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Chateau Leoville Poyferre 龍博菲酒莊Saint Julien 列級莊二級莊《風土系列 - TF891A/B》

Chateau Leoville Poyferre 龍博菲酒莊Saint Julien 列級莊二級莊《風土系列 - TF891A/B》

⭐️Robert Parker在2011年給2009年份的龍博菲酒莊打出了滿分,還稱讚其是這一年份最耀眼華麗的佳釀之一
⭐️飛行釀酒師”Michel Rolland 擔任釀酒顧問

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Chateau Leoville Poyferre 龍博菲酒莊Saint Julien 列級莊二級莊《風土系列 - TF891A/B

產區 / 級別 : Saint Julien

網站介紹: https://www.leoville-poyferre.fr/en/


⭐️Robert Parker在2011年給2009年份的龍博菲酒莊打出了滿分,還稱讚其是這一年份最耀眼華麗的佳釀之一

⭐️飛行釀酒師”Michel Rolland 擔任釀酒顧問

📜 酒款有 2005 2016 年選擇

👇🏻2005年  (TF891A)👇🏻

葡萄品種 : 68% Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠, 26% Merlot 梅洛, 6% Petit Verdot 小維多

酒精度 :  % vol

🏅Wine Advocate 93 pts

🏅James Suckling 94 pts

🏅Vinous 93 pts

🏅Wine Enthusiast 94 pts

🏅Decanter 98 pts

👇🏻2016年  (TF891B)👇🏻

葡萄品種 : 62% Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠, 29% Merlot 梅洛, 6% Petit Verdot 小維多,2% Cabernet Franc 品麗珠

酒精度 :  % vol

🏅Wine Advocate 97 pts

🏅Wine Spectator 97 pts

🏅Jeb Dunnuck 98 pts

🏅Wine Enthusiast 95 pts

🏅James Suckling 97 pts

🏅Decanter 94 pts

Chateau Leoville Poyferre(龍博菲酒莊),又名“樂夫波菲莊園”,位於法國波爾多的Saint-Julien產區,在梅多克(Medoc)1855分級中被評為二級莊。

Chateau Leoville Poyferre的歷史可以追溯到1638年。當時,波爾多議會參議員、貴族資本家Jean de Moytie得到了一塊位於礫石坡地上的葡萄園,並將之命名為“Mont-Moytie”。1740年,Alexandre de Gascq-Leoville成為酒莊的新主人,他將酒莊更名為“Leoville”,Leoville 莊園當時處於葡萄園管理的最前沿。他們的一些想法起初對許多種植者來說似乎很奇怪,但今天他們的許多葡萄園實踐仍在廣泛使用。


雖然我們今天認為這些做法是理所當然的,但在那些日子裡,它們是瘋狂的想法!到 Alexandre de Gascq 去世時,憑藉他對波爾多葡萄園土地的穩定購買,Leoville 已成為波爾多最大的葡萄園之一,佔地 200 多公頃!,。後來,Alexandre de Gascq的幾位繼承人曾盡力保持酒莊的完整,可從1775年開始,“Leoville酒莊所產的葡萄酒分別以Abadie、Lacaze、Chevalier和Monbalon這四個品牌進行銷售。19世紀上半葉,Hugh Barton買下占Leoville資產四分之一的Chevalier和Monbalon,並在1826年建立了著名的Chateau Leoville Barton,而Leoville莊園剩餘的四分之三葡萄園則由Lascase家族掌管。1840年,Adolphe de Lascase繼承了Lascase,這部分園地逐漸發展成今日的Chateau Leoville Lascases;Adolphe的妹妹Jeanne則繼承了Abadie。後來,Jeanne的女兒嫁給了Baron Jean-Marie Poyferre de Ceres,Leoville的Abadie也由此轉至Poyferre男爵名下,而這便是Chateau Leoville Poyferre莊園誕生的開始。

酒莊經過幾經周轉,1979年Didier Cuvelier正式接手Chateau Leoville Poyferre(龍博菲酒莊)的管理工作,並在上任後禮聘現代釀酒學之父兼自己的導師Emile Peynaud,隨後對酒莊的釀酒設備進行一系列的現代化改造,同時不斷擴增酒莊的葡萄園面積,更大的舉措是砍掉並重新種植 20 公頃的葡萄藤,從而大幅減少了多年的產量。1994年,Didier Cuvelier又聘請了著名的“飛行釀酒師”Michel Rolland來為Chateau Leoville Poyferre(龍博菲酒莊)的葡萄酒保駕護航,再次讓 Leoville Poyferre 在世界各地的葡萄酒愛好者中脫穎而出。

