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Chateau La Lagune 2016 拉拉娟酒莊 Haut-Medoc 375ml《醇酒系列 - FH070A》

Chateau La Lagune 2016 拉拉娟酒莊 Haut-Medoc 375ml《醇酒系列 - FH070A》

🏅James Suckling 94-95 pts
🏅Wine Advocate 93-95 pts
🏅Vinous 93 pts
🏅Jeb Dunnuck 92 pts

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Chateau La Lagune 2016 拉拉娟酒莊 Haut-Medoc 375ml《醇酒系列 - FH070A》

產區 : Haut-Medoc
葡萄品種 : 60% Cabernet Sauvignon、35% Merlot、5% Petit Verdot

🏅James Suckling 94-95 pts

🏅Wine Advocate 93-95 pts

🏅Vinous 93 pts

🏅Jeb Dunnuck 92 pts


🔎1855年被評為上梅多克的三級酒莊,小編梗係要將女神Caroline 和她的酒放在一起😍,酒莊在1700’s 開始,由Seze家族管理了幾代,近代由於經濟問題在1962年轉讓到擁有Champagne Ayala 酒莊的Ducellier 家族,及後在2000年兩家酒莊同時被賣到現今莊主來自瑞士金融集團的Frey家族手中,酒莊同時間也買入了隆河神級酒莊Jaboulet ,2004年由取得波爾多釀酒學位的女兒 Caroline Frey 接管Chateau La Lagune 的釀酒工作,在Caroline帶領下將酒莊的名聲與質量推向高峰,酒莊葡萄園目前佔地82公頃,在沖積土壤之上並且擁有豐富礦物質,而且酒莊微氣候較溫暖,故使一般她都比同產區鄰居更早採收,酒莊樹齡平均三十年,但部份小維多樹齡達到80年以上釀造後陳熟18個月在法國橡木桶,有一半以上是新桶,La Lagune 打破了一貫Haut Medoc 的酒風,偏向更女性化的演繹,新鮮的水果氣息,並沒有粗獷的味道,而更像瑪歌的細膩,想一試這位女神歷來最佳年份的表現,今次就唔好錯過啦

🏅James Suckling 94-95 pts

This is wonderful and perhaps the best La Lagune since 1982. Full body, yet the texture is amazing giving it a plush, silky texture that makes it formed and beautiful. Thick and melting in the mouth. Lots of forest floor, tar and black currant character. Very persistent finish. Energy. From organically grown grapes.

🏅Wine Advocate 93-95 pts

At least for this writer, the 2016 La Lagune is a return to form after their 2015 did not light my fire last en primeur. Lucid purple/black in color, it has a very intense bouquet with blackberries and sloes, whilst maintaining delineation and focus, almost pastille-like in style. The palate is medium-bodied with quite firm tannin, perhaps just a little brittle on the entry, though it is commensurate with others 2016s that I tasted in barrel. I appreciate the focus and the "correctness" of this La Lagune, notwithstanding the freshness and tension that defines the persistent finish. This is a long-term wine, so do not be afraid to give this four or five years in the cellar. This is an excellent La Lagune, one of the best in recent years.

🏅Vinous 93 pts

The 2016 La Lagune has a classic tobacco and cedar bouquet with fine delineation and nicely integrated oak. The medium-bodied palate offers gentle grip on the entry and plenty of tarry black fruit. A touch of mint emerges toward the linear but impressively focused finish. I like the vivacity and penetration here. This should drink well over the next two decades.

🏅Jeb Dunnuck 92 pts

This is a great vintage for this terrific Haut-Médoc estate, and the 2016 Château La Lagune is well worth a case purchase. Complex notes of dark fruits, cedar, cigar tobacco, and hints of saddle leather all flow to a medium to full-bodied, perfectly balanced 2016 that has sweet tannins and a great finish. It will keep for 25-30 years.


可混訂其他酒款, 🚚6支免費送貨上門


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