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🌟 智利最大酒莊 CEO + Petrus 釀酒師 + 神級釀酒顧問 Michel Rolland
🌟 酒莊延遲推出的十年適飲酒 Napa 名酒,全港獨家年份
🌟 各大酒評多年大讚的優雅型頂級 Napa Cabernet Sauvignon
🏅 Decanter 94分:A beautiful mature Napa Cab
🏅 James Suckling 94分:Full-bodied, layered and very juicy and savory
🏅 Vinous 93分:Not a weighty style at all--and a lovely showing
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Quintessa Napa Valley 2010 昆塔沙酒莊 納帕谷《風土系列- TUS004》
產區 / 級別:Rutherford 盧瑟福,Napa Valley 納帕谷,USA 美國
葡萄品種:92% Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠,3% Merlot 梅洛,2% Cabernet Franc 品麗珠,2% Petit Verdot 小維多,1% Carmenere 佳美娜
🌟 智利最大酒莊 CEO + Petrus 釀酒師 + 神級釀酒顧問 Michel Rolland
🌟 酒莊延遲推出的十年適飲酒 Napa 名酒,全港獨家年份
🌟 各大酒評多年大讚的優雅型頂級 Napa Cabernet Sauvignon
🏅Connoisseurs Guide 95分
🏅Decanter 94分:A beautiful mature Napa Cab
🏅James Suckling 94分:Full-bodied, layered and very juicy and savory
🏅Vinous 93分:Not a weighty style at all--and a lovely showing
🏅Wine Advocate 93分
🏅Wine & Spirits 93分
🏅Wine Spectator 92分
昆塔沙酒莊(Quintessa)位於美國 Napa Valley Rutherford 產區,是該產區內知名酒莊。Quintessa在智利語中”Quinte”代表了”5″的意思,當 Valeria 和Agustin買下這塊葡萄園時發現,其座落於5個山丘之上,有著5種不同氣候。Scarecrow、Dana Estates、Beaulieu Vineyard BV 等名莊都是來自 Rutherford 此高質產區~
PETRUS 釀酒師 X 智利第一酒莊 CONCHA Y TORO 執行長
出生在智利聖地牙哥的 Agustin Huneeus 在進入葡萄酒行業後,於1960年在Concha y Toro 擔任首席執行官。在他的領導下, Concha y Toro 發展成為智利最大的酒莊。1971年,由於智利的“difficult political climate”,Agustin 離開了家鄉。隨後,他加入 Seagram Company Ltd.,負責該公司包括美國在內的全球 7 個國家的葡萄酒業務。1977 年,他創建了 Noble Vineyard,後來又收購了 Livermore Valley 的 Concannon Vineyard。
1990年,Agustin 及其 Valeria 共同創建了 Quintessa。Valeria Huneeus 是一位葡萄裁培學家,擁有生物化學博士學位。在 Napa Valley 為的幾家著名酒莊工作後,他們於 1989 年找到了後來成為 Quintessa 酒莊的地方。這塊土地以前沒有種植過葡萄樹,因此 Huneeus 可以按照自己的喜好種植。酒莊位於 Napa Valley 著名產區 Rutherford 的心臟地帶。Agustin 以獨具的慧眼認識到這片未被開發的連綿起伏的丘陵擁有許多不同的小氣候、豐富的土壤和生物的多樣性,非常適合建造一個偉大的葡萄酒莊園。於是,他們定居於此,並開發建設了葡萄園和酒莊,同時邀請了 Chateau Petrus 的釀酒師也是 Agustin 的好友 – Jean Claude Berrouet 當顧問。他在自家同樣是 Napa 的酒莊 Dominus 已有豐富的 Napa 經驗。
Quintessa 酒莊共有 280 畝葡萄園,其中 170 畝種植著經典的波爾多葡萄品種,分為 26 塊小葡萄園,有 129 畝的土地種植著Cabernet Sauvignon,有 26 畝的土地種植著Merlot,有7畝的土地種植著 Cabernet Franc,有 4 畝的土地種植著Petit Verdot,還有 4 畝的土地種植著Carmenere。酒莊的葡萄園位於一個山谷、一個湖泊、一條河流、五座山交匯的地方,擁有特殊的微氣候,園中土壤類型多樣,動植物資源豐富。
酒莊葡萄園海拔不超過500英尺,其園中土壤是由沖積土組成,主要是礫石和砂質壤土,具有良好的排水性。由於坐落於Napa Valley的最寬處,所以葡萄園每天都能享受到充沛的日照,園中的氣候相當溫和。春季的三、四月間夜晚較寒冷,夏季白天溫暖夜晚涼爽,非常有利於葡萄充分成熟,年平均降水量為26-36英寸。
65 公頃的葡萄園能細分五種風土,再精細至 26 個葡萄園區塊再極致到 85 個採收點!只求所有葡萄都能完美成熟~還要全部都奉行極需要人力物力的生物動力法!以人手採收再光學篩選,30 天長時間不鏽鋼桶浸漬,以天然酵母發酵,最後在 100% 法國桶陳熟 20 個月,85% 新桶來自 Loire 河北面的樹林,中高烘烤度,帶出細緻單寧!