Leoville Poyferre 葡萄酒的積極變化可以通過品嚐葡萄酒很容易看出。質量的快速提升最早出現在 1982 年。然而,Didier Cuvelier 並不是第一個在 Leoville Poyferre 引入創新的人。事實上,Chateau Leoville Poyferre 是第一批使用松木樁架起葡萄藤的波爾多酒莊之一。這在今天很常見,但在兩個世紀前並不常見。Leoville Poyferre 也是第一批用硫磺沖洗酒桶的波爾多生產商之一,以幫助保護他們的葡萄酒在運輸和陳釀過程中不會變質。

2006年,Anne Cuvelier加入Chateau Leoville Poyferre(龍博菲酒莊),負責酒莊的外聯、接待和葡萄酒旅遊事宜,推動了酒莊的繁榮與發展。如今,Chateau Leoville Poyferre(龍博菲酒莊)由Didier 的侄女、Anne的妹妹Sara Lecompte Cuvelier掌管。

Leoville Poyferre莊園以前以種植梅洛(Merlot)為主,自Didier Cuvelier接管後,酒莊展開了重新種植工作,並開始大量種植赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)。如今,Chateau Leoville Poyferre(龍博菲酒莊)80公頃的葡萄園裏以種植赤霞珠和梅洛為主,輔以一小部分的味而多(Petit Verdot)和品麗珠(Cabernet Franc)。葡萄園土壤以礫石為主,排水性好,而且貧瘠的土壤還可為葡萄藤帶來平衡的能量供給。

Chateau Leoville Poyferre(龍博菲酒莊)會基於葡萄園的土壤分析結果制定相應的作業計畫,按需求及時採取犁地、培土和松土等措施,並依照葡萄的自然生長規律來綁縛藤蔓。五月初,酒莊會按照實際需要對葡萄植株採取諸如剪除贅芽、除葉、掐頂和疏葉等一系列“綠色措施”。葡萄採摘前三周,包括Didier Cuvelier、釀酒顧問Michel Rolland和酒莊釀酒師Isabelle Davin等人在內的釀酒團隊會齊聚葡萄園,親自品嘗葡萄果實,再輔以之前的葡萄成熟度分析數據來確定具體的採摘日期。葡萄達到理想成熟度後,酒莊組織採收工人分地塊手工採收果實,將葡萄串裝進一個個小竹筐中運送到酒莊。這些葡萄串會經過一輪手工篩選,並在分揀之後進入除梗機進行梗粒分離。分離出來的葡萄果粒需進入光學篩選機進行第二次分揀,然後破皮入罐。另外,Chateau Leoville Poyferre(龍博菲酒莊)從不同地塊採收而來的葡萄需分開發酵,而酒莊釀酒車間配備的56個不銹鋼發酵罐(其中27個是擁有雙層外壁的新型發酵罐)恰好可以滿足這種生產需求。


Chateau Leoville Poyferre(龍博菲酒莊)是一款十分優雅、平衡且複雜的佳釀,酒液顏色深邃,口感如天鵝絨般順滑,陳年潛力極佳。英國著名葡萄酒作家和葡萄酒大師Clive Coates MW稱讚 Leoville Poyferre“就平衡感與精緻感而言,是聖朱利安葡萄酒的典範”。著名酒評家Robert Parker在2011年給2009年份的 Leoville Poyferre打出了滿分,還稱讚其是這一年份最耀眼華麗的佳釀之一。


🏅Wine Advocate 93 pts

Léoville Poyferré’s dense ruby/purple 2005 is soft, round and juicy, with lots of blackcurrant fruit, plum and Asian spice. It is medium to full-bodied and, along with Léoville Las Cases and Saint-Pierre, probably one of the best St.-Juliens I tasted in this retrospective. It is surprisingly supple and accessible.

🏅James Suckling 96 pts

Very clear and translucent with currants, blueberries and fresh mushrooms. Full-bodied with velvety tannins that are layered and beautiful. Together and polished with plushness and beauty. Drink or hold.

