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Chateau Lascombes 力士金 Margaux 二級莊《風土系列》

Chateau Lascombes 力士金 Margaux 二級莊《風土系列》

📜 酒款有2010 & 2015年選擇
⭐1855波爾多評級列級酒莊第二級酒莊 (Second Growths Grand Cru Classes)
⭐Michel Rolland 自2001年起擔任釀酒顧問, 自此酒莊實力更上一層樓
⭐Chateau Lafite前任首席釀酒師Dominique Befve自2001年加盟, 令Lascombes成為波爾多近年進步最快的酒莊

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[原價$138] 加購價$110 - 充滿荔枝香西班牙Gewurztraminer乾白酒 (JS 90分) - SP058B [加購不計入6支成單免運條件]
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[原價$158] 加購價$128 - 法國知名產區Saint-Estephe 波爾多紅酒 2017 - F875 [加購酒款不計入6支成單免運條件]
優惠價 HK$128.00

[原價$316/2支] 加購價$198/2支 - 意大利DOCG紅酒 2支 - I048B x 2 [加購酒款不計入6支成單免運條件]
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[原價$130] 加購價$100 - 日本千福 熟成梅酒 (500ml) - J026A [加購不計入6支成單免運條件]
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[原價$260/支] 加購價$218/支 - JS90分 法國波爾多紅酒 Fontenil 2011 科德尼 - F121C [加購不計入6支成單免運條件]
優惠價 HK$218.00

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Chateau Lascombes 力士金 Margaux 二級莊《風土系列》

產區 / 級別 : Margaux 瑪歌,Bordeaux 波爾多

網站 : https://www.chateau-lascombes.com/en/

📜 酒款有2010 & 2015年選擇

⭐1855波爾多評級列級酒莊第二級酒莊 (Second Growths Grand Cru Classes)

⭐力士金酒莊前任莊主之一的Alexis Lichine被尊稱為“葡萄酒教皇” 是20世紀波爾多發展的重要人物主力向美國推廣波爾多葡萄酒的事業亦令力士金酒莊在20世紀名聲大噪

⭐Michel Rolland 自2001年起擔任釀酒顧問, 自此酒莊實力更上一層樓

⭐Chateau Lafite前任首席釀酒師Dominique Befve自2001年加盟, 令Lascombes成為波爾多近年進步最快的酒莊

⭐漫畫《神之水滴》中便曾介紹Chateau Lascombes 的作品 “如今是既厚實又現代”

⭐2016 Margaux區頂級靚年 - 產區評分達 Wine Advocate 97分

⭐波爾多大師Stephen Brook 高度評價力士金的水平和潛力

"It is quite clear that the modern Lascombes is a considerable improvement on the Lascombes of old. Although the balance swung too far toward extraction in an attempt to correct the errors of the past, there are signs of a more balanced approach in recent vintages."


葡萄品種 : 50% Merlot 梅洛,47 % Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠,3% Petit Verdot 小維多

酒精度 : 14%

🏅James Suckling 94 pts

🏅Wine Advocate 92 pts

🏅Wine Enthusiast 92 pts

🏅Vinous 91 pts

🏅Wine Spectator 89 pts


葡萄品種 : 47% Merlot 梅洛,50 % Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠,3% Petit Verdot 小維多

酒精度 : 14%

🏅James Suckling 95 pts

🏅Wine Advocate 94 pts

🏅Vinous 92-95 pts

🏅Vivino 4.3

17世紀到現代,歷經十代業主繼承,並在Lascombes城堡的歷史上留下了自己的印記。命運多姿多彩,為Chateau Lascombes的卓越葡萄酒做出了貢獻。



Lascombes酒莊的葡萄園瑪歌(Margaux)最搶手的地,由獨特的土壤類型混合而成。葡萄園表面積大致分為相同大小但三個截然不同的塊:種植Cabernet Sauvignon赤霞珠和 Petit Verdot小維多的礫石,由粘土-礫石塊組成的地段則種植Merlot梅洛和Cabernet Sauvignon赤霞珠,最後是粘土-石灰岩地塊,這類最合適栽植Merlot梅洛。有趣的是,Merlot梅洛是葡萄園中的主要品種,佔葡萄總數的50%,這是瑪歌產區的一個獨特特徵。


鐵製大門背後的城堡典雅的建築形式包含了多種風格的建築特色,其中更把17世紀的元素與19世紀的元素融合在一起。原始的城堡是一座經典的“ chartreuse”城堡,其一樓仍然保留下來,始建於17世紀,而隨後的各個莊主分別為這座建築做出了自己的修建,尤其是在19世紀。在住所的較高樓層,可以重溫那個時期流行的英國風情。從周圍的景色來看,城堡及其毗鄰的葡萄園的景色十分壯觀。



🏅James Suckling 94 pts (2010)

Pinpoint but rich fruit in the form of blackcurrants, licorice, fresh herbs, blackberry leaf and cedar. Full body, structured tannins, vibrant acidity and a long finish. Wonderful combination of freshness and fruit. Delicious now but this will hold for many more years.

🏅Wine Advocate 92 pts (2010)

Deep garnet in color, the 2010 Lascombes gives up notes of dried herbs, tilled soil and black olives over a blackcurrant cordial and plums preserves core plus a touch of crushed rocks. Medium to full-bodied, the palate delivers chewy tannins and bold freshness to support the savory flavors, finishing with an herbal lift.

🏅Wine Enthusiast 92 pts (2010)

Wood-driven tannins dominate at this stage, creating a wine that is structured and dense. The tannins are layered with the weight of the black currant and plum fruits. Lascombes is still finding its style, but is definitely on the upward slope.

🏅Vinous 91 pts (2010)

Bright ruby-red. Superripe but fresh aromas of cassis, plum and chocolate. Broad, sweet, rich and generous, offering considerable early appeal to its dark berry and chocolate flavors. Pliant and utterly seductive today, finishing with lush, sweet tannins. This is delicious today in a rather full-blown way, and should offer pleasure for at least the next 15 years

🏅 James Suckling 95 pts (2015)

Immediate depth to the aromas of dark cherries, plums and blackberries with subtly spicy and cedary oak amid stony, minerally accents. The palate has immense depth and presence without relying on brute force. This is all about charm and fluidity. Superb wine. 

🏅Wine Advocate 94 pts (2015)

Medium to deep garnet-purple in color, the 2015 Lascombes has a beautiful nose of black forest cake, violets, cassis and tilled soil with wafts of garrigue and potpourri. Medium-bodied, very fine and elegant with great intensity of restrained, earthy flavors, it has a long, savory finish.

🏅Vinous 92-95 pts (2015)

The 2015 Lascombes is rich, powerful and inviting. All the elements fall into place in a juicy, succulent Margaux endowed with superb overall balance.Sweet red cherry, plum, spice and grilled herbs are given an added kick of polish by the silky tannins. Racy and open-knit, the 2015 is built to deliver considerable pleasure with minimal cellaring. Readers should expect a bold, forward Margaux with modern contours and plenty of concentration.

2010年(TF884B) $750/支
2015年(TF884A) $550/支
也可混訂其他酒款 (非風土精選系列),全單滿6支免費送貨上門


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