2010年後找來現任著名的「飛行釀酒師」Michel Rolland 擔任釀酒顧問,值得一提的是美國頂級酒款 Screaming Eagle 也是他的作品!頂級陣容就成就了另一間 Napa 傳奇 - Quintessa~
Quintessa 同時獲選 2022、2019 James Suckling 年度 100 大葡萄酒款之中。2002 年,Quintesse 特別聘請了三藩市沃克華納建築師為酒莊特別設計了一座具有現代化外觀的釀酒廠,其優美的月牙形設計反映出 Agustin 和 Valeria 渴望用一個不顯眼的結構,將酒莊完美地融入到自然的環境中。這座現代化的釀酒廠擁有最先進的釀酒設備和最新的釀酒技術。酒廠裏擁適合釀酒的法國橡木桶和不銹鋼發酵罐,可以為葡萄酒增加複雜性和微妙的混合度。
雖是由出名釀出濃身酒的 Michel Rolland 擔任釀酒顧問,但卻不同於加州酒的豐滿濃郁,多位酒評都曾讚賞其優雅感~著名酒評家 Robert Parker 就曾屢次稱讚 Quintessa 相當高雅;而 Wine Spectator 更讚譽 Quintessa 是"殿堂級的波爾多風格 Rutherford"。連 2010 這 Wine Advocate 產區評分達 95 分的大好年份 Vinous 也說完全不厚重!一試 Napa Cab Cabernet Sauvignon 的優雅程度~
Winemaker Charles Thomas: A beautiful deep ruby color reveals bright black cherry, cola and warm spice aromas mingledwith white chocolate, delicate floral layers and a creme brulee vanilla note from the sweet oakGenerous forward fruit and a supple, silky texture enrobe the palate with cola and nutmegnotes filling out deeply layered black fruit flavors. The finish is rich, dense and refined, liftedby ample lingering fruit.
🏅Connoisseurs Guide 95分:
Striking in its impressions of winemaking polish right from the start with a fine fit of lively, very deep fruit and sympathetic sweet oak, the 2010 Quintessa hits all the right varietal marks and earns an extra tip of the hat for its altogether impeccable sense of balance. It is so refined and tasty, in fact, that we can see how it will surely tempt early drinking, but, like all top-level Cabernet Sauvignons, it will show much more with age, and we urge that it be allowed to rest for no fewer than six to eight years.
🏅Decanter 94分:
At 10 years old the colour is just starting to show amber and brick edging. The aromatics also are smudging into blackberry, liquorice and truffle. This is very much at its plateau for drinking, with soft and welcoming campfire notes and the energy just starting to dip a little from the last time I tasted this wine two years ago. A beautiful mature Napa Cab.
🏅James Suckling 94分:
Takes on a lot of chocolate, walnut and herb aromas. Full-bodied, layered and very juicy and savory. Toasted oak, coffee and tobacco. Delicious finish. Holding on nicely.
🏅Wine Advocate 93分:
The 2010 Proprietary Red Wine continues to drink well, showing just a slight color change at the rim. Representing a different winemaking team than current efforts (and a relatively cool vintage), it's a crisp, streamlined effort, with cigar box notes tightly framing cherry fruit, a silky feel and a lingering, mouthwatering finish.
🏅Vinous 93分:
Full medium ruby. Pretty, claret-like aromas of dark raspberry, flowers, mocha, tobacco and bay leaf. Suave and fine-grained on entry, then juicy and still a bit tight in the middle palate, offering lovely inner-mouth aromatic lift and savory herbal complexity, plus a complicating hint of brown spices. Showing no easy sweetness, but builds subtly on the vibrant back half, finishing with firm, harmonious tannins and rising perfume. Not a weighty style at all--and a lovely showing.
🏅Wine & Spirits 93分:
As luscious and luxurious as this wine may be, it has transparency to its flavors and a cool feel that keeps the fruit feeling fresh rather than superripe. The core of the blend comes from the center of this 280-acre estate, where the soils are gravel over rhyolite. The vineyards are planted on a series of hills between the Silverado Trail and the Napa River; the eastern hills of the property are white volcanic ash over rhyolite and the western side of the property is the kind of alluvial soil that’s more typical of Rutherford. Charles Thomas culled more than 10 percent of the fruit to diminish the impact of the heat wave in 2010 and ended with a finely ripened wine with the flavor of fat black cherries. The fruit meets firm, precise tannins in a dark and spicy Cabernet with drive. For roast duck.
🏅Wine Spectator 92分:
Pure, rich and supple, with a mix of mocha, dark berry, cedar and black licorice notes, all coming together on the finish. The tannins keep the reverberating flavors in check.