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Chateau Certan de May 2008 色丹迪美酒莊 Pomerol 《風土系酒款 - TF1085 》

Chateau Certan de May 2008 色丹迪美酒莊 Pomerol 《風土系酒款 - TF1085 》

🏅Wine Enthusiast 93 pts
🏅James Suckling 92 pts
🏅Vinous 91+ pts
🏅Wine Spectator 91 pts
🏅Decanter 91 pts
🏅Wine Advocate 89+ pts

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{{amazonProductReview.avg_rating}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{amazonProductReview.total_comment_count}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
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[原價$260/支] 加購價$218/支 - JS90分 法國波爾多紅酒 Fontenil 2011 科德尼 - F121C [加購不計入6支成單免運條件]
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Chateau Certan de May 2008 色丹迪美酒莊 Pomerol 《風土系酒款 - TF1085 》

產區 : Pomerol 波美侯
葡萄品種 : 70%Merlot 梅洛,25%Cabernet Franc 品麗珠,5%Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠
酒精度:13% vol
Owner:Jean-Claude Berrouet


🏅Wine Enthusiast 93 pts 

🏅James Suckling 92 pts

🏅Vinous 91+ pts

🏅Wine Spectator 91 pts

🏅Decanter 91 pts

🏅Wine Advocate 89+ pts

色丹迪美酒莊(Certan de May)地處法國波爾多右岸的波美侯產區。同波美侯產區其他酒莊一樣,該酒莊也沒有分級,但這並不影響該酒莊葡萄酒的品質。

Certan de May全名為Chateau Certan (De May de Certan),源於當地最老的葡萄酒農家之一,法國大革命之後,很多莊園遭拍賣,此物業被迫拆成老色丹,本莊,還有Ch. Certan-Giraud。這主要是在1858年,業主Demay 家族為了避禍,將老色丹賣給了 Charles de Bousquet,只餘5公頃的葡萄園,革命風潮逐漸平息後,Demay 家族利用這剩餘的5公頃重新開始,故名為 Chateau Certan De May ,後來發展成本莊原型。當時這片葡萄園被稱為“小色丹( Petit Certan)”,後來才以家族之名為酒莊命名。不久後,色丹迪美酒莊的莊主過世,酒莊交由遺孀及女兒負責。1920年,酒莊轉賣給Andre Badar。1953年,Andre Badar去世後,由女兒Oderre及女婿Jean Pierre Barreau接掌。目前,酒莊由巴魯的遺孀及兒子Jean-Luc Barreau負責管理。

如今,Chateau Certan De May的葡萄園面積仍為5公頃左右。葡萄園內的土壤以夾雜許多礫石的粘土為主。葡萄品種仍以梅洛(Merlot)為主,占到了70%,剩下的為25%的品麗珠(Cabernet Franc)以及5%的赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)。葡萄樹平均年齡為50年。Certan de May的葡萄園雖僅有小小的5公頃,但周圍的鄰居卻都是來頭很大的、鼎鼎有名的Petrus、Vieux Chateau Certan、Lafleur和Le Pin。葡萄園的土壤是1/3黏土和2/3礫石的組合,種植品種是70 % Merlot、25 % Cabernet Franc和5 % Cabernet Sauvignon,平均樹齡已達45歲。葡萄園裏的葡萄成熟後,全部採用人工採摘。採摘後的葡萄在Jean-Claude Berrouet 指導下,放入不銹鋼罐中進行發酵。發酵後的葡萄將放入橡木桶中進行熟成,所用的橡木桶通常為40%-70%新桶。Certan de May的酒是以渾厚紮實著稱,通常需要陳年7-10年,香氣有Petrus的滋味但風格類似波爾多左岸Medoc的風,是不可限量的佳釀。在價格方面Pétrus一瓶動輒要十幾萬,但酒體紮又常令人Pétrus的Certan de May,價格只要Petrus 3-5%左右,多麼的物超所值!


🏅Wine Enthusiast 93 pts 

It may seem surprisingly light to begin with. But this wine has depth, richness, hinting at wood straining through the sweet fruit. It is firm, fresh, but properly tannic. 

🏅James Suckling 92 pts

Wonderful nose of blueberries, spices and light meat, with hints of chocolate as well. Full bodied, with a beautiful structure of ultra-soft tannins and subtle yet rich fruit.

🏅Vinous 91+ pts
Good bright red-ruby. Complex nose melds dark fruits, licorice, flowers, mint, camphor and medicinal herbs. Youthully clenched and seriously structured wine, with sweet dark berry fruit currently dominated by solid tannins. Quite backward and long on the aftertaste. 

🏅Wine Spectator 91 pts

Muscular and solid, perhaps a bit chunky now, this big red shows toast, coffee and loam notes over a core of black cherry and fig flavors that struggle to emerge from gripping tannins. There's purity and depth that bode well. 

🏅Wine Advocate 89+ pts

This potentially outstanding, dark ruby/plum-tinged 2008 reveals notes of caramel, cedarwood, herbs, earth, foresty and red as well as black fruits, excellent to outstanding density and medium body. The tannins remain elevated so this offering will benefit from 2-4 years of bottle age.


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