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Chateau La Gaffeliere 2015 嘉芙麗酒莊 Saint-Emilion 1er Grand Cru Classe B 聖埃美隆一級B等酒莊 《Terroir Collection - TF1028》

Chateau La Gaffeliere 2015 嘉芙麗酒莊 Saint-Emilion 1er Grand Cru Classe B 聖埃美隆一級B等酒莊 《Terroir Collection - TF1028》

⭐️2015 St Emilion 區頂級靚年 - 產區評分達 Wine Advocate 95分
⭐️聖埃美隆一級B等酒莊 Saint-Emilion 1er Grand Cru Classe B
⭐️與 Chateau Pavie 和 Chateau Pavie 為鄰
⭐️與右岸名莊 Chateau Canon la Gaffeliere 屬同一產業
⭐️Malet-Roquefort 家族三個世紀的堅守
🥇Vinous 97pts
🥇Wine Enthusiast 97 pts
🥇Wine Spectator 95 pts
🥇Decanter 94 pts

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Chateau La Gaffeliere 2015 嘉芙麗酒莊 Saint-Emilion 1er Grand Cru Classe B 聖埃美隆一級B等酒莊 《Terroir Collection - TF1028》

產區:Saint-Emilion 1er Grand Cru Classe B

葡萄品種: 70% Merlot 梅洛 & 30% Cabernet Franc 品麗珠

酒精度 :  14.5 %



⭐️2015 St Emilion 區頂級靚年 - 產區評分達 Wine Advocate 95分

⭐️聖埃美隆一級B等酒莊 Saint-Emilion 1er Grand Cru Classe B

⭐️與 Chateau Pavie 和 Chateau Pavie 為鄰

⭐️與右岸名莊 Chateau Canon la Gaffeliere 屬同一產業

⭐️Malet-Roquefort 家族三個世紀的堅守

🥇Vinous 97pts 

🥇Wine Enthusiast 97 pts

🥇Wine Spectator 95 pts

🥇Decanter 94 pts

🥇James Suckling 94 pts

🥇Wine Advocate 94 pts

🥇Jeb Dunnuck 93 pts

🥇Jancis Robinson 17 pts


Chateau la Gaffeliere 嘉芙麗酒莊 Saint-Emilion Premier Grand Cru Classe B 聖埃美隆一級B等酒莊!貴為18家 Premiers Grands Crus Classes 酒莊之一,可以說是精英中的精英酒莊。與右岸名莊 Chateau Canon la Gaffeliere 在歷史上“同根同源”本屬一個酒莊,19世紀未,酒莊被一分為二,其中一部分經過衍變發展成為了今天的 Chateau Canon la Gaffeliere,而另一塊就發展成為今天的 Chateau la Gaffeliere。

三個世紀以來,Chateau La Gaffeliere 的主人一直是 Malet-Roquefort 家族,從未改變,充滿激情的掌控著這一葡萄園的發展,堅守初心,不盲目追隨潮流,而是巧妙結合傳統工藝與現代技術,其目標只有一個:突出葡萄園的風土價值並釀制出一款具有偉大陳年能力的葡萄酒。由於鄰近 Premier Grand Cru Classe A 的 Chateau Pavie 和大名鼎鼎的 Chateau Ausone 之間的“黃金三角”位置,有著極為類似的風土條件。

占地超過32 公頃,其中22公頃的園地屬列級,用於釀造正牌酒。這些園塊分佈於南向及西南向坡地上,光照與排水條件俱佳。園內土壤類型豐富多樣,涵蓋了黏土、白堊土、沙土以及石灰石等多種土質,種植了75%的 Merlot 和25%的Cabernet Franc,葡萄樹平均樹齡為35年。酒莊施行環境友好型的葡萄園管理方式,減少對環境的不良影響,如把剪掉多餘的枝條作為肥料,為土壤提供養分。為了園內生物多樣性和緩解土壤侵蝕,選擇性地在葡萄行間種植雜草野花植被,定期疏葉,提高光照利用率及空氣流通。在葡萄轉色之前進行綠色採收,摘除有瑕疵的果實,保證葡萄充分成熟。

葡萄採收會親自品嘗果實並確定最佳採摘時機,採收採收並存放於細板條箱中,避免果實被壓爛。去梗篩選之後釀酒葡萄在重力作用下自然流入溫控不銹鋼罐中,輕柔淋皮與壓帽,根據不同地塊的風土特色,酒莊會分開發酵,之後被轉入法國橡木桶中進行蘋果酸-乳酸發酵 Malolactic Fermentation,以使成酒的酸度更為柔和,口感更為圓潤。完成二次發酵的葡萄酒還需在新桶比例為50%的法國橡木桶中熟成14-16個月。

🥇Vinous 97pts 

The 2015 La Gaffelière is a wine of total finesse. Much less obvious and overt than most Saint-Émilions in this vintage, La Gaffelière makes its case on harmony and grace above all else. Bright, lifted Cabernet Franc-infused aromatics give the 2015 striking freshness and aromatic presence. The flavors are bright and nuanced to the core, with plenty of red cherry, espresso and floral notes. But back to the basics. In 2015 La Gaffelière is a wine that stands out because of its impeccable balance and sense of proportion. I loved it.

🥇Wine Enthusiast 97 pts

From its privileged position on the sweep of vines leading up to the medieveal city of Saint Émilion, this estate has made an impressive wine in this vintage. It is rich and concentrated both in its structure and its black fruits. Complex, dark and dense, it can age for many years.

🥇Wine Spectator 95 pts

Enticing warm plum, fig and blackberry compote notes roll through, inlaid with singed alder and tobacco accents. There’s a light tug of warm cast iron and another wave of fruit after that, all supported by well-buried chalky minerality. This is a very strong showing and has put on some weight since the barrel tasting.

🥇Decanter 94 pts

Cool elegance from St-Emilion. Refined, fragrant nose with lovely purity of fruit. The palate is fresh and finely etched. Shows balance and harmony.

🥇James Suckling 94 pts

Impressive deep-set dark cherries, blueberries and dark plums here with neatly fitted spicy oak, which adds immediate complexity. Deep, long and fresh with vibrant acidity, underpinning ripe blackberries, plums and hints of chocolate. Superb wine.

🥇Wine Advocate 94 pts

Medium to deep garnet-purple colored, the 2015 La Gaffeliere has a slightly reticent, broody nose of black truffles, fertile loam and mossy bark over a core of warm plums, crushed black berries and black cherries plus a touch of iron ore. Medium to full-bodied with firm and very finely grained tannins with layers of softly spoken fruit and great freshness, it finishes long.

🥇Jeb Dunnuck 93 pts

From further up the slope from Canon-la-Gaffelière, the 2015 Château La Gaffelière is terrific, and more than worth your time and money. A blend of 70% Merlot and 30% Cabernet Franc that’s loaded with notions of cassis, toasted spices, classy oak, and licorice, it hits the palate with a full-bodied, tight, focused texture carrying good acidity and plenty of tannins. With terrific mid-palate depth, impeccable balance, and a great finish, it’s nowhere near primetime but is a gorgeous bottle of wine.


$598 /


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