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Chateau Nenin Pomerol 列蘭酒莊《風土系列》

Chateau Nenin Pomerol 列蘭酒莊《風土系列》

📜 酒款有 2014 & 2016 年選擇
🌟 位於波爾多的精品子區 Pomerol
🌟 由二級莊 Leoville Las Cases 雄獅主人 Delon 家族擁有
🌟 頂級釀酒顧問 Michel Rolland
🌟 神之水滴第十四集形容喝著這酒有著「初戀」的感覺
🌟 各大酒評長年高分,James Suckling 最高給過 98 分
🌟 鄰近名莊 Trotanoy,同時更是在最貴之一的 Le Pin 附近
🌟 Cabernet Franc 來自雄獅選種 Massal Selection 後的精選葡萄樹

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一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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Chateau Nenin Pomerol 列蘭酒莊《風土系列》

產區 : Pomerol

📜 酒款有 2014 & 2016 年選擇

🌟 位於波爾多的精品子區 Pomerol

🌟 由二級莊 Leoville Las Cases 雄獅主人 Delon 家族擁有

🌟 頂級釀酒顧問 Michel Rolland

🌟 神之水滴第十四集形容喝著這酒有著「初戀」的感覺

🌟 各大酒評長年高分,James Suckling 最高給過 98 分

🌟 鄰近名莊 Trotanoy,同時更是在最貴之一的 Le Pin 附近

🌟 Cabernet Franc 來自雄獅選種 Massal Selection 後的精選葡萄樹

葡萄品種 : 75% Merlot,25% Cabernet Franc

🌟 2016 波爾多絕佳年份

🏅James Suckling 96 pts

🏅Wine Spectator 93 pts

🏅Vivino 4.3


葡萄品種 : 68% Merlot,32% Cabernet Franc

🏅James Suckling 95 pts

🏅 Vinous 92 pts

🏅Vivino 4.1

溫故知新,Nenin 的顯赫背景

位於波爾多的精品子區 Pomerol,由擁有二級莊 Leoville Las Cases 雄獅的 Delon 家族在 1997 年買入,選用頂級釀酒顧問 Michel Rolland,時間短短成績已很耀眼,在神之水滴第十四集出現,形容其為有初戀感覺的酒,各大酒評亦長年高分,James Suckling 最高更給過 98 分!

之前已對 Nenin 有所認識的酒友

除了年份差異外,2015 開始 Nenin 的篩選還要更嚴格,更是第一個年份開始使用接手後翻新改進而種的新批葡萄樹,令產量更低成熟度更高,質素再上一層樓!


在買入後拼入了 4 公頃來自 Chateau Certan Giraud 的葡萄園,這酒莊餘下的就是被 Petrus 主人 Christian Moueix 買入而成的 Hosanna 和 Certan Marzelle。

Nenin 32 公頃的葡萄園也鄰接 Moueix 另一間頂級酒莊 Trotanoy,同時更是在最貴之一的 Le Pin 附近。而 Nenin 的正牌只用上在海拔 30 米高點上的精華 8 公頃葡萄園,充滿黏土和礫石更有坡度的微風土,而接手後新種的 Cabernet Franc 更是 Leoville Las Cases 選種 Massal Selection 後的精選葡萄樹!以這頂級規格來說這價格性價比其實很高~


🏅 James Suckling 96 pts

Aromas full of crushed blackberries and blueberries with fresh mushrooms and sandalwood. Full-bodied, very tight and focused with fabulous density of fruit in the center palate and a long, flavorful finish. Shows strength and, at the same time, finesse. Try after 2023.

🏅Wine Spectator 93 pts

Features a core of dark boysenberry, açai berry and black currant fruit that is direct, pure and polished, carried by solid but integrated tannins through a slightly muscular finish. Offers a lingering licorice snap accent and a nice twang of iron-edged minerality. Well-built. Best from 2023 through 2033. 2,500 cases made.


🏅James Suckling 95 pts

Incredible perfumes of flowers, berries and cherries. Ethereal. Medium to full body, ultra-fine tannins and super length. The evolution in this in barrel has been wonderful. Only the best plots with old vines were used here — so one-third of the production of the site. Drink in 2021, even if this is already gorgeous.

🏅 Vinous 92 pts

The 2014 Nenin has a simple, clean redcurrant and cranberry scented bouquet that feels a little anonymous, does not quite exude Pomerol. The palate is medium-bodied with sappy red fruit, nicely balanced with red cherry, cranberry and raspberry laced with black pepper and sage. The finish feels cohesive and persistent. This is a fine Pomerol that should offer 15 to 20 years of drinking pleasure. Tasted blind at the annual Southwold tasting.



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