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Chateau Leoville Barton 2008 巴頓莊園 Saint Julien 二級莊《風土系酒款 - TF539 》

Chateau Leoville Barton 2008 巴頓莊園 Saint Julien 二級莊《風土系酒款 - TF539 》

⭐️1855波爾多評級列級酒莊第二級酒莊 (Deuxieme Grands Cru Classe)

⭐️Wine Spectator 2019 Top 100 排名第一

⭐️源於與二級莊雄獅 Leoville Las Cases, 波菲Leoville Poyferre屬同一園地

⭐️Wine Searcher: Best-Value Wines in Bordeaux

⭐️傳奇釀酒顧問 Eric Boissenot (法國Lafite, Latour, Mouton 和Palmer多家名莊都是跟Eric Boissenot合作)

🏅Wine Enthusiast 96 pts

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Chateau Leoville Barton 2008 巴頓莊園 Saint Julien 二級莊《風土系酒款 - TF539 》

產區 : Saint Julien 聖朱利安

葡萄品種 : 75% Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠 , 23% Merlot 梅洛, 2% Cabernet Franc 品麗珠 

酒精度:13% vol

⭐️1855波爾多評級列級酒莊第二級酒莊 (Deuxieme Grands Cru Classe)

⭐️Wine Spectator 2019 Top 100 排名第一

⭐️源於與二級莊雄獅 Leoville Las Cases, 波菲Leoville Poyferre屬同一園地

⭐️Wine Searcher: Best-Value Wines in Bordeaux

⭐️傳奇釀酒顧問 Eric Boissenot (法國Lafite, Latour, Mouton 和Palmer多家名莊都是跟Eric Boissenot合作)

🏅Wine Enthusiast 96 pts

🏅Vinous 93 pts

🏅James Suckling 94 pts

🏅Robert Parker 92 pts

🏅Jancis Robinson 16.5/20 pts

🏅Wine Spectator 91 pts

位於法國波爾多聖朱利安 Saint-Julien產區的中心地帶,在1855分級中被評為二級莊,與大寶酒莊 Chateau Talbot和雄獅酒莊 Chateau Leoville Las Cases相鄰。產區裏有三間冠有“Leoville”為名的二級莊,其實當時在法國大革命期間,由於莊園被充公拍賣被瓜分成三塊園地。其中一塊園地由英國移民Hugh Barton於1820年購得,後改名為巴頓莊 Leoville Barton,另外兩塊分別成為如今的二級莊雄獅 Leoville Las Cases, 波菲Leoville Poyferre。

自1980年Anthony Barton接管酒莊以來,對自己的葡萄酒產生了濃厚的興趣和尊敬,其葡萄酒品質呈指數級增長,同時又保持了其合理的價格標籤,於2019年獲得了Wine Spectator Top 100 排名第一,被Wine Searcher評為波爾多物質最佳的葡萄酒。

莊園共占地50公頃,種植著74%的赤霞珠 Cabernet Sauvignon,23%的梅洛 Merlot和3%的品麗珠Cabernet Blanc,其中有相當一部分為老藤葡萄樹,葡萄樹平均樹齡達40年。園內土壤為典型的聖朱利安 Saint-Julien土質,以砂礫土為表層土壤、深厚的黏土為底層土。酒莊尊崇尊重自然、有機種植的葡萄種植理念,實行高密度種植,每公頃9,100株,以控制葡萄產量,提高葡萄品質。

酒莊還聘請知名釀酒師 Eric Boissenot擔任釀酒顧問。在採收季,酒莊通常組建120人的團隊進行人工採摘,採收的葡萄經去梗後,會在光學分揀臺上進行篩選,然後置入控溫橡木桶中發酵,期間每天會進行2次淋皮,之後轉移至新桶比例為60%的法國橡木桶中陳年18個月。在陳年過程中,釀酒師會不斷添桶,以隔絕葡萄酒與空氣的接觸。最後,葡萄酒會經過倒罐和蛋清澄清再裝瓶。



🏅Wine Enthusiast 96 pts
A dense, beautifully structured wine. It shows intense, ripe fruit with balanced acidity. It’s the fine tannins that give it such class, surrounding the fruit, promising long aging. This is a classic for Léoville-Barton. Cellar Selection.


🏅Vinous 93 pts

Bright ruby. Sexy, ripe nose combines cassis, Cuban cigar tobacco, licorice and minerals. Sweet, tactile and intense, with concentrated, sharply delineated flavors of dark fruits and minerals. Densely packed, ripe and deep. Offers a lovely combination of silky texture, firm structure and the aromatic lift and nuance of the vintage's best examples. Should age gracefully for at least 15 years.


🏅James Suckling 94 pts

This was always one of the wines of the vintage with currant, cassis and chocolate aromas and flavors. Full body, chewy and polished tannins and a fresh and fine finish. Tight now but so beautiful. Decant a couple of hours before serving.

🏅Robert Parker 92 pts

Typically extracted and powerful (which is atypical in a vintage such as 2008), this offering may lack charm, but it is “locked and loaded” with plenty of background oak, huge black cherry and black currant fruit, medium to full body and a boatload of tannin. Forget it for 8-10 years and drink it over the following three decades.

🏅Jancis Robinson 16.5/20 pts

Purplish with a lightish rim. Quite integrated nose. Well balanced. Some savour though no great intensity. Very fine tannins and good balance even if not a very firm imprint of personality. Marked tannins on the finish without a great weight of exciting fruit.

🏅Wine Spectator 91 pts

Alluring, with warm fig sauce, plum and currant paste notes liberally laced with espresso bean and dark roasted vanilla bean notes. Fleshy but focused, with the roasted edge adding definition and length. Drink now through 2019. 16,665 cases made.


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