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Caprili Brunello di Montalcino 2018 卡普里利酒莊布魯奈羅 Toscana《風土系酒款 - TI1048 》

Caprili Brunello di Montalcino 2018 卡普里利酒莊布魯奈羅 Toscana《風土系酒款 - TI1048 》

⭐《Wine Spectator》2020年度全球百大葡萄酒榜單第16名(2015年份)
🏅Wine Enthusiast 95pts
🏅Wine Advocate 94pts
🏅James Suckling 93pts
🏅Wine Spectator 93pts
🏅Jeb Dunnuck 92+pts
🏅 Vivino 4.3

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Caprili Brunello di Montalcino 2018 卡普里利酒莊布魯奈羅 Toscana《風土系酒款 - TI1048 》

產區 : Brunello di Montalcino DOCG

葡萄品種 : 100Sangiovese 


⭐曾是Gaja旗下Pieve Santa Restituta名莊的一部分  
⭐Vinous: Caprili is sure to win a lot of hearts
⭐《Wine Spectator》2020年度全球百大葡萄酒榜單第16名(2015年份)
🏅Wine Enthusiast 95pts
🏅Wine Advocate 94pts
🏅James Suckling 93pts
🏅Wine Spectator 93pts
🏅Jeb Dunnuck 92+pts
🏅Vivino 4.3



Caprili 創立於1965年,其創始人  Alfo Bartolommei 來自 Cinigiano 市,於上個世紀初在Montalcino 定居。1911年起,Bartolommei 家族開始通過佃農制(一種典型的 Tuscany 農場管理形式)耕種土地,之後輾轉於多座莊園。1952年,該家族搬到了 Caprili Farm,他們接管了該農場以及農場中的所有牲畜,繼續以佃農的方式耕種土地。直到1965年,Bartolommei 家族從 Castelli Martinozzi 家族手中買下了該莊園。同年,他們在這裏種下了第一棵葡萄樹,並取名為 Madre。正如其名字所蘊含的寓意一樣,Madre 為酒莊其他葡萄園孕育其克隆品種。


酒莊的葡萄園主要分佈在 Cinigiano 和 Montalcino 兩個地區,海拔為225-340米,葡萄園朝向西南,面朝大海,海風使得葡萄園免受潮濕的影響,避免真菌病害的發生。其中位於 Cinigiano 的佩 Pianelli 中一半種植紅葡萄品種 Sangiovese,一半種植白葡萄品種;位於 Montalcino 的Centro Aziendale 中則主要種植 Sangiovese 和少量白葡萄品種。


在葡萄酒釀造方面,Caprili 只使用自家葡萄園的果實釀酒,釀造過程中嚴格遵循自然的原則,避免使用添加酵母或者其他外源矯正劑,釀造出能夠精准展現當地風土特色的佳釀。同時,這也使得酒莊出品的酒款完美表達出季節變化賦予不同年份酒款獨特的個性。

Brunello di Montalcino 是酒莊最早開始釀造的葡萄酒,首個年份為1978年,Robert Parker Team 曾為2016年份的此酒款打出了96分的高分評價,並盛讚此酒將純淨和濃郁這兩種特質處理得十分和諧完美,James Suckling 也對該年份給出了94分的好評

Timothy 實試報告 (23/08/2023):

Brunello di Montalcino向來都是不可錯過的意大利酒皇之一,Caprili來自BDM的中部,可以說是得天獨厚的地理位置,葡萄園正正位於名氣極大的神級酒莊Soldera旁邊。




🏅Wine Enthusiast 95pts
A fresh, herbaceous nose features notes of cherry, blood orange, fennel and mint, with a burst of anise crackling in the background. On the palate, cranberries bring out the tarter side of the blood orange and cherry notes, while a salty stoniness shimmers as an undertone. Acidity drips off firm tannins. Polaner Selections

🏅Wine Advocate 94pts
The 2018 Brunello di Montalcino is made with fruit from vines in "cool" schistous galestro soils. It is a soft and silky wine with bright cherry and cassis. The wine plays its best cards in terms of mouthfeel with long, polished tannins and seamless flavors of wild fruit, crushed stone, licorice and grilled herb. There is a hint of crushed white pepper on the close. This wine will appeal to those who enjoy a very silky side to Sangiovese.

🏅James Suckling 93pts
Cloves, sandalwood, dried mushrooms, currants and spearmint on the nose. It’s polished with firm, fine tannins and a full body. Creamy, savory finish with some ashy minerality.

🏅Wine Spectator 93pts
A sleek red, with juniper, sage, eucalyptus, iron and earth aromas and flavors highlighted by cherry and strawberry. Packs a vibrant, firm structure that keeps this delineated on the long, detailed finish. 

🏅Jeb Dunnuck 92+pts
Medicinal herbs, cedar leather, and black cherry exude from the 2018 Brunello Di Montalcino, with a cooling lift of wet stone. Medium to full-bodied, with fine tannins and and approachable mouthfeel, it has a soft structure and lovely integration throughout. It is pure and straightforward and more about texture. Best after 2023.


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