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Domaine Pierre Usseglio et Fils Chateauneuf-du-Pape Reserve des 2 Freres 2009 烏塞廖父子特酿教皇新堡《風土系酒款- TF840》

Domaine Pierre Usseglio et Fils Chateauneuf-du-Pape Reserve des 2 Freres 2009 烏塞廖父子特酿教皇新堡《風土系酒款- TF840》

🌟 Robert Parker重量級著作The Worls’s Greatest Wine推薦酒莊
🌟 用上全莊部份最老的Grenache,只在滿意年份生產
🌟 11年酒齡好年 + 高分,頂級Grenache呈現
🌟 100%天然酵母,用桶工藝精細,複雜獨特
🌟 酒莊的外放偏新派型頂級酒款
🏅 隆河專家Jeb Dunnuck 96-98分:"This will be a monumental wine!"
🏅 Vinous 95分
🏅 Wine Advocate 94+分:Most forward and evolved wine
🏅 Wine Spectator 93分

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Domaine Pierre Usseglio et Fils Chateauneuf-du-Pape Reserve des 2 Freres 2009 烏塞廖父子特酿教皇新堡《風土系酒款- TF840》

產區 / 級別:Chateauneuf du Pape 教皇新堡,隆河 Rhone Valley,France 法國

葡萄品種:100% Grenache 歌海娜



🌟 Robert Parker重量級著作(The Worls’s Greatest Wine Estate: A Modern Perspective)推薦酒莊  

『In many ways, this estate symbolizes the dramatic surge in quality that Chateauneuf-du-Pape has witnessed over the last decade, the result of the younger generation taking an existing vineyard, augmenting it through meticulous purchases of very fine plots of old vines, and introducing two new cuvees of truly spectacular wines.』

🌟 紅酒教父Robert Parker溢於言表, 多番讚譽這酒莊的出眾! 

 "One cannot say enough about the extraordinary qualitative revolution that has quietly taken place at this well-known domaine north of village of Chateauneuf du Pape!"

🌟 用上全莊部份最老的Grenache,只在滿意年份生產
🌟 11年酒齡好年 + 高分,頂級Grenache呈現
🌟 100%天然酵母,用桶工藝精細,複雜獨特
🌟 酒莊的外放偏新派型頂級酒款
🏅 隆河專家Jeb Dunnuck 96-98分:"This will be a monumental wine!"
🏅 Vinous 95分
🏅 Wine Advocate 94+分:Most forward and evolved wine
🏅 Wine Spectator 93分

在法國這個釀酒歷史悠久的老牌產酒國,有許多廣為人們熟知的葡萄酒產區。其中,位於Southern Rhone Valley(南羅納河谷)的Chateauneuf-du-Pape(教皇新堡)就是一個出產高品質美酒的搖籃,一個不可錯過的明星產區


在這片盛產美酒的土地上,家族經營的精品酒莊——Domaine Pierre Usseglio & Fils是品鑑優質教皇新堡佳釀不可錯過的一站。Domaine Pierre Usseglio & Fils酒莊的歷史可追溯到1948年,意大利人弗朗西斯·烏塞廖(Francis Usseglio)來到教皇新堡,並創建了該酒莊。後來,弗朗西斯的兒子接手了酒莊,並擴大了酒莊的規模。

酒莊由意大利人弗朗西斯·烏塞廖(Francis Usseglio)於1948年創建,至今已延續了三代人的歷史。酒莊開始只將葡萄出售給酒商,而後慢慢摸索,開始自己釀造裝瓶。從1998年起,酒莊由弗朗西斯的孫子蒂埃裡·烏塞廖(Thierry Usseglio)和讓-皮埃爾·烏塞廖(Jean-Pierre Usseglio)兩兄弟掌管。年輕一代接管酒莊後就進行了一系列改革,購買了優質老藤葡萄園擴大規模,釀造出令人驚嘆的兩款新釀。烏塞廖兄弟對釀酒的熱情不僅來自於祖先父輩的影響,更是來自於對土地和自然的熱愛以及分享美酒的快樂。

Domaine Pierre Usseglio & Fils酒莊的葡萄園位於羅訥河谷南部,占地39公頃。園中種植的都是非常古老的葡萄樹,樹齡在40至65年左右,還有至少樹齡75年以上的老藤Grenache(歌海娜),產量極低,釀出的葡萄酒強勁有力,風格凝練。葡萄園主要種植歌海娜、Mourvedre(慕合懷特)和Syrah(西拉),此外還有Cinsault(神索)等共13個葡萄品種,品種的多樣性為葡萄酒帶來了複雜的香氣和良好平衡的結構。葡萄園由砂質土壤和黏土構成,表層覆蓋有鵝卵石,可以在白天儲存熱量並在夜晚給葡萄藤底部提供熱量,使得葡萄果實的成熟度更高。



🏅 Jeb Dunnuck 96-98分:

As with the Cuvée de mon Aïeul, the final blendis yet to have been made, so I was able to taste through 4 separate samples ofthe 2009 Domaine Pierre Usseglio & Fils Châteauneuf-du-Pape Réserve des Deux Frères. Certainly, how the blend is made will dictate the final wine, butif raw components count for anything, this will be a monumental wine. As always, this cuvee sees the most new barrique but unlike vintages prior to ’05,the cuvee does not see any press wine. Despite the new barrique, none of thesamples showed overt wood and the fruit was stunning.

🏅 Vinous 95分:

Bright violet color. Wildly complex scents of black raspberry, cherry compote, sassafras, allspice and licorice. Lush andpalate-staining, with noteworthy intensity to its open-knit dark berry,spicecake and floral pastille flavors. Silky tannins come on late and meld smoothly with the deep, sappy fruit, which refuses to let go of the palate. Iunderestimated this powerful, vibrant wine last year.

🏅 Wine Advocate 94+分: 

The 2009 Chateauneuf du Pape Reserve des Deux Freres is probably the softest, most forward and evolved wine the Usseglios have made under this designation. Luscious, with loads of fig, black cherry jam, camphor and licorice-infused blackberry notes, the wine is concentrated, rich, and while still primary, capable of lasting 15-20 years. It is certainly the most seductive and early drinking Reserve des Deux Freres produced to date, and finished at 15.5% natural alcohol.

🏅 Wine Spectator 93分:

This has a touch more muscle and drive than many of its peers, with smoldering tobacco and dark espresso notes leading the way for a core of crushed plum, braised fig and steeped black currant notes. The long finish has lots of iron-tinged grip.


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