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Gianni Brunelli Brunello di Montalcino 2010 吉安尼布魯內利酒莊布魯奈羅 Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 《風土系列 - TI787A》

Gianni Brunelli Brunello di Montalcino 2010 吉安尼布魯內利酒莊布魯奈羅 Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 《風土系列 - TI787A》

⭐️ Brunello di Montalcino區最佳年份之一 - 2007 Brunello di Montalcino - 產區評分達 Vinous 96 pts
⭐️ 義大利葡萄酒的明星產區
⭐️ 精心挑選最好的葡萄園4個 Cru 混釀而成
⭐️ 2016年獲得 Wine Advocate 滿分酒
⭐️ 被 Wine Advocate 譽為尋找 Sangiovese 真理的酒莊
⭐️ 24-30個月25/30 hl 斯拉夫尼亞桶熟成
⭐️ 葡萄園有機種植管理
🏅Vinous 96pts
🏅James Suckling 95pts
🏅Wine Advocate 94pts

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Gianni Brunelli Brunello di Montalcino 2010 吉安尼布魯內利酒莊布魯奈羅 Brunello di Montalcino DOCG  《風土系列 - TI787A》

產區 / 級別 : Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 布利魯蒙塔奇諾

葡萄品種 : 100% Sangiovese 

酒精度 :  14% vol

網站介紹: https://www.giannibrunelli.it/en/gianni-brunelli/

⭐️ Brunello di Montalcino區最佳年份之一 - 2007 Brunello di Montalcino - 產區評分達 Vinous 96 pts

⭐️ 義大利葡萄酒的明星產區
⭐️ 精心挑選最好的葡萄園4個 Cru 混釀而成
⭐️ 2016年獲得 Wine Advocate 滿分酒
⭐️ 被 Wine Advocate 譽為尋找 Sangiovese 真理的酒莊
⭐️ 24-30個月25/30 hl 斯拉夫尼亞桶熟成
⭐️ 葡萄園有機種植管理

🏅Vinous 96pts

🏅James Suckling 95pts

🏅Wine Advocate 94pts

Gianni Brunelli 吉安尼布魯內利酒莊位於義大利 Montalcino 產區一家小型酒莊,酒莊的主人 Gianni Brunelli 是位酷愛藝術、美酒、美食,一切與精緻、典雅生活有關事物的鑒賞家。1987年,Gianni Brunelli回到 Montalcino 購回了父親曾經耕種的葡萄園 Le Chiuse di Sotto,並保留了1947年種植的一小塊葡萄藤至今,並成功地實現了他家人的夢想。酒標上的藝術創作被稱為“戴帽子的埃爾維拉”,這是由哈佛大學經濟學家和畫家 Richard M. Goodwin 創作的。Richard 是 Osteria Le Logge 的常客,也是 Gianni 和Laura 的密友。 這幅創作的靈感來自於 Gianni 的母親 Elvira 在廚房做飯的情景。即使在今天,“帶帽子的埃爾維拉”仍懸掛在 Osteria Le Logge 的入口處。

Gianni Brunelli 擁有5公頃的葡萄園,位於 Montalcino 的北側和東南側,其中2公頃種植 Sangiovese,而其餘的兩個半公頃是種植橄欖樹。在90年代中期,Gianni 和夫人 Laura 購買了 Podernovone,它位於 Montalcino 的東南坡地,由四個葡萄園組成4.5公頃的土地,分別是 Olmo, Oliva, Quercia, Gelso。該酒廠的所有技術和行政管理工作均由 Laura Brunelli 及其家人和員工管理。

葡萄園的土壤為沙質粘土-石灰石土壤,葡萄園裏種植了葡萄酒產區經典的傳統葡萄品種,其中紅葡萄品種有 Sangiovese, Merlot 和 Cabernet Sauvignon,種植的密度為每公頃4500株。Gianni Brunelli 所有葡萄栽培都是有機的,不使用除草劑和合成產品。葡萄來自精心挑選最好的葡萄園4個Cru混釀而成,採摘後的葡萄採用手工分揀,嚴格控制產量,於32℃浸漬12-16天,每一塊園地裏採摘下來的葡萄都分別被放入不同的不銹鋼罐中進行發酵,蘋果酸乳酸發酵後,葡萄酒將放入斯拉沃尼亞橡木桶熟成24-30個月。

🏅Vinous 96pts

Bright cherry and ripe strawberries are complemented by sweet autumnal spices and dusty florals as the 2010 Brunello di Montalcino Riserva blossoms in the glass, gaining an enriching hint of ginger cookie over time. It soothes the palate with velvety textures, as vibrant acidity and citrus-tinged berries drench the senses in primary concentration. The inner earth tones and wild herbs found within continue to add pleasurable contrasts, and grippy tannins collect toward the close. Hints of plum, brown spice and leather slowly taper off through the incredibly long finale. While still quite structured, the 2010 is just starting to wake from its long slumber, and where it will go from here is very exciting to think about.

🏅James Suckling 95pts

The aromas of iron, burnt orange, and dried cherry are compelling. Mineral undertones as well. Meat, earth. This is full body, firm and lightly toasty. Structured. This needs at least three years to soften. Muscular style as always but succulent too. Best ever from here.

🏅Wine Advocate 94pts

The 2010 Brunello di Montalcino Riserva is an impressive creation with a unique and interesting read of this classic vintage. The wine is bold and bright, with great intensity that accompanies it from start to finish. Dark cherry and blackberry find balanced contrast against layers of spice, cumin and cardamom. I mentioned the intensity but keep in mind that it is very well balanced. The wine never goes over the limit. That same fact is true of the mouthfeel. On the palate, it offers tight textural richness with more fruit flavors and bright acidity.


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