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Chateau Monbrison 2016 蒙布里松酒莊 (375ml)《醇酒系列-FH154》

Chateau Monbrison 2016 蒙布里松酒莊 (375ml)《醇酒系列-FH154》

🏅James Suckling 92 pts
🏅Vinous 90 pts
🏅Wine Advocate 92 pts
🏅Wine Spectator 89 pts.

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Chateau Monbrison 2016 蒙布里松酒莊 (375ml)《醇酒系列-FH154》

產區 / 級別 : Margaux

葡萄品種 : 74% Cabernet Sauvignon、26% Merlot

酒精度 : 13.5% vol

網站介紹: http://www.chateaumonbrison.com/en/wines/

🏅James Suckling 92 pts

🏅Vinous 90 pts

🏅Wine Advocate 92 pts

🏅Wine Spectator 89 pts

 Home | Château Monbrison, Grand Vin de Margaux

🔎Chateau Monbrison是法國波爾多Margaux產區的酒莊之一,亦為波爾多特級酒莊聯合會(Union Des Grands Crus De Bordeaux)的成員。


💁🏻酒莊始於18世紀,至今擁有著悠久的歷史。Monbrison先生在1921年獲得酒莊,並以自己的名字來為酒莊命名。後來,酒莊經多次易主,目前,酒莊的莊主為Laurent Vonderheyden👨🏻🦰20多年來,在Laurent的精心管理下,酒莊成為了該地區最為出色的代表酒莊之一,並成功加入了波爾多特級酒莊聯合會。酒莊曾多次被歐洲🇪🇺最大規模的評審委員會提名,在法國乃至全世界獲得不同獎賞。


La Reviue du Vin de France📕評價2009年的MonbrisonGreatVintageOur Favorite in Margau Wine Spectator稱其為“BordeauxBest Chateaux”;2009Sommeliers International對酒莊莊主Laurent進行了專訪,並對酒莊進行高度評價。


🌱Chateau Monbrison的葡萄園面積為13.2公頃,園內葡萄樹的平均樹齡為40年。當葡萄達到理想的成熟狀態後,酒莊會通過人工🤏🏻方式進行採摘。採摘後的葡萄經過篩選、破皮後,會進入傳統的發酵階段。發酵得來的葡萄酒之後會在40%新的法國橡木桶中熟成1218個月,並且採用Unfiltered方法進行裝瓶。





🏅James Suckling 92pts

Impressive, ripe red-cherry and berry aromas here with appealing, brambly complexity. The palate delivers an approachable, juicy and smoothly arranged bed of ripe and vibrant tannins. Try from 2022.

🏅Vinous 90 pts

The 2016 Monbrison shows similarly to other Margaux wines, albeit with a touch of leanness on the rather serious nose of pencil-lead-infused black fruit. The palate is medium-bodied with tannin that has loosened up since its showing in barrel, and endowed with a fine bead of acidity and gentle grip.The Pauilla-like, graphite infused finish needs to develop more detail.

🏅Wine Advocate 92 pts

The 2016 Monbrison is a Margaux that has performed splendidly this vintage, one that did not shine as benevolently as other appellations. It has a vigorous, delineated bouquet with blueberry, raspberry and crushed violets, the new oak neatly integrated. The palate is nicely structured and though there is a touch of hardness to the tannin on the entry, that will soften by the time of bottling. The acidity is well judged and there is good grip on the finish. Monbrison is often well-priced en primeur and as such, this comes recommended.

🏅Wine Spectator 89 pts

Fresh, if a bit narrow in scope, as the core offers up only red currant, plum, lilac and sandalwood notes. Tight-grained and persistent, with the fruit lingering steadily on the finish. Drink now through 2029. 4,000 cases made.

可混訂其他酒款 6支免費送貨上門


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