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Stag's Leap Wine Cellars FAY Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 鹿躍酒莊仙女園赤霞珠紅酒 Napa Valley 《風土系酒款 - TUS863》

Stag's Leap Wine Cellars FAY Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 鹿躍酒莊仙女園赤霞珠紅酒 Napa Valley 《風土系酒款 - TUS863》

⭐Napa Valley 的頂級酒莊
⭐Stag's Leap曾在舉世聞名的1976年Judgment of Paris盲品大賽中擊敗Chateau Mouton-Rothschild和Chateau Haut-Brion酒莊, 把美國加州酒的名聲推向高峰
🏅Robert Parker 95pts
🏅Vinous 95pts
🏅Wine Enthusiast 91pts
🏅Decanter 91pts
🏅Wine & Spirits 90pts
🏅Jancis Robinson 17+/20pts
🏅Vivino 4.4

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Stag's Leap Wine Cellars FAY Cabernet Sauvignon 2013 鹿躍酒莊仙女園赤霞珠紅酒 Napa Valley 《風土系酒款 - TUS863》

產區 / 級別 : Napa Valley 納帕谷

葡萄品種 : 100% Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠

酒精度 : 14.5% vol

釀酒師:Marcus Notaro

網站介紹: https://www.stagsleapwinecellars.com/

⭐Napa Valley 的頂級酒莊

⭐Stag's Leap曾在舉世聞名的1976年Judgment of Paris盲品大賽中擊敗Chateau Mouton-Rothschild和Chateau Haut-Brion酒莊, 把美國加州酒的名聲推向高峰

⭐Stag's Leap的頂級酒款Cask 23更是美國國宴專用酒款

🏅Robert Parker 95pts

🏅Vinous 95pts

🏅Wine Enthusiast 91pts

🏅Decanter 91pts

🏅Wine & Spirits 90pts

🏅Jancis Robinson 17+/20pts

🏅Vivino 4.4

FAY仙女園葡萄園是鹿躍酒廠發跡的地方。葡萄園成立於1961年,是Stags Leap產區第一個種植赤霞珠的葡萄園,現今為酒莊歷史最悠久的赤霞珠葡萄園。當時,普遍傳統觀念認為那個地區太冷並不適合種植Cab,然而事實證明,FAY葡萄園可稱加州最偉大的葡萄園之一!因園內多沖積土,使得葡萄不但擁有豐厚的濃郁度及結構,更帶有迷人的紅色漿果香氣。另外,由於釀成的葡萄酒都是在法國橡木桶裡調配及熟成,因此口感較為古典、細緻;整體風格柔美卻不鬆軟,柔中帶剛的氣勢表現、誠如莊主所言:「戴著絲絨手套的鐵拳,唯有被他一擊後才知其威力!


Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars(鹿躍酒莊)由 Warren Winiarski 創立於1970年,數十年來享有國際級的肯定愛戴,被認為是 NapaValley 的一級酒莊。Stag’s LeapWine Cellars 因在1976年著名的Paris Judgment中以其S.L.VCabernet Sauvignon 贏得紅葡萄酒盲品首位而聞名於世。 

1976524日,在巴黎盲評品酒會上,Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars 釀造的1973 Cabernet Sauvignon 23號桶一舉奪得評委會頭獎,以127.5 分的總分領先於1970 年份的Chateau Mouton-Rothschild(木桐莊)及1970年份 Chateau Haut-Brion(奧比昂酒莊)釀酒,改變了世界對加州葡萄酒的看法。而這一殊榮,也讓1970年剛剛在 Napa Valley 創立的 Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars 順利躋身世界一流酒莊之列。

根據氣候與土壤不同,酒莊葡萄園種植有紅、白葡萄,主要品種包含Cabernet SauvignonMerlotRiesling Chardonnay。而其於 2000年落成的酒窖,則由巴賽隆納 Javier Barba 設計,佔地超過 34000平方英尺,可存近 6000桶酒。此外全球僅有的 50件珍品之一,象徵著時間流逝、葡萄酒日益成熟的Foucault's Pendulum 亦位於酒窖中心。


雖然也釀造白葡萄酒,但酒莊最擅長的酒款還是23號桶紅葡萄酒。這些經過初級釀造的紅酒,需要經過層層篩選,才能成為23號桶的釀造原料。也因為其卓越表現,1996年,美國史密森國家博物館將曾經斬獲巴黎盲評品酒會的 1973 S.L.V Cabernet Sauvignon 收入系統中的美國歷史館。

🏅RobertParker 95pts

The 2013 Cabernet Sauvignon FayEstate-Grown comes from a vineyard established by Nathan Fay in 1961. Beautifulblackcurrant, floral-infused fruit jumps from the glass of this denseruby/purple wine. There are some loamy underpinnings of soil, but the wine ismedium to full-bodied, beautifully fruited, with great texture, and terrificpurity and personality. This is a serious and beautiful wine to drink over thenext 20-25 years, if not longer.



Rich, ample and seductive, the 2013Cabernet Sauvignon Fay is impressive. Ripe, noble tannins, bright red-tonedfruit and notable creaminess give the Fay its air of total sophistication. The2013 vintage produced mostly huge, structured wines, but if there is oneCabernet I might be tempted to open a bit on the early side, the Fay might beit. Once again, the sheer gracefulness of Fay speaks with eloquence.


🏅Wine Enthusiast91pts

Smooth, chalky tannin supports deep, darklayers of tar, black currant and savory peppercorn, within a context of bakedplum. Full bodied, the wine is also round and easy to love, with supportivestructure making it a worthwhile bottle from the stellar appellation.


This has a discreet blackcurrant and blackberry nose with bright and freshherbal notes in the background. The palate has a sharp graphite element,velvety mouthfeel and sweet integrated tannins, as well as having warm bakedplum pie flavours.


🏅Wine& Spirits 90pts

The gentle structure of Fay Vineyard fruitdoesn’t carry the power and weight of the 2013 vintage as dynamically as theS.L.V. (recommended above). This wine’s delicate scents of strawberry anddarker purple-fruit flavors are completely surrounded by oak for now, layeredinto the dark tannins of the vintage. Give it cellar time for the fruit toemerge.


🏅JancisRobinson 17+/20pts

Imposing oak spice on the nose, and glossy,sweet black cherry fruit on the palate. Finely buffed tannins, plush texture,high acid. No doubting its credentials as a well-endowed Napa Cabernet, butthere’s no sign of bottle development at this stage.

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