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Aile d'Argent Blanc du Chateau Mouton Rothschild 木桐銀翼白酒《風土系酒款 》

Aile d'Argent Blanc du Chateau Mouton Rothschild 木桐銀翼白酒《風土系酒款 》

🌟波爾多列級 一級酒莊Chateau Mouton Rothschild旗下頂級白酒
🌟僅佔 Mouton 年產量4% 一瓶難求

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Aile d'Argent Blanc du Chateau Mouton Rothschild 木桐銀翼白酒《風土系酒款》

產區 / 級別 : Bordeaux

網站介紹: https://www.chateau-mouton-rothschild.com/

🌟波爾多列級五大酒莊之一 Chateau Mouton Rothschild 旗下頂級白酒

🌟僅佔 Mouton 年產量4% 一瓶難求


👇🏻2019年  (TF1001A)👇🏻

葡萄品種 : 61% Sauvignon Blanc, 38% Semillon and 1% Muscadelle

酒精度 : 13.5% vol

🏅James Suckling 97-98 pts

🏅Decanter 95 pts

🏅Wine Advocate 93-95 pts

🏅Jeb Dunnuck 92-94 pts

🏅Vinous 91-93 pts

🏅J. Robinson 17.5

👇🏻2018年  (TF1001B)👇🏻

葡萄品種 : 55% Sauvignon Blanc and 45% Semillon

酒精度 : 13% vol

🏅Wine Advocate 93-95 pts

🏅Wine Spectator 91-94 pts

🏅Decanter 93 pts

🏅Jeb Dunnuck 90-92 pts 

Aile d'Argent是法國一級莊(First Growth)Chateau Mouton Rothschild(木桐酒莊)旗下的一款頂級幹白葡萄酒,20世紀80年代初,木桐酒莊上一任莊主Baroness Philippine de Rothschild決定種植白葡萄品種,並開始釀造白葡萄酒。

作為木桐酒莊首款幹白葡萄酒,Baroness Philippine de Rothschild就給這款酒起了一個夢幻的名字“Aile d’Argent”,意為“銀色的翅膀”,取名為“銀翼”。“Aile d’Argent”取自於她的父親Baron Philippe de Rothschild在二戰時期被捕期間,專門為她創作的童話故事“魔法銀翼(Aile d’Argent la Magique)”,以此寄託她對父親的思念。

木桐銀翼幹白(Aile d'Argent)採用波爾多白葡萄混釀,主要是長相思(Sauvignon Blanc)、賽美蓉(Semillon)和灰蘇維翁(Sauvignon Gris),有時也會加入少量密斯卡岱(Muscadelle),先於不銹鋼罐中進行發酵,發酵到一半時會連同酒泥將酒液轉移至橡木桶中繼續發酵。1991年,酒莊發佈了首個年份的木桐銀翼,這款幹白葡萄酒的年產量約為10000瓶,所以在市場上價格不菲。

Tasting notes

Mirroring nature's generosity in 2019, the wines are very rich, deeply coloured and with good alcohol content Close-knit, satin-smooth tannins make this a wery promising wintage.


🏅James Suckling 97-98 pts

A very exotic Aile d’Argent with dried-mango, fresh-pineapple, and sliced-lemon aromas and flavors. Full-bodied and very ripe, yet it’s framed by bright acidity. Tangy and vivid with a long, intense finish. Exciting.

🏅Decanter 95 pts

You just know that Aile d'Argent is going to suit a vintage like this, where the warmth of the summer accentuates the rich apricot, white pear and juicy nectarine flavours of the wine. This tiny drop of Muscadelle gives lift and florality to the finish, and overall there is width, depth and texture aplenty, with a fabulous lick of salinity on the finish. Does a great job of walking the tightrope - and the team under Philippe Dhalluin are not afraid of underlining the texture of the wine, giving 17% of the production some malolactic fermentation, one of the rare Bordeaux whites to do so. Harvest September 7 to 11.

🏅Wine Advocate 93-95 pts

Mouton's white is a blend this year of 61% Sauvignon Blanc, 38% Semillon and 1% Muscadelle, harvested from the 5th to the 11th of September. This 2019 Aile d'Argent sails of of the glass with beguiling scents of pink grapefruit, lemon drops, orange blossoms and candied ginger with hints of jasmine, lime cordial and coriander seed. The medium-bodied palate reveals compelling poise and sophistication, with a racy line of freshness lifting the citrus and spice layers to a long, opulent finish. Very impressive! 

🏅Jeb Dunnuck 92-94 pts

This estate makes a terrific white. The 2019 Château Mouton Rothschild Aile D'Argent Blanc (61% Sauvignon, 38% Semillon, and 1% Muscadelle) offers an exotic bouquet of mandarin oranges, white peach, and honeyed flowers as well as a medium-bodied, soft, nicely textured style on the palate. It shows bright acidity on the finish and is going to be outstanding. 

🏅Vinous 91-93 pts

The 2019 Aile d'Argent, Mouton Rothschild's white is laced with hints of pineapple, mint, white flowers, apple and lemon confit. An exotic note from the Muscadelle add character. In 2019, Aile d'Argent is distinguished by its energy, even with a touch of malolactic fermentation, and a bit more restraint than in the past, all huge positives. 


🏅Wine Advocate 93-95 pts

There was no malolactic fermentation and no Muscadelle this year--both unusual for Aile d’Argent. Composed of 55% Sauvignon Blanc and 45% Sémillon (harvested August 30 to September 5), the 2018 Aile d'Argent has 13% alcohol and is a little reticent to begin, offering fragrant notions of lemongrass, freshly chopped ginger and lemon tart with a core of fresh pineapples, white peaches and aniseed. The palate is rich, sultry and exotic with loads of spices and tropical fruit and an electric backbone of acid, finishing very long.

🏅Wine Spectator 91-94 pts

A light, fresh style, with flashes of herb, sel gris and white asparagus that are very pure, opening slowly to show white peach and honeysuckle details. Very pretty. 

🏅Decanter 93 pts

This is a delicious wine that has been extremely well handled with complexity and a long drawn out finish. It’s wonderfully fresh with touches of aniseed and flint alongside citrus and sweet pear flesh alongside an underlying spice doing a great job of providing focus and lift. To maintain freshness, no malolactic fermentation was carried out on any of the white grapes this year -- in most years Aile d'Argent has maybe 10% malo, and no Muscadelle was used as it didn't succeed as well as they'd hoped in the dry summer. The harvest took place between 30 August 30 and 5 September. 

🏅Jeb Dunnuck 90-92 pts

The 2018 Aile D'Argent Blanc offers good freshness and purity as well as some tropical hints in its tart peach, pineapple, and crushed citrus aromas and flavors. It's beautifully balanced and has a fresh, clean, crisp style ideal for drinking over the coming couple of years. 

2019年(TF1001A) - $898/支
2018年(TF1001B) - $920/支
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