromas disclosing cigar box notes which combine harmoniously with aromas of ripe fruits. Like a protective cocoon promising the ultimate in epicurean pleasures. The first sip coats the palate seductively with a combination of finesse, elegance and unparalleled charm. The wine' s smooth, complex texture will make you want to linger over the tasting experience.




瑪歌產區座擁 359年歷史

在 Margaux 產區盲品試酒位例第二
An instance of pure pleasure. A tempting escape from the worries of everyday life. To taste a glass of Segla is the promise of this and much, much more. Chateau Rauzan-Segla' s little brother was born under a lucky star. One that reveals an ar tisanal savoir- faire which has been further enhanced by modern technologies and practices. Yet,over the years and successive harvests, Segla has developed
its own, unique personality. A passionate, spirited character with fruity aromas that will blow you away from the very first sip. This wine has undoubtedly inherited its big brother' s elegance,the trademark of this prestigious wine estate. 

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