🏅Vinous 93 pts

The 2005 Léoville-Poyferré really needed a number of hours to come together. An old school, powerful Saint-Julien, the 2005 Léoville-Poyferré packs a serious punch. Inky dark red fruit, iron, smoke, cedar, mint and white pepper lend striking aromatic depth. This virile, tannic Saint-Julien is a bruiser, but it is also pretty impressive. Tasting it feels like taking a step back in time. 

🏅Wine Enthusiast 94 pts

Hugely concentrated and packed with tannins, this wine shows considerable amounts of dark, extracted fruit. It wins out on impressive power, driving the fruit through the tannins, giving great richness.

🏅Decanter 98 pts

The 2005 vintage was surprisingly strong for Léoville-Poyferré, which I had tied with Mouton-Rothschild for second place just after Haut-Brion. The blend was 68% Cabernet Sauvignon, 26% Merlot, and 6% Cabernet Franc. Picking began on 26 September with the Merlot and finished on 8 October. The wine was aged in 75% new casks. The ripe blackcurrant and plum fruit showed some well-integrated notes of cedar, smoke, and earth that remain very youthful. The feel on the palate is substantial but very elegant. The tannins are firm and solid but not astringent. The overall impression is one of well-balanced power, and the finish was subtle and long.


🏅Jeb Dunnuck 98 pts

Tasted on four separate occasions where this wine rated 97+, 98, 98, and 99, the 2016 Château Léoville-Poyferré is a brilliant bottle of wine and is certainly in the same league as the 2000, 2003, 2009, and 2010. Made from 62% Cabernet Sauvignon, 26% Merlot, and the balance Petit Verdot and Cabernet Franc, aged in 80% new oak, this brilliantly concentrated, full-bodied, opulent beast of a wine offers a heavenly bouquet of crème de cassis, blackcurrants, smoked earth, tobacco leaf, and ample crushed rocks. It’s certainly one of the most flamboyant and opulent wines in the vintage, yet it remains perfectly balanced, with masses of polished tannins, no hard edges, and a fabulous finish. It will be drinkable in 3-4 years yet keep for 3-4 decades.

🏅James Suckling 97 pts

Wow. The power and depth to this wine is super with a full , fleshy palate. Yet, it’s so tight and integrated with panache and energy. Chewy tannins, yet seamless and melted into the wine. Extremely long and beautiful. Very polished now. This needs at least five to six years to resolve the steely tannins that run through this wine. Take a look from 2024. A blend of 61 per cent cabernet sauvignon, 27 per cent merlot, eight per cent merlot and four per cent cabernet franc.

🏅Wine Spectator 97 pts

Richly layered, with a core of well-steeped plum, blackberry and black currant fruit flavors cruising through, flanked by ganache, sweet tobacco and warm tar notes. There's a plush, toasty coating but the wine's energy and nearly unbridled fruit will easily soak that up. A last echo of violet is further evidence of a lovely evolution ahead. Best from 2025 through 2040.

🏅Wine Advocate 97 pts

Deep garnet-purple colored, the 2016 Léoville Poyferré hits the ground running with intense cassis, violets, dark chocolate, menthol and fragrant earth notions complemented by nuances of cigar box and smoked meats. Medium to full-bodied, the palate is charged with energetic, super intense black fruit and floral layers, beautifully supported with super firm, ripe, grainy tannins and seamless freshness. This liquid is simply alive in the mouth, culminating in an epically long finish that will leave your mouth practically tingling. WOW!

🏅Wine Enthusiast 95 pts

Ripe, bold fruits mark out this opulent wine. Its rich tannins are typical of the estate and of the vintage. Serious concentration is balanced with good acidity to give a generous wine that also has the structure for aging. Drink from 2025.

🏅Decanter 94 pts

This is a fine example of the Léoville Poyferré style, voluptuous and spicy. Despite Michel Rolland's enthusiasm for late harvesting, there is no overripeness. Sumptuous nose, with lush blackberry fruit, opulent and generous on the palate with superb black fruits and robust tannins. Vibrant and spicy, it’s hedonistic but at present lacks a little nuance and complexity. They should emerge with time. Drinking Window 2024 - 2042

2005年(TF891A)-$1128 /支
2016年(TF891B)-$828 /支
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