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Chateau Dauzac 2010 都薩克酒莊 Margaux 五級酒莊《風土系列-TF487A 》

Chateau Dauzac 2010 都薩克酒莊 Margaux 五級酒莊《風土系列-TF487A 》

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一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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Chateau Dauzac 2010 都薩克酒莊 (五級酒莊) Margaux 《風土系列-TF487A 》

🌍 產區 : Margaux 瑪歌,Bordeaux 波爾多,France 法國 

🍇 葡萄品種 : 65% Cabernet Sauvignon, 35% Merlot

🍷 酒精度:13.5%

網站介紹: http://www.chateaudauzac.com/


⭐️Robert Parker和WA團隊一致認為2010年比2009年更優雅, 屬於更典型的瑪歌區出品

⭐️Robert Parker 曾高度評價 2009年 的 Dauzac "何曾有如此精彩?Has Dauzac ever made a wine this good?"

⭐️ 波爾多專家Stephen Brook 評定 "Dauzac是實力被嚴重低估的酒莊! Dauzac has been seriously underrated."

⭐️ 波爾多1855分級評級為五級莊 

⭐️ 著名釀酒顧名 Eric Boissenot

🏅Wine Advocate 91+ pts

🏅James Suckling 91 pts

🏅Vinous 90 pts

🏅Wine Spectator 90 pts

酒莊歷史可以追溯到1545年已經有葡萄種植紀錄,同好多波爾多酒莊一樣,中間經歷多次轉手,當中幾次比較有趣嘅有:1686年被Pierre Drouillard買人後同Lynch Bages家族一齊建立咗Dauzac,Pierre過生後Dauzac仲畀Lynch Bages家族嘅Jean-Baptiste Lynch接管咗一段時間、1841年被Wiebroocks家族短暫持有但保證咗五級莊嘅地位、1863年賣咗畀當時擁有Ducru Beaucaillou嘅Johnston家族,為Dauzac帶嚟咗黃色嘅酒標、30年代因為大蕭條將酒莊拍賣咗畀雪榚製造商Jean-Jacques Bernat,將雪榚嘅控溫概念帶咗入嚟波爾多、最後喺1989年被保險集團MAIF買入持續將酒莊現代化。

除咗設備同技術上嘅一般翻新之外,Dauzac近年開始冒起嘅原因都因為酒莊跟得相當貼,力求進步同時敢於創新!首先請嚟Lafite, Latour等一級莊嘅嘅釀酒顧問Eric Boissenot提升酒質!咗令發酵過程更加精準,酒莊同桶商研發咗有一條雙層透明板嘅木桶去觀察住發酵,令一級莊Mouton都爭相仿效~酒莊亦致力用野生酵母釀酒,喺葡萄園設置蜂箱同樹籬維持生物多樣性,轉用植物澄清物喺2016成為第一間獲得素食相關認證嘅列級莊,2017年全面轉為生物動力法,喺2021年仲推出一款用生物動力法 + 100% 無接枝過嘅Cabernet Sauvignon款!真係走在潮流尖端!!


首先被波爾多專家Stephen Brook認同:Dauzac has been seriously underrated.

再喺2017年被世上第一本葡萄酒雜誌,被譽為葡萄酒聖經嘅La Revue du Vin de France評為Margaux區第三!環顧James Suckling 近年18、19、20評分都無低過94分!! 2010超靚年份加上現在成熟適飲,現在開就可以飲到酒莊的高峰狀態~

🌟 約50%新桶陳熟約12個月

🏅 Wine Advocate 91+分:

The 2010 Château Dauzac, a blend of 65% Cabernet Sauvignon and 35% Merlot, has a well-defined, precise bouquet with blackcurrant, cedar and just a touch of brown sugar. I find more "Margaux" expression here than on the 2009. The palate is medium-bodied with crisp tannins, very well balanced with more finesse than the 2009. There is so much to like about the 2010: less austere than many of its peers, precise with a tender, silky finish. This is excellent and it has the capacity to age for 15 to 20 years without too much problem.


🏅Wine Advocate 91+ pts

Tastedat the vertical retrospective at the property. The 2010 Château Dauzac, a blendof 65% Cabernet Sauvignon and 35% Merlot, has a well-defined, precise bouquetwith blackcurrant, cedar and just a touch of brown sugar. I find more"Margaux" expression here than on the 2009. The palate ismedium-bodied with crisp tannins, very well balanced with more finesse than the2009. There is so much to like about the 2010: less austere than many of itspeers, precise with a tender, silky finish. This is excellent and it has thecapacity to age for 15 to 20 years without too much problem. Tasted June 2015.

🏅James Suckling 91 pts

Adense and powerful red with lots of ripe and exotic fruit. Good dose of woodtoo. Full body, round and chewy. A little old school.

 🏅Vinous 90 pts

Brightmedium ruby. Youthfully medicinal aromas of blackberry and licorice. Dense,sweet and deep, with a distinctly tangy quality to the fruit-driven flavors ofblueberry, boysenberry and licorice. Not the last word in complexity butfinishes with sweet tannins and a light touch. Nicely done.


🏅Wine Spectator 90 pts

Aforward red, with soft-edged blueberry, blackberry and plum compote notes lacedwith sweet toasted spice and backed by a plush edge on the finish. Shows ampledepth on the back end, offering a well-embedded tarry hint and a flash ofsinged mesquite that should emerge more with cellaring. Rather polished forMargaux. Best from 2014 through 2024.

$520 /支
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