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Fonseca Guimaraens Vintage Port 2018 芳塞卡酒莊 Guimaraens 年份波特酒 Douro 《風土系酒款 - TP700C》

Fonseca Guimaraens Vintage Port 2018 芳塞卡酒莊 Guimaraens 年份波特酒 Douro 《風土系酒款 - TP700C》

🏅Vinous 95 pts
🏅Decanter 95 pts
🏅Wine Spectator 94 pts
🏅Wine Enthusiast 94 pts
🏅Wine Advocate 92 pts
🏅Jancis Robinson 17.5/20
🌟Guimaraens 更柔更早成熟的年份波特酒
🌟Fonseca 年份波特酒曾獲 Wine Spectator 四次滿分酒,百大第一名
🌟葡萄酒評論家James Suckling曾評論Fonseca年份波特酒為如汽車界中的豪華品牌Bentley『賓利』

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Fonseca Guimaraens Vintage Port 2018 芳塞卡酒莊 Guimaraens 年份波特酒 Douro  《風土系酒款 - TP700C》 

產區 :  Douro Valley, Portugal 杜羅河產區,葡萄牙 

葡萄品種 : Touriga Nacional, Touriga Francesca, Tinto Cão, Tinta Roriz and Tinta Barroca

酒精度:20% vol

Winemaker : David Guimaraens

網站介紹 : http://www.fonseca.pt/

🌟Guimaraens 更柔更早成熟的年份波特酒
🌟Fonseca 年份砵酒曾獲 Wine Spectator 四次滿分酒,百大第一名 
🌟葡萄酒評論家James Suckling曾評論Fonseca年份波特酒為如汽車界中的豪華品牌Bentley『賓利』
"Fonseca as 'the Bentley' of Vintage Port, Like the famous luxury cars, Fonseca Vintage Ports are thoroughbreds, the result of craftsmanship and skill, but also of passion and creativity."
🌟Robert Parker葡萄酒指南 Wine Buyer's Guide 
"Fonseca is one of the great port lodges, producing the most exotic and most complex port. With its lush, seductive character, one might call it the Pomerol of Vintage ports."
🏅Vinous 95 pts
🏅Decanter 95 pts
🏅Wine Spectator 94 pts
🏅Wine Enthusiast 94 pts
🏅Wine Advocate 92 pts
🏅Jancis Robinson 17.5/20

(請留意: 部分陳年舊Port的瓶身正面會有白油的印記,而且瓶內會含有一定沉積物,此乃正常現象。  )


大部分陳舊Port酒的正面瓶身都會有名為Splash Mark的白油印記。 

此為酒莊在酒窖陳存酒瓶時的記號,以茲識別酒瓶陳放時正面朝上的方向並了解沉積物所累積的地方(即白油Splash Mark的反方)。 

因此建議飲家在酒櫃存放Port酒時,同樣有酒標和白色Splash Mark的一面朝上方,並且在飲用前1-2天提前直立處置令沉積物提前沉至瓶底。

Fonseca 芳塞卡酒莊位於葡萄牙 Douro 杜羅河產區,自19世紀中以來,Fonseca 一直被視為世界上釀造波特酒的知名酒莊,與 Croft、Dow’s、Graham’s、Taylor’s 及 Warre’s 頂級酒莊齊名,其1927、1948、1977、1994都是滿分之作,以其甘美的果味和陳年後展現出豐富複雜的風味著稱,專為波特酒狂熱者而生的酒莊。

酒莊由 Fonsecas 和 Monteiros 創建於1815年,後來由 Guimaraens 接手管理長達100年的歷史,並首次建立了波特一級酒莊的聲譽。最後,酒莊轉交由 Yeatmans 及其子孫後代經營,在他們的精心管理下,使酒莊成功地發展到20世紀下半葉,並進入了一個新的里程碑。多年來酒莊對葡萄園的管理給予了高度的重視。20世紀過去30多年時間裏,酒莊對葡萄園進行了大量的投資,並在 Douro 地區葡萄園革新的浪潮中扮演著舉足輕重的角色。酒莊擁有 Panascal, Cruzeiro 和 Santo António 3個葡萄園,葡萄園所具有的的獨特風土在酒莊釀造個性獨特的葡萄酒中起著關鍵的作用。此外,酒莊還是開展有機種植和實施可持續發展方式開展葡萄園種植的先鋒,為後代的發展保護好當地獨特的生態系統和景觀。

