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Clos Rene 2016 Pomerol 克羅倫酒莊 《風土系酒款 - TF1164》

Clos Rene 2016 Pomerol 克羅倫酒莊 《風土系酒款 - TF1164》

🌟 Pomerol 產區歷史最悠久的酒莊之一
🌟 25% 新的法國橡木桶中陳釀 18 個月
🏅 James Suckling 92 pts
🏅 Vinous 92 pts
🏅 Jeb Dunnuck 91 pts
🏅 Wine Advocate 89-91 pts
🏅 Vivino 4.2

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Clos Rene 2016 Pomerol 克羅倫酒莊 《風土系酒款 - TF1164》

產區 / 級別:Pomerol

葡萄品種:60% Merlot , 30% Cabernet Franc , 10% Malbec


Winemaker : Denis Durantou

🌟 Pomerol 產區歷史最悠久的酒莊之一

🌟 25% 新的法國橡木桶中陳釀 18 個月

🏅 James Suckling 92 pts

🏅 Vinous 92 pts

🏅 Jeb Dunnuck 91 pts

🏅 Wine Advocate 89-91 pts

🏅 Vivino 4.2

Clos Rene 克羅倫酒莊位於法國波爾多產區的 Pomerol 產區,是該產區內歷史最悠久的酒莊之一。Clos Rene 酒莊最早的歷史記錄可以追溯至 18 世紀時期,酒莊成立於 1734 年,當時採用的外文名字為"Reney" 。1880 年,Clos Rene 酒莊對酒標圖案稍微進行了修改,在酒標圖案中添加了原始的酒莊建築圖。20 世紀 40 年代,在較長一段時間內酒莊為 Pierre Lasserre 所有,負責經營和管理。如今, Clos Rene 酒莊為 Garde 家族與 Lasserre 家族共同所有。

Clos Rene 酒莊是 Pomerol 產區內最晚開始自行裝瓶的酒莊之一。20 世紀早期,Pomerol 產區的許多酒莊都是將釀好的葡萄酒置入大容量的橡木桶中,運送至專門裝瓶的地點,再由專門負責裝瓶的商家進行灌裝。到 1970 年,這一做法已基本消失在人們的視野中,取而代之的各個酒莊紛紛在酒莊內自行裝瓶。而 Clos Rene 酒莊直到 20 世紀 90 年代中後期才開始實行在酒莊內裝瓶。

Clos Rene 酒莊目前的葡萄園面積為 12 公頃,其中有 70% 的土地用於種植 Merlot,有 20% 的土地種植著 Cabernet Franc,還有 10% 的土地種植著 Malbec。這 10% 的 Malbec 種植面積,使得 Clos Rene 酒莊成為 Pomerol 乃至波爾多右岸地區最大的 Malbec 種植戶。葡萄園內這些葡萄的平均樹齡為 35 年,種植密度為每公頃 5500 株。園內的土壤以礫質和沙質壤土為主,土壤內含有一些鐵類礦物質。

Clos Rene 酒莊在傳統的具有溫控功能的水泥發酵罐中採用蘋果酸乳酸發酵法進行發酵,發酵得來的葡萄酒會置入 25% 新的法國橡木桶中陳釀 18 個月左右,最後在酒莊內裝瓶。酒莊出產的 Clos Rene  Pomerol, France 酒體飽滿,果香濃郁,層次豐富,帶有成熟漿果、烤土司、煙草和咖啡的風味,單寧如絲般柔順,平衡性良好。

🏅 James Suckling 92 pts

A very attractive wine with a wealth of quite concentrated fruit aromas and flavors. This has deep-set plums and a swathe of earthy, crushed violets. Good depth and freshness here.

🏅 Vinous 92 pts

The 2016 Clos Rene is an absolutely delicious Pomerol to drink now and over the next handful of years.  Pliant andforward, the 2016 offers quite a bit of raciness and succulence in its red cherry fruit, espresso and mint.

🏅 Jeb Dunnuck 91 pts

The ruby/purple-hued 2016 Clos René is a charming, pleasure-bent effort that has good richness and depth in its dark fruits, black raspberries, tobacco leaf, and background oak. It’s charming, mouthfilling, and totally satisfying.

🏅 Wine Advocate 89-91 pts

The 2016 Clos Rene has a light, rather clayey bouquet, moderate definition and perhaps missing the tension and energy of some of its peers. The palate is better with light tannin and pretty blackberry and bilberry fruit, a touch of truffle developing towards the finish that evidences some carefully integrated oak. It is not a long-term Pomerol, but it is well crafted and should drink well for a decade or so.


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