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Chateau Puygueraud Blanc 佩加洛白酒 Francs Cotes de Bordeaux《醇酒系列》

Chateau Puygueraud Blanc 佩加洛白酒 Francs Cotes de Bordeaux《醇酒系列》

📜 酒款有 2013, 2014 & 2017 年選擇
🌟 神之水滴推介酒莊 ~ Puygueraud 高分白酒

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Chateau Puygueraud Blanc Francs Cotes de Bordeaux 佩加洛白酒 《醇酒系列》

產區 : Francs Cotes de Bordeaux

📜 酒款有 2013, 2014 & 2017 年選擇
🌟 神之水滴推介酒莊 ~ Puygueraud 白酒

葡萄品種 :  85% Sauvignon Blanc 長相思 ,15% Sauvignon Gris 灰蘇維
🏅 James Suckling 93 pts
🏅 Vinous 91 pts
🏅 Wine Advocate  90 pts

葡萄品種 :  50% Sauvignon Blanc 長相思 , 50% Sauvignon Gris 灰蘇維翁
🏅 JamesSucking 92 pts
🏅 Vinous 88 - 90 pts

葡萄品種 :  55% Sauvignon Blanc 長相思 , 45% Sauvignon Gris 灰蘇維翁
🏅 JamesSucking 90-91 pts

擁有Le Pin 李鵬酒王的Thienpont家族在1946年在Cote de Francs買下一片荒廢的田地,並靜候長達三十多年,在葡萄田上種植其他農作物,讓土地重生恢復並休養生息,其後在70年代才開始種植葡萄,及後 Nicolas Thienpont 接手,1983年是酒莊第一個面世年份,推出初期在巿場沒太反應,又係一本神之水滴推,讓大眾發掘到這支珍寶,一款用上30年期待與磨練的酒,加上合理價位配超強品質,風靡港日台三地酒友!值得一提,此酒釀酒顧問又係小編鐘愛之一Stephane Derenoncourt


佩加洛酒莊(Chateau Puygueraud)位於法國波爾多(Bordeaux)的佛郎克河谷(Cotes de Francs)產區,是該產區內一座知名的精品酒莊。

佩加洛酒莊是喬治·蒂安邦(Georges Thienpont)於1946年購買的酒莊,在此之前,喬治已在波美侯(Pomerol)地區收購了老色丹酒莊(Vieux Chateau Certan)。目前,佩加洛酒莊和老色丹酒莊均由蒂安邦家族(Thienpont Family)管理,其中佩加洛酒莊由尼古拉斯·蒂安邦(Nicolas Thienpont)接手管理。

佩加洛酒莊的葡萄園面積為25公頃,位於波爾多佛郎克河谷的斜坡上,西臨聖埃美隆(Saint-Emilion)產區。喬治收購了酒莊後就開始重整酒莊的葡萄園。一方面,他重整葡萄藤,將其整齊排列,同時對園內新增的砧木和克隆葡萄藤進行精挑細選,最終只留下最適合在該產區種植的葡萄藤。另一方面,他安排人員在其中一排葡萄藤之間種上小草,以保護土壤以及土壤中的微生物,然後把其他幾排藤與藤之間的土壤耙松。目前,葡萄園內主要種植著梅洛(Merlot)、赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)和品麗珠(Cabernet Franc)等葡萄品種,每棵葡萄樹的平均樹齡為30年。
每到採收季節,佩加洛酒莊便會安排人員手工採摘葡萄,然後進行葡萄篩選。篩選出來的優質葡萄會在不銹鋼罐中進行全果發酵(Whole-Berry Fermentation),經過溫和的萃取和浸漬後,其酒液會被轉移到橡木桶中進行蘋果酸-乳酸發酵(Malolactic Fermentation,簡稱為MLF)。發酵完後,酒莊還會進行酒泥陳釀,延長酒液與酒泥的接觸時間。酒液在橡木桶中熟化16至18個月,最後在酒莊內完成裝瓶。

實試紀錄 : 帶有粉筆、白花、檸檬和礦物質的氣味。酒體飽滿,帶橙皮、青檸、少許蘋果,酸度圓潤,餘味悠長。


🏅JamesSucking 93 pts

Here is a white from Bordeaux that shows so much character and minerality with salt underscoring the lemon and sliced green-pear flavors. Medium body. Vivid and energetic. Drink or hold.

🏅Vinous 91 pts

The 2017 Puygueraud Blanc is terrific. In 2017, the Blanc was fermented in neutral oak (as opposed to the more conventional steel), which gives the wine more texture and

depth than is the norm. Citrus, crushed rock, white flowers and orchard fruit. The 2017 is both powerful and also remarkably pure. Don't miss it.

🏅Wine Advocate  90 pts

Composed of 85% Sauvignon Blanc and 15% Sauvignon Gris, the Puygueraud 2017 Blanc has a vibrant nose of fresh pears, lemon curd and coriander seed with touches of

honeysuckle, lime blossoms and baking bread. Medium-bodied, the palate is chock-full of zip and zing, with a lovely satiny texture and bold freshness, finishing long and



🏅JamesSucking 92 pts

This is an electric white with white peach, melon and gunpowder. Medium bodied with a very lively acidity. Where are the oysters? More like a Loire than Bordeaux. Pure sauvignon.

🏅Vinous 88-90 pts

The 2013 Puygueraud Blanc is bright and focused to the core. Lime, white flowers, crushed rocks, mint and slate jump from the glass in the 2013 Château Puygueraud Blanc. This crisp, beautifully balanced Sauvignon Gris/Sauvignon Blanc is a great choice for drinking over the next few years. The 2013 was done mostly in steel, with a small amount (10%) in oak, while the malos were blocked.


🏅JamesSucking 90-91 pts

Impressive concentration and richness to this white with dried apples, pineapples and mango. Full and rich. This has the best grapes from here. Rich wine. Mostly sauvignon blanc but a good amount of sauvignon gris.

$120/支 (2017年)

$120/支 (2013年)

$120/支 (2014年)

可混訂其他酒款 6支免費送貨上門


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