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Chateau Langoa Barton 2012 朗高巴頓莊園 Saint Julien 列級莊三級莊 375ml《醇酒系列 -FH142 》

Chateau Langoa Barton 2012 朗高巴頓莊園 Saint Julien 列級莊三級莊 375ml《醇酒系列 -FH142 》

🏅 Wine Enthusiast 93 pts
🏅 Wine Advocate 90 pts
🏅 James Suckling 89 pts
🏅 Vinous 89 pts
🏅 Wine Spectator 88 pts

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Chateau Langoa Barton 2012 朗高巴頓莊園 Saint Julien 列級莊三級莊 375ml《醇酒系列 -FH142 》

產區 / 級別 : Saint Julien 聖朱利安

葡萄品種 : 70% Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠, 22% Merlot 梅洛, 8% Cabernet Franc 品麗珠

酒精度 : 13% vol

網站介紹: https://www.langoa-barton.com/en/

❣️ 波爾多1855年分級中獲3級莊 Third Growths

❣️ 風土毗連姐妹莊 - 波爾多2級莊 Leoville-Barton, 質素自有保證

❣️ 悠久傳承-八代家族成員的掌管下走過近兩百個春秋

❣️ Langoa Barton 仍由Barton家族的 Anthony Barton持有, 是少數於1855年Classification分級制度後未曾被易手的酒莊

❣️ 葡萄酒風格傳統保留傳統木造發酵桶,並非使用不銹鋼桶

❣️ 波爾多專家Stephen Brook - 曾替Langoa-Barton抱不平, 實力可媲美Leoville Barton!

"Langoa-Barton tends to be overshadowed by Leoville, but should not be underestimated!"

🏅 Wine Enthusiast 93 pts

🏅 Wine Advocate 90 pts

🏅 James Suckling 89 pts

🏅 Vinous 89 pts

🏅 Wine Spectator 88 pts

Chateau Langoa Barton (朗高巴頓莊園)位於法國波爾多的Saint-Julien(聖朱利安)產區,在1855 分級中位列三級莊。酒莊歷史起源可以追溯到1722年,Thomas Barton離開了故鄉來到了法國,開啟了Barton家族的紅酒旅程。1821年,Thomas的孫子Hugh Barton買下了Chateau Langoa Barton的前身——Chateau Lango),並為其改名為Chateau Langoa Barton。時至今日,Chateau Langoa Barton仍屬於Barton家族,已在八代家族成員的掌管下走過近兩百個春秋。這種從未間斷的傳承使酒莊獨特的文化傳統得以世代積澱,同時也為出產品質穩定、風格統一的佳釀增添了保障。

Chateau Langoa Barton葡萄園占地20公頃,俯瞰著鄰近的Gironde。受益於河流的影響,這裏有著更為溫和的微氣候,較少遭受極端氣候的影響。園內底土以深厚的黏土層為主,表面則覆蓋著眾多礫石。葡萄的種植比例約為57%的赤霞珠、34%的梅洛和9%的品麗珠,梅洛的年份近些年來一直有增加,同時也有種植一些小維多。葡萄平均樹齡為37年,但是,他們有可追溯至1953年的老葡萄樹。葡萄園的葡萄種植密度為每公頃9,100個葡萄樹。酒莊採用可持續發展的種植方法,並不斷提高有機種植的地塊比例,保護葡萄園及周圍的生態環境,從而收穫更優質的釀酒葡萄。

酒莊葡萄酒風格傳統,在1980年中期,Anthony Barton 購置了一套名為“Chai”的新釀酒設備。與波爾多地區生產於1970至1980年間的其他釀酒設備不同的是,“Chai”仍保留傳統木造發酵桶,並非使用不銹鋼桶)。然後在平均50%的新法國橡木桶中陳釀出Langoa Barton城堡的葡萄酒大約20個月。

🏅 Wine Enthusiast 93 pts

There's great concentration here, on this powerful wine with very dry structure and dark character. The palate hints of a more perfumed character with fine fruitiness and lingering freshness on the finish. 

🏅 Wine Advocate 90 pts

Plenty of juicy blackcurrant fruit and background oak are present in this plump, medium to full-bodied, ripe, well-made wine. Not nearly as tannic as I feared, this wine shows a forward plumpness, excellent purity, texture and length. Drink it over the next 15-20 years.

🏅 James Suckling 89 pts

Pretty dried cherry, vanilla and berry character on the nose and palate. Full to medium body, fine tannins and a flavorful finish. A little fluid. Needs two or three years to come together.

🏅 Vinous 89 pts

The 2012 Langoa Barton is fleshy and supple, with lovely aromatic top notes that give the wine much of its inviting   personality. Sweet red cherries, herbs, mint and white pepper are laced together in a delicate, nuanced wine that is   ready to drink now. 

🏅 Wine Spectator 88 pts

This has a juicy energy weaving amid the core of anise, blackberry coulis and warm plum notes. Shows a brambly edge on the relatively open-knit finish, with a hint of licorice snap. This has pulled together nicely since the barrel tasting. 

$268 /
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