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Chateau Lafon-Rochet 2014 拉科魯錫酒莊 Saint-Estephe 四級莊 375ml《醇酒系列 - FH055》

Chateau Lafon-Rochet 2014 拉科魯錫酒莊 Saint-Estephe 四級莊 375ml《醇酒系列 - FH055》

⭐️1855波爾多評級列級酒莊第四級酒莊 (Quatrieme grands crus classes)
🏅James Suckling 93 pts
🏅Wine Enthusiast 93 pts
🏅Wine Advocate 90 pts
🏅Wine Spectator 90 pts

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Chateau Lafon-Rochet 2014 拉科魯錫酒莊 Saint-Estephe 四級莊 375ml《醇酒系列 - FH055》

產區 : Saint-Estephe 聖埃斯泰夫

葡萄品種 : 66% Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠 , 26% Merlot 梅洛, 4% Cabernet Franc 品麗珠 、4% Petit Verdot 小維多

酒精度:13.5% vol


⭐️1855波爾多評級列級酒莊第四級酒莊 (Quatrieme grands crus classes)

🏅James Suckling 93 pts

🏅Wine Enthusiast 93 pts

🏅Wine Advocate 90 pts

🏅Wine Spectator 90 pts

Chateau Lafon Rochet 1855 年波爾多評級列為4級莊,歷史可追溯至17世紀,發展歷程長達4個世紀。最初,酒莊名字為   Domaine Rochet,所有者為   Antoinettede Guillamotes。她與Etiennede Lafon 結婚後,酒莊就易名為如今的Chateau Lafon RochetLafon家族繼承並管理該酒莊長達150餘年。這期間,酒莊遭受了各種自然災害,也遇到了經濟難題,但在拉楓家族的帶領下,酒莊依舊憑藉自身實力成為了波爾多1855列級莊中的四級莊。

目前莊主Michel Tesseron 也是 Chateau Pontet Canet 的莊主。Saint Estephe 產區係   Haut-Medoc 4個產區中最北的一個,土壤以礫石為主,而這區亦不乏偉大的酒莊,包括玫瑰山莊園(ChateauMontrose & 愛士圖爾莊園(Chateau Cos d'Estournel!

酒莊名稱 Rochet 來自法文 Roches 石頭之意,呼應所在的村莊Saint-Estephe典型的礫石地形,酒莊本身坐落一塊碎石臺地之上,俯瞰同村二級酒莊   Cos d’Estournel 和臨村Pauillac  Chateau Lafite,吉隆河近在咫尺,地理條件優越。

以莊園為中心,四周環繞著 45 公頃的葡萄園,園內區分成 40個小區,遍佈石灰岩、礫石和黏土組成的土壤。葡萄園內種植著57%赤霞珠(CabernetSauvignon),37%梅洛(Merlot)、4% 小維多(Petit Verdot)以及2% 品麗珠(Cabernet Franc),平均樹齡約40歲。

Lafon-Rochet 最具代表性的特徵是撲鼻而來濃郁複雜的黑色漿果香氣,圓潤滋味表現出 Saint-Estephe 的獨特個性,單寧圓滑,質地均衡優雅,引領而出溫潤優雅的風格。


🏅James Suckling 93 pts

Here’s a St.-Estephe that’s really appealing young but also has good aging potential. Great balance between crisp acidity, ripe fruit and elegant dry tannins. The finish is long and rather subtle.

🏅Wine Enthusiast 93 pts

Big-hearted fruit dominates this smooth wine. The estate, owned by the Tesseron family and close to their other property of Pontet-Canet, is performing well and it shows in this juicy ripe wine, full of generous tannins. The aftertaste shows both acidity and concentration.

🏅Wine Advocate 90 pts

The 2014 Lafon Rochet has a very attractive, slightly floral bouquet with raspberry and crushed strawberry fruit, a touch of rose petals lending this a feminine allure. The palate is medium-bodied with supple, ripe tannins. This feels quite dense in the mouth, a welcome pinch of white pepper and cedar lending complexity to the finish with tart cherries on the aftertaste. This is probably more forward than other Saint Estephe wines, but it should give 15-20 years of pleasure.


🏅Wine Spectator 90 pts

This delivers a direct beam of red and black currant fruit mixed with a note of blood orange. Picks up tobacco and warm stone accents through the finish.





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