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Chateau Montrose 2012 玫瑰莊園 Saint-Estephe 二級莊 《 風土系列 - TF1096A》

Chateau Montrose 2012 玫瑰莊園 Saint-Estephe 二級莊 《 風土系列 - TF1096A》

🌟1855波爾多評級列級酒莊第二級酒莊 (Deuxiemes grands crus classes)
🏅Wine Enthusiast 95 pts
🏅James Suckling 94 pts
🏅Wine Advocate 92 pts
🏅Jeb Dunnuck 92 pts
🏅Wine Spectator 92 pts
🏅Vivino 4.3

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Chateau Montrose 2012 玫瑰莊園 Saint-Estephe 二級莊 《 風土系列 - TF1096A》

產區 : Saint-Estephe 聖埃斯泰夫

葡萄品種 : 57% Cabernet Sauvignon, 37% Merlot, 5% Cabernet Franc, 1% Petit Verdot

酒精度:13% vol

🌟1855波爾多評級列級酒莊第二級酒莊 (Deuxiemes grands crus classes)

🏅Wine Enthusiast 95 pts

🏅James Suckling 94 pts

🏅Wine Advocate 92 pts

🏅Jeb Dunnuck 92 pts

🏅Wine Spectator 92 pts

🏅Vivino 4.3

【Chateau Montrose玫瑰莊園的威水史】

🔎Montrose 名字的由來,是因為葡萄園位處山坡之上並種滿了石南花,當開花的時候花會轉為粉紅色,而粉紅色在法文解作「Rose 」,當時船行經過水手見到這片粉紅色的山丘時,就稱他為 「MontRose 」,故得名Montrose 。Chateau Montrose 在1855年被評為2級莊,被公認是一支Powerful 和 Full Bodied的波爾多,酒莊原屬於 Calon Segur 一部份,在十八世紀 Etienne Dumoulin 因為Montrose葡萄園的獨特性,如位於山坡,土壤佈滿礫石,在 Etienne 眼中這塊葡萄園是在 Bordeaux 當中擁有最優越的風土條件,故最後 Dumoulin 家族寧願選擇賣走 Calon Segur ,也要保留Montrose。在 1815年之前 Montrose 還未開始釀酒,而到了1855年被評為二級莊,只短短用了40年就足以証明他自身的優越條件,當時 Montrose 成為了最年輕的列級莊。酒莊幾經轉手,最後落在 Bouyges 兄弟,因為他們曾試了1989年的Montrose 驚為天人,深深愛上了Montrose,到後來2006年真的有機會從Jean Louis Charmolue 買下了 Montrose ,並且從 Mouton Rothschild 挖角了工作40年 的HevreBerland ,繼而花了5千萬歐元翻新酒莊,並請來了在 Haut Brion 工作42年的傳奇釀酒師 Jean Bernard Delmas (在2019年去世) 監督翻新工作,最終協助酒莊在09與10年連續兩年從 Robert Parker手上最得滿分。



🔎Montrose 葡萄園佔地95公頃,位置被地理學家稱之為「Elite Cores」,這裡是數百萬年形成的複雜堆疊地質促進了圓丘的形成,享受著向河口天然排水的性能,無疑是孕育頂級名酒的理想地方。表層為混有砂土的礫質土壤,下層中粘土更為豐富,形成了一個天然存水帶,葡萄樹要在深層才能吸收到所需的水分。雖然玫瑰酒莊最大的一塊田為2公頃,最小的僅有幾公畝,但每塊田都擁有自己的個性、自己的名字、自己的表土和底土,田上葡萄樹的年齡、產量、葡萄品種和砧木都與鄰田不盡相同。

這多達100塊不同的田塊拼湊在 Montrose的葡萄酒當中,是微小風土獨立成果加總而成。為追求最優品質的葡萄,葡萄採收後先由一個九人團隊手工挑揀葡萄,除梗後,再由光學分揀機篩選,然後再由三人手工挑揀一遍。此後,葡萄果實才能被導入發酵罐,分田塊式作業延續至了釀酒車間,70個不同容量且配有溫控設施的不鏽鋼酒罐對應著每一個微小而獨特的風土。酒罐中的作業期最長不超過25日,在酒液出罐時,各個批次被分開安置,以期保留各罐葡萄酒的不同特徵,直至到了調配時間。酒渣被精心壓榨,然後被導入橡木桶中,隨後進行甄選。近60份源自不同批次的樣酒經品鑒後,會根據各自的輪廓與風格被分類,再按照每款佳釀尋求的個性完成篩選和調配。

🏅Wine Enthusiast 95 pts

Produced in the magnificent new cellars at Montrose, this big, tannic wine is powerful and concentrated. It has something of the classic severity of a wine from this estate, but that's mitigated by the ripe, generous blackberry fruitiness and the final freshness of a 2012. A great success, to drink from 2022.

🏅James Suckling 94 pts

Fascinating aromas of blackberries with cacao and buttery notes. This is a full-bodied red combining well-rounded tannins, lovely acidity and a mouth-watering finish. Yet turns firm and powerful.

🏅Wine Advocate 92 pts

It offers more fruit intensity than the 2011 Montrose with blackberry, raspberry and bilberry scents, quite backward and primal yet well defined. The aromatics almost mock you because returning after ten minutes, there are glimpses of underlying dried herb and mineral notes. The palate is medium-bodied, intense and very focused, clearly with more depth and sinew than the 2011, yet displaying impressive precision and energy on the finish, which bodes well for the long-term.

🏅Jeb Dunnuck 92 pts

A backward, masculine and inky colored effort that offers lots of dark, dark fruits, graphite, crushed rock and charred meats, the 2012 is medium to full-bodied, fresh and lively on the palate, with good acidity, plenty of tannin, yet moderate density and extract. Still, this is a beautiful wine that will reward 4-5 years of cellaring and drink nicely over the following two decades or more.

🏅Wine Spectator 92 pts

Features lively and pure blackberry, fig and plum fruit, lined with enticing singed mesquite, bramble and tar accents. The muscular, tarry finish shows a twinge of austere chalkiness, but there's ample flesh for balance.


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