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Chateau La Clotte 2013 Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe 克洛特莊園《風土系列 - TF1143》

Chateau La Clotte 2013 Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe 克洛特莊園《風土系列 - TF1143》

🌟 右岸一級莊 Ausone 2014 年買入,最後一個超高性價比的年份
🌟 波爾多最古老的葡萄園之一
🌟 只有 4 公頃的精品酒莊,高質風土 + 50 年老藤
🏅 Robert Parker 89-91分:One of my favorite properties;the quality here has been relatively high over the last 15-20 years
🏅 James Suckling 88-89分

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一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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Chateau La Clotte 2013 Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe 克洛特莊園《風土系列 - TF1143》

產區 : Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe

葡萄品種 : 80 % Merlot、12 % Cabernet Franc、8% Cabernet Sauvignon 


🌟 右岸一級莊 Ausone 2014 年買入,最後一個超高性價比的年份

🌟 波爾多最古老的葡萄園之一

🌟 只有 4 公頃的精品酒莊,高質風土 + 50 年老藤

📦 原裝為12枝木箱,12枝即包

🏅 Robert Parker 89-91分:One of my favorite properties;the quality here has been relatively high over the last 15-20 years

🏅 James Suckling 88-89分

來自波爾多右岸的 Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe - Chateau La Clotte 從 14 世紀末就開始種植葡萄,是波爾多最古老的葡萄園之一!在法國大革命之前一直由僧侶們在打理,直到18世紀被 Grailly 家族收購之後,酒莊才開始逐漸被眾人所知。1931 年酒莊被 Chailleau 家族收購,並正式改名為現在的 Chateau La Clotte。只有 4 公頃的酒莊坐落於 Saint Emilion 較高的石灰岩高原上,海拔最高 75 米,50 年老藤種在黏土石灰石的斜坡上,享受著擋風的南向坡度,部分葡萄園更和酒莊 Saint Emilion 一級莊 Chateau Ausone 接壤,耀眼的潛力股加上還要就在眼邊,難怪 Ausone 的 Vautheir 家族終於在 2014 忍不住手大手收購 La Clotte,把其發揮到極致~雖然酒莊的售價並未官方公佈,但是據說交易價格接近每公頃 400 萬歐元!但在這之前酒莊也一直是行內人的"秘密酒款",高質的風土和質素,豐厚又有礦物感的風格,但又高價比,連 Saint Emilion 好多酒莊莊主都會自己買來自用!加上酒莊產量不多,令這款 GCC 酒在市面上並未大範圍流通。然而在 Ausone 收購之後這款酒的價格開始飆漲,使得 2013 年份成為可以用之前較低價格買到的最後一個年份!

看看 Robert Parker 看高分評價就可以知道~

Robert Parker:One of my favorite properties;the quality here has been relatively high over the last 15-20 years



🏅 Robert Parker 89-91分:

One of my favorite properties, Chateau La Clotte was sold recently to the Vauthier family of Chateau Ausone, and that can only mean good things, although the quality here has been relatively high over the last 15-20 years. The 2013 netted tiny yields of 20 hectoliters per hectare, with the final blend producing less than 1,000 cases. The blend is primarily Merlot with a touch of Cabernet Franc, harvested October 5-14. The wine exhibits a deep ruby/purple color and merits sleeper-of-the-vintage status given the ripeness achieved. It has fleshy, deep cherry and blackcurrant fruit with hints of white chocolate, underbrush and tobacco leaf. The wine is medium-bodied, relatively soft and should provide delicious consumer-friendly drinking for the next decade.

🏅 James Suckling 88-89分:

Good fruit concentration for the vintage, with mineral and spice character. Medium body, fine tannins and a medium finish.


3枝優惠價 $296/枝

可混訂其他酒款, 6支免費送貨上門


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