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Chateau Saint-Pierre 聖皮耶城堡

Fourth Growths Grand Cru Classe 列級莊四級莊

聖皮耶城堡(Chateau Saint-Pierre)位於法國波爾多的Saint-Julien產區,在1855年波爾多分級中被評為四級莊,是聖朱利安產區最小的列級莊之一。 

聖皮耶城堡的故事要從17世紀說起。據記載,該酒莊最初的名字為 “Serancan” ,由Marquis de Cheverry掌管。直到1767年,Baron de Saint-Pierre收購酒莊後才將其更名為如今的“Chateau Saint-Pierre”。聖皮耶男爵膝下有兩個女兒,其中一位嫁給了Colonel Bontemps-Dubarry,另一位則嫁給了時任拉圖嘉利城堡(Chateau La Tour Carnet)莊主的Mr. de Luetkens。1832年聖皮耶男爵去世後,酒莊由他的兩個女兒繼承。1855年,聖皮耶城堡榮膺波爾多四級莊。1892年魯特肯斯夫人將其持有的酒莊份額轉讓給Leon Sevaistre,因此在19世紀末,聖皮耶城堡被分成兩個酒莊——聖皮耶-希瓦斯特城堡(Chateau Saint-Pierre-Sevaistre)和聖皮耶-邦滕斯-杜巴瑞城堡(Chateau Saint-Pierre-Bontemps-Dubarry)。1922年,來自比利時的Charles Van den Bussche和Charles Van den Bussche兩兄弟收購了這兩座酒莊,只不過聖皮耶城堡原本的酒窖被Alfred Martin收購了。

20世紀80年代初,Henri Martin買下了這座莊園,自此,城堡、酒窖和葡萄園重歸一體,酒莊也恢復了“Chateau Saint-Pierre”一名。Martin家族是一個經驗豐富的釀酒世家,在制桶和釀酒方面都具有歷史悠久的傳統。他們對酒莊進行了全面革新,不僅加大投資來翻新建築,還積極引進先進的種植及釀酒技術,使酒莊的葡萄酒品質得到穩步提升,並帶領酒莊進入繁榮昌盛的時期。如今,酒莊交由亨利的女兒Francoise和女婿Jean-Louis Triaud管理。他們期望打造一款配得上“最佳列級莊”稱號的優質佳釀,這雖是一個挑戰,但也不無可能,而且他們也將全力以赴去實現這個目標。 


聖皮耶城堡的釀酒團隊在嚴選細篩下釀造了一款精品佳釀——聖皮耶城堡紅葡萄酒(Chateau Saint-Pierre, Saint-Julien, France)。得益於園中年長的葡萄藤及優越的風土條件,這款葡萄酒色澤深邃,風味濃郁集中,具有優秀的陳年潛力,常獲知名酒評家90+分的高分好評。此外,酒莊還選用最年輕的葡萄藤結出的果實釀造了一款極具聖朱利安風格的副牌酒——聖皮耶城堡精神紅葡萄酒(Esprit de Saint-Pierre, Saint-Julien, France)。

Château Saint-Pierre



波爾多左岸四大產區之一 Saint Julien — 兼具波亞克的雄勁和瑪歌村的優雅風格

Founded in the 17th Century, this 4th Grand Cru Classé was broken up and scattered as a result of several inheritances. In 1982, through a combination of luck and persistence, Henri Martin managed to re-form the estate as it was known in 1855, the year of the famous classification. Since then, thanks to the owners’ commitment, Saint-Pierre has become universally known as a perfect representative of the Saint-Julien Grands Crus Classés.

Château Bel Air Gloria

Haut-Médoc Cru Bourgeois



Château Bel Air Gloria is situated in Cussac, on the edge of Saint-Julien Beychevelle and on the banks of the Gironde. The Martin family acquired this Haut-Médoc “cru bourgeois” in 1980. Although the appellation is less well-known, the vineyards are given the same care and attention as the family estates in Saint-Julien.

Château Gloria


Created by Henri Martin, this estate is unique in having been built up piece by piece over several years through the purchase of parcels, the majority of which were classified as “grands crus” in 1855. The origin of the terroirs and the painstaking growing and vinification techniques are the reasons why its quality is recognised worldwide.

Esprit de Gloria

Other wine of the estate

Other wine of the estate, made from the youngest vines. It reflects the typicity of the Saint-Julien appellation and may be enjoyed younger.

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