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Castelgiocondo Frescobaldi Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 2018 布利魯蒙塔奇諾花思蝶吉奧康多莊園《風土系酒款 - TI869C》

Castelgiocondo Frescobaldi Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 2018 布利魯蒙塔奇諾花思蝶吉奧康多莊園《風土系酒款 - TI869C》

🌟 Frescobaldi 花思蝶旗下 Castelgiocondo 莊園招牌BDM
🌟 2010年份酒曾獲得 James Suckling 2015百大葡萄酒第一名
🌟 名莊 Ornellaia 與 Luce 莊園同屬 Frescobaldi 花思蝶旗下
🌟 Frescobaldi 花思蝶被Gambero Rosso 義大利大紅蝦指南評為2020年度最佳酒莊Winery of the Year
🏅 James Scukling 95分
🏅 Wine Advocate 92分
🏅 Vinous 91分

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Castelgiocondo Frescobaldi Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 2018 布利魯蒙塔奇諾花思蝶吉奧康多莊園《風土系酒款 - TI869C》

產區 :  Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 蒙塔希諾·布魯奈羅,Tuscany 托斯卡納,Italy 意大利

葡萄品種 : 100% Sangiovese 桑嬌維塞


🌟 Frescobaldi 花思蝶旗下 Castelgiocondo 莊園招牌BDM 
🌟 2010年份酒曾獲得 James Suckling 2015百大葡萄酒第一名
🌟 名莊 Ornellaia 與 Luce 莊園同屬 Frescobaldi 花思蝶旗下
🌟 Frescobaldi 花思蝶被Gambero Rosso 義大利大紅蝦指南評為2020年度最佳酒莊Winery of the Year
🏅 James Scukling 95分
🏅 Wine Advocate 92分
🏅 Vinous 91分

Frescobaldi 花思蝶家族起源於1000多年前,作為義大利 Tuscany 托斯卡納最古老的葡萄酒世家之一,花思蝶家族於1308年開始生產 Tuscany 葡萄酒,接著馬上發展了名門望族的客戶。Marchesi de' Frescobaldi”的意思是代表著對古老傳統的傳承.從15和16世紀開始,花思蝶家族就向英國皇家法庭和多家其他歐洲的皇室機構供應葡萄酒,曾成為羅馬教皇和英王亨利八世的御用佳釀。花思蝶家族在佛羅倫斯地區也算聲名顯赫,名人如詩人Dino Frescobaldi以及巴洛克音樂作曲家Gerolamo Frescobaldi等都是花思蝶家族的代表人物旗下擁有多家小酒莊,包括1995與美國加州的 Robert Mondavi Winery 共同開闢了 Montalcino 的一塊葡萄園,並於1997年正式推出他們的合作結晶 Luce 麓鵲莊園;2005年購買了大名鼎鼎的 Tenuta dell'Ornellaia 奧納雅酒莊的全部股份,如今,Tenuta dell'Ornellaia 酒莊在 Frescobaldi 的管理下一直保持著意大利的傳統,在全球的葡萄酒市場閃耀著最璀璨的光芒,於2020年被 Gambero Rosso 義大利大紅蝦指南評為2020年度 Winery of the Year 最佳酒莊。

Castelgiocondo 吉奧康多莊園是 Frescobaldi 花思蝶家族在 Tuscany 托斯卡納產區的關鍵佈局,本身就是 Brunello 影響力頗大的優秀村莊,亦是該地區最早生產葡萄酒的莊園之一,其招牌酒是出自BDM的Sangiovese。葡萄園海拔處於250-450米的理想區間,西南朝向,日照充沛。隨坡度的變化,土壤類型也各有不同,主要享有 Galestro, clay, Pleocene sands, 排水好,易蓄熱,晝夜溫差大。土壤,日照和海拔成就了孕育優質桑嬌維塞最為得天獨厚的風土。

葡萄園進行精細化管理,採用高密度的種植方式,並嚴格控制產量,甄選最好成熟度的 Sangiovese,精心挑選並手工收穫,在不銹鋼罐中發酵12天,浸漬持續32天。蘋果酸乳酸發酵後,將其放入法國橡木桶和斯拉夫尼亞橡木桶中,陳化至少2年,然後瓶陳4個月後才投放市場。

🏅 James Scukling 95分

Very aromatic and beautiful with blackberry and black-cherry aromas. Hints of flowers. Medium-bodied and extremely refined. Bright and elegant. Drink or hold.

🏅 Wine Advocate 92分

In the pale cream-colored label, the Frescobaldi 2018 Brunello di Montalcino CastelGiocondo is richly textured and packed with dark fruit, black cherry and dried blackberry. The wine shows good concentration—probably a little more than your standard Brunello—with integrated tannins and balanced acidity. The finish is moderate in length, and this wine is ready to drink straight out of the gate.

🏅 Vinous 91分

The 2018 Brunello di Montalcino is dusty and floral on the nose, with a mix of dried black cherries, shaved cedar and wild flowers farming its inviting bouquet. This is round, almost juicy in feel, with cooling mineral tones and brisk acidity that maintains and unexpectedly energetic character, as tart wild berry fruits slowly saturate. The 2018 finishes with grippy tannins, yet also surprisingly fresh, leaving nuances of red licorice to slowly taper off. This really took me by surprise, as I'm so accustomed to Castelgiocondo being such a brooding and powerful wine in its youth, but that is the magic of the 2018 vintage.


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