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Clos des Jacobins 2018 雅科賓酒莊 Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classe《風土系酒款 - TF527A 》

Clos des Jacobins 2018 雅科賓酒莊 Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classe《風土系酒款 - TF527A 》

⭐ 名莊主釀酒顧問Hubert de Bouard
⭐ 64家 Grand Cru Classe 聖埃美隆列級莊之一
⭐ 18個月木桶
🏅James Suckling 94pts
🏅Vinous 93pts
🏅Decanter 92 pts
🏅Robert Parker Wine Advocate 91pts
🏅Jeb Dunnuck 90 pts

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Clos des Jacobins 2018 雅科賓酒莊 Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classe《風土系酒款 - TF527A 》

產區 : Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classe 聖埃美列級莊

葡萄品種 : 80% Merlot 梅洛,18% Cabernet Franc 品麗珠, 2% Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠


⭐ 名莊主釀酒顧問Hubert de Bouard
⭐ 64家 Grand Cru Classe 聖埃美隆列級莊之一
⭐ 18個月木桶

🏅James Suckling  94pts

🏅Vinous 93pts

🏅Decanter 92 pts

🏅Robert Parker Wine Advocate 91pts

🏅Jeb Dunnuck 90 pts

雅科賓酒莊(Clos des Jacobins)位於法國波爾多聖埃美隆(Saint-Emilion)產區中心的一個中世紀村莊的入口處,這片葡萄園坐落在山腳下,享有良好的地理環境。是聖埃美隆列級莊(Saint-Emilion GrandCru Classe)之一。

Clos des Jacobins的歷史可追溯至17世紀。在當時,被稱作“Jacobins”的多米尼亞僧侶住在聖埃美隆村莊的郊外,他們常用村舍招待過往的朝聖者。這些“Jacobins”們在村裡種植葡萄,釀造出來的葡萄酒成了他們的主要收入來源。


2004年,Decoster家族購買了該酒莊,同年一同購入騎士莊園(Chateau La Commanderie),他們將酒莊的酒窖修葺一新,而2006年,新的品酒室和接待室也已完工。酒莊由Thibaut Decoster 和   Magili Decoster 夫婦經營。2017年初,Thibaut 夫婦又買下   Chateau de Candale 和   Chateau Roc de Candale,這兩座酒莊皆位於Saint-Emilion 產區,總面積達13公頃。


酒莊聘請了金鐘酒莊(Chateau Angelus )莊主Hubert de Bouard 擔任顧問,指導葡萄酒的釀造以及葡萄園的管理。在   Hubert de Bouard 的幫助下,酒莊葡萄園的葡萄藤得到重整,排水、釀酒設備等也進行了改進。一系列措施使得酒莊的葡萄酒品質大幅提升。正是這種虛心學習而又不計成本的態度,Clos des Jacobins 莊不僅已經使用了光學挑選機器來挑選葡萄,還新添了冷藏室。


葡萄成熟後,會由工人手工採摘下來,放入小木箱中運至釀酒車間。所有釀酒葡萄經光學篩選後,放入橡木桶中發酵。蘋果酸-乳酸發酵(Malolactic Fermentation)在新橡木桶中進行。發酵完成的酒液會在橡木桶中陳釀18個月,其中新桶比例達75%。酒莊每年大約生產4,0005,000箱紅葡萄酒,由於其土壤條件,該酒莊大部分葡萄酒都是梅洛(Merlot),較其他酒莊的酒而言,口感更為柔順且更適合早期飲用。此外,該酒莊還生產副牌酒——Prieur des Jacobins

🏅James Suckling  94pts

The 2018 Clos des Jacobins is absolutely gorgeous. Soft, supple and beautifully textured, the 2018 shows off its stylish personality with real aplomb. Succulent dark cherry, mocha, espresso, spice and gravel meld together in a creamy Saint-Émilion that is a real pleasure to taste today. A kiss of well-judged French oak lingers on the persistent finish.


🏅Vinous 93pts

The 2018 Clos des Jacobins is absolutely gorgeous. Soft, supple and beautifully textured, the 2018 shows off its stylish personality with real aplomb. Succulent dark cherry, mocha, espresso, spice and gravel meld together in a creamy Saint-Emilion that is a real pleasure to taste today. A

kiss of well-judged French oak lingers on the persistent finish.

🏅Decanter 92 pts

Deep garnet-purple colored, the 2018 Clos des Jacobins needs a little swirling to unlock notions of blackberry pie, black raspberries and mulberries with hints of wild sage, cast-iron pan and charcoal plus a waft of tobacco leaf. The medium to full-bodied palate delivers bags of herb infused black fruits, with an approachable, grainy texture and fantastic freshness, finishing long and earthy.

🏅Wine Advocate 91pts

The 2018 Clos Des Jacobins is another ripe, concentrated, sexy wine in the vintage. Notes of smoked black fruits, tobacco, chocolate, and scorched earth all emerge from the glass, and it’s medium to full-bodied, with a rich, mouthfilling texture, ripe tannins, and a good finish. Everything is in the right place, I like its balance, and it should keep for a good decade. I’d give bottles a few years in the cellar to integrate some of its oak, which emerges more with time in the glass.

💰 $330 / 支

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