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Domaine de Marcoux 2007 瑪可酒莊 Chateauneuf du pape《風土系酒款-TF492A》

Domaine de Marcoux 2007 瑪可酒莊 Chateauneuf du pape《風土系酒款-TF492A》

🌟 Robert Parker滿分酒莊: One of my favorite estates and reference points for Chateauneuf du Pape
🌟 Jeb Dunnuck(Wine Advocate): The finest traditional cuvee ever made
🌟 2007旗艦酒滿分年份,產區評分達98分
🌟 Chateauneuf du Pape元祖家族之一
🌟 區內最早期奉行有機 + 生物動力法
🏅 Wine Advocate 95分
🏅 Vinous 93分
🏅 Wine Spectator 95分

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Domaine de Marcoux Chateauneuf du Pape 2007 瑪可酒莊《風土系酒款-TF492A》

產區 / 級別 : Chateauneuf du Pape 教皇新堡

葡萄品種 : 80% Grenache 歌海娜, 10% Mourvèdre 慕維得爾 , 7% Syrah 西拉 and 3% Cinsault 神索

酒精度 : 15% vol

網站介紹: https://www.domainedemarcoux.fr/

🌟 Robert Parker滿分酒莊: One of my favorite estates and reference points for Chateauneuf du Pape

🌟 Jeb Dunnuck(Wine Advocate): The finest traditional cuvee ever made

🌟 2007旗艦酒滿分年份,產區評分達98分

🌟 Chateauneuf du Pape元祖家族之一

🌟 區內最早期奉行有機 + 生物動力法

🏅 Wine Advocate 95分

🏅 Vinous 93分

🏅 Wine Spectator 95分

Armenier家族係非常古老嘅家族,早喺Chateauneuf du Pape仲未建村嘅時候已經存在!所以都係村嘅第一批元祖家族~但一直去到1989年先開始釀酒,由Philippe Armenier首先管理,一開始已經逐步奉行有機 + 生物動力法!擁有好多老滕!平均樹齡去到50年,當中有3-4公頃去到90年以上,最老更加去到100-110年!!亦相對傳統派,強調剩係用原生酵母,釀酒都比較少人為干預~但好快嘅6年後喺Philippe移民後就交咗畀Catherine Armenier同Sophie Estevenin兩姊妹接手.喺期間就釀出咗滿分酒Chateauneuf du Pape Vieilles Vignes(有5個年份都曾經拎過100分!),咁快上手可見佢地嘅天賦、努力同熱情~2014年到Sophie個仔Vincent Estevenin開始接管,亦無令大家失望地保持高分水準~


一定要留意嘅係2007呢個靚年就係旗艦酒拎100分嘅年份,就算呢款CDP Jeb Dunnuck都話係finest ever!又係唔可以錯過嘅CDP標誌酒莊~~

🏅Wine Advocate 95 pts

The finest traditional cuvee ever made at this estate is the 2007 Chateauneuf du Pape, which is a classic blend of 80% Grenache, 10% Mourvedre, 7% Syrah and 3% Cinsault that was harvested from the 7th to the 17th of September. Deeper, richer and more concentrated than the 2009, it offers classic notes of framboise, kirsch, black cherries, garrigue and incense in a full-bodied, multi-dimensional and layered style that just begs to be drunk. Possessing both power and elegance, it bears more than a passing resemblance to the Vieilles Vignes cuvee and will drink nicely for another decade.

🏅 Vinous 93分:

(80% grenache, 10% mourvedre, 7% syrah and 3% cinsault) Sexy, expressive scents of black raspberry, star anise, lavender and smoky minerals. Lively red and dark berry flavors are given a refreshingly bitter edge by a note of cherry skin, turning deeper and spicier with air. The finish is broad, sappy and implressively powerful, leaving sweet red and dark berry compote notes behind. This is drinking surprisingly well for such a young wine but it also has the depth to repay patience.

🏅Wine Spectator 95 pts

Round and lush up front, with a huge core of crushed plum and macerated currant fruit laid over dark tar and loam notes. Starts to strut its stuff on the back end, where plenty of Kenya AA coffee, tobacco and licorice root notes fill out the fleshy, racy finish. There's a great graphite underpinning. 

$590 /枝
也可混訂其他酒款 (非風土精選系列),全單滿6支免費送貨上門


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