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Croix Canon 2016 嘉隆十字 Saint-Emilion Grand Cru (375ml) 《醇酒系列-FH108》

Croix Canon 2016 嘉隆十字 Saint-Emilion Grand Cru (375ml) 《醇酒系列-FH108》

⭐️ Chateau Canon 副牌
⭐️ Saint-Emilion Grand Cru
⭐️ 2016年靚年份,Wine Advocate 評Saint-Emilion產區年份評分為95 pts
🏅James Suckling 93 pts
🏅Wine Advocate 90-92 pts
🏅Vinous 88-90 pts

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Croix Canon 2016 嘉隆十字 Saint-Emilion Grand Cru (375ml) 《醇酒系列-FH108》

產區 / 級別 : Saint-Emilion Grand Cru 聖埃美隆特級園

葡萄品種 : Merlot 梅洛、Cabernet Franc 品麗珠

酒精度 :    14.5% vol

延伸閱讀:Chateau Canon 卡農酒莊


⭐️ Chateau Canon 副牌

⭐️ Saint-Emilion Grand Cru

⭐️ 2016年靚年份,Wine Advocate 評Saint-Emilion產區年份評分為95 pts

🏅James Suckling 93 pts

🏅Wine Advocate 90-92 pts

🏅Vinous 88-90 pts

Chateau Canon(嘉隆酒莊)位於 Bordeaux Saint-Emilion 產區,是產區內知名的 Saint-Emilion Premier Grand Cru Classe B


古典的宮廷式建築見證酒莊的悠久歷史,1760年當時一位名為JacquesKanon海盜船長縱橫大西洋,後來由國王路易十五招安,靠著掠奪商船累積的大筆財富,Kanon船長成為ChateauCanon的第一任主人,其後酒莊多次轉手,終於在1996年由Chanel香奈兒集團買下,聘請曾任職ChateauLatour、同時擔任香奈兒擁有的另一酒莊RauzanSegla總經理John Kolasa掌管集團旗下兩座酒莊的大小事務。

此後在2011年買入被金鐘酒莊、膜拜酒Le Dome等眾星環繞,卻因遭遇在波爾多頻頻上演的家庭遺產稅問題,而決定賣出的34公頃的酒莊ChateauMatras。其中,5公頃的土地因得聖愛美隆最新分級的認可,用於釀造嘉隆酒莊的正牌酒,剩餘的29公頃與較年輕的葡萄藤組成副牌酒Clos Canon,其2011年份正式改名為Croix Canon所接受的嚴格要求不亞於正牌酒大哥


作為ChateauCanon 副牌酒,CroixCanon 秉持 1erGrand Cru Classé 的嚴苛工藝製成。從葡萄園管理直至發酵陳年,每一個步驟都一絲不苟。分地塊的田間管理、葡萄果實手工精選、自然重力壓汁發酵都確保果實經過細緻的照料和處理。CroixCanon的葡萄品種以Merlot為主,配以少量的 CabernetFranc·。經過18個月法國橡木桶的陳釀,其中僅採用一小部分全新橡木桶,以確保香氣的平衡和清新的果香。這一層次豐富的佳釀由果香和礦物香氣為主導,質地細密而融合;和諧的香氣組成使Croix Canon 成為這一產區的優質代表。

🏅James Suckling 93 pts

A juicy richness to the fruit with dark-berry and sliced-mushroom character on the nose and palate. Full body, chewy tannins and a flavorful finish. Very structured.

🏅Wine Advocate 90-92 pts

The 2016 Croix Canon is a blend of 76% Merlot and 24% Cabernet Franc this year and matured in 25% new oak. It has a very precise bouquet with blackcurrant, touches of blueberry and subtle mineral aromas, gaining intensity as it opens in the glass. The palate is medium-bodied with crisp tannin, very tensile in the mouth with touches of graphite and tobacco, seguing into a supple and refined finish. It seems very approachable at this stage, but even as a Deuxième Vin, I can see this aging nicely over a decade, possibly more.

🏅Vinous 88-90 pts

The 2016 Croix Canon is a dark, voluptuous wine. The heat of the vintage comes through in the ripe, slightly roasted flavor profile. Croix Canon emerges mostly from a single parcel that is dedicated to the wine, along with some barrels that do not go into the Grand Vin. The 2016 is a solid wine that performs in line with the vintage at this level, but without overachieving.

可混訂其他酒款, 6支免費送貨上門


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