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Chateau Bourgneuf 2011 Pomerol 布聶夫堡 《風土系列 - TF509B》

Chateau Bourgneuf 2011 Pomerol 布聶夫堡 《風土系列 - TF509B》

🌟 年產只有2000箱﹐產量極少!
🌟 Wine Spectator : A Power Style of Pomerol
🌟 Vinous : Anexcellent Bourgneuf !
🏅 James Suckling 91pts
🏅 Wine Enthusiast 90-92 pts
🏅 Wine Spectator 90 pts
🏅 Vinous 89 pts

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Chateau Bourgneuf 2011 Pomerol 布聶夫堡《風土系列-TF509B》

產區 : Pomerol 波美侯

葡萄品種 : 90%Merlot 梅洛、10%Cabernet Franc 品麗珠


🌟 年產只有2000箱﹐產量極少!
🌟 Wine Spectator : A Power Style of Pomerol 
🌟 Vinous : Anexcellent Bourgneuf !
🏅 James Suckling 91pts
🏅 Wine Enthusiast 90-92 pts
🏅 Wine Spectator 90 pts
🏅 Vinous 89 pts

波美侯Pomerol - 波爾多右岸以優異風土條件﹐小規模生產高質葡萄酒而聞名的地區。 Chateau Bourgneuf 座落於波美侯高地核心﹐能長期受到陽光照耀﹐並直接與波美侯名莊 Chateau Trotanoy 接壤,面積約9公頃。園內土壤由黏土、沙質粘土與礫石構成﹐除擁有良好的保温性、排水性外﹐也完整地提供了釀酒葡萄生長所需要的各種養分。

自1840年﹐Chateau Bourgneuf 由Vayron 家族接手管理,如今已經繼承至第8代,這個家族近這兩百年來,對這塊美好而獨特的土地﹐以傑出製酒技術與追求革新進步的態度﹐灌注他們血脈不斷流動的那股對葡萄酒產業的熱愛。

園內葡萄種植比例為90% Merlot、10% Cabernet Franc 。自2007年起,莊園為了更準確的理解葡萄與土壤之間的關係,引進農業科學分析技術,以利耕作、收成、釀酒。並因應每年份的氣候狀態之一,莊園採用人工採收葡萄,盡可能在最適合的時間﹐採收最高質的葡萄。釀酒仍以一絲不苟的態度﹐逐粒揀選,以輕力進行破皮﹐才能萃取優雅郤富含勁道的單寧。接著在控温混凝土槽中﹐以手動進行淋汁發酵 (Pump-over)﹐比起踩皮發酵 (Punch-over) 效率較低,但成本變高而且能產出酒莊認定的理由酒款

以Merlot 為主導,有濃郁的紅莓、黑櫻桃和李子的果香並伴隨著優雅的花香,同時輔以焦糖、巧克力、薄荷、泥土和礦物質的氣息。單寧絲滑,口感圓潤。酒體結構優雅,層次豐富,餘味悠長。


🏅 James Suckling 91pts
A wine with a pretty ripe-fruit character and ripe, chewy tannins. Some toasted oak as well. I think it needs another two or three years to soften the tannins and bring it all together. Serious 2011 Pomerol.

🏅 Wine Enthusiast 90-92 pts
Aromas of new wood mark this wine. On the palate, the tannins are gentle, with flavors of ripe black plum, nutmeg and milk chocolate. 

🏅 Wine Spectator 90 pts
On the chewy side, with ganache and Black Forest cake notes leading the way, followed by loam, plum sauce, roasted fig and singed alder flavors that form the core and finish. Should drop the chewy edge quickly enough. The core of fruit has a bursting feel. 

🏅 Vinous 89 pts
Bright medium ruby. High-pitched aromas of fresh blackcurrant, blueberry and minerals are accented by an extremely intense violet perfume. Sweet, dense and plush, but with very good inner-mouth lif to the dark fruit and spice favors. Finishes with fine-grained tannins and lingering floral and blackcurrant flavors. Very successful for the vintage.


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