Fonseca 年份波特酒主要採用3家莊園的酒作調配,包括來自 Pinhão 河谷的 Cruzeiro 莊園,這莊園的出品自1912年起已被用作 Fonseca 年份波特酒,以細緻、富有果香和緊緻的單寧著稱,這為 Fonseca 年份波特酒提供了結構和力量。其他兩家是 Fonseca 旗艦莊園 Panascal 和 Santo António 莊園。區內流傳一個說法,在 Roncão 與 Panascal 之間,就是葡萄牙頂級好酒的發源地,Panascal 莊園亦是杜羅河谷採用有機耕種的先鋒葡萄園,提供豐滿酒體,馥鬱果香,加上圓潤而富重量的口感,還有絲滑的質感和複雜多重的香氣。

Guimaraens 年份波特酒取代了在沒有出產經典 Fonseca 年份波特酒而釀製的年份波特酒,最早在上世紀30年份發售。如今的年份 Guimaraens 做得更柔軟、更早成熟,但仍然繼承了經典年份 Fonseca 波特酒的複雜果味風格,平易近人、適合更早飲用,而且價錢十分親民。

🏅Vinous 95 pts
The 2018 Guimaraens Vintage Port, the first release since 2015, has a rich and opulent bouquet with black cherries, stewed figs and dates. It has a little more warmth than the Quinta da Roeda 2018 tasted alongside, certainly one of the more decadent aromatics. The palate is sweet and fleshy on the entry with black fruit, tar, desiccated orange peel, Xmas cake and juniper berries. I admire the harmony of this Vintage Port. The firm structure only becomes apparent towards the finish. Wonderful length on the aftertaste, the mouth stained with Port for 60 seconds after. Excellent.

🏅Decanter 95 pts
This is Fonseca’s second label; a blend from Quinta do Panascal in the Távora Valley and Fonseca’s estates in the Pinhão Valley. Lovely, ripe expressive dark chocolate concentration on the nose, this really sings from the glass; dense and voluptuous on the palate, super-ripe and plummy with luscious texture backed by firm, gravelly tannins that extend to a broad, gripping finish. Glorious. This will be a keeper.

🏅Wine Spectator 94 pts
Warm, soft-edged and generally open, with a core of steeped plum, blackberry preserve and blueberry reduction flavors leading the way, backed by hints of ganache and licorice root on the finish that add a grippier feel. More bass than treble, but well-packed and should age well. 

🏅Wine Enthusiast 94 pts
This is a beautiful, luscious wine. It has all the characteristics of a fine Vintage from this producer, with richness and opulence masking powerful tannins. Here, though, is a Port that will also develop relatively quickly.

🏅Wine Advocate 92 pts
The 2018 Guimaraens Vintage Port is a field blend that comes in with 98 grams of residual sugar. It was aged in large wooden vats for approximately 18 months. This is essentially made like the Vintage Port, just not declared. That gets you a good price, if not quite the same quality. Still, this is a very fine Guimaraens, showing off good fruit and structure. It is a bit lean. It will be drinkable soon and hold for a few decades. It may not be the brightest star in 2060, but I predict it will still be alive and kicking. Still, I wouldn't quite treat this as a serious vin de garde.

🏅Jancis Robinson 17.5/20
Blackish crimson. High toned and alluring on the nose. Quite a bit of structure and something suggestive of fireworks. This is the business for a vintage port! The sort of wine that would probably have qualified as a full-blooded Fonseca vintage port a few decades ago. Peppery and fiery and yet the tannins are subsumed under the fruit. We're having steak tonight and I am tempted to drink this with it.


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