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Echo de Lynch Bages 靚次伯副牌 Pauillac 五級莊副牌 《風土系列》

Echo de Lynch Bages 靚次伯副牌 Pauillac 五級莊副牌 《風土系列》

📜 酒款目前有 2020 年選擇
🌟 前身 Chateau Haut-Bages Averous 改名為“Echo”,第一個年份為 2008
🌟 Chateau Haut-Bages Averous 在漫畫”神之水滴”第 13 集出現

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Echo de Lynch Bages 靚次伯副牌 Pauillac 五級莊副牌 《風土系列》

產區 / 級別 : Pauillac 波雅克

伸延閱讀:Lynch Bages 靚次伯酒莊

伸延閱讀:Second Label 副牌酒

網站介紹: https://www.jmcazes.com/en/chateau-lynch-bages/echo

📜 酒款有 2020 年選擇

🌟 前身 Chateau Haut-Bages Averous 改名為“Echo”,第一個年份為 2008

🌟 Chateau Haut-Bages Averous 在漫畫”神之水滴”第 13 集出現

🌟 12個月法國橡木桶

👇🏻2008年  (TF519)👇🏻(暫時缺貨)

葡萄品種 : 52% Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠 , 38% Merlot 梅洛, 10% Cabernet Franc 品麗珠 

酒精度 : 13% vol

🌟 Robert Parker Lynch Bages 2008 "The finest wine produced here since the 2000

🏅 James Suckling 90 pts

🏅 Jancis Robinson 16.5/20 pts

🏅 Wine Spectator 88 pts 

👇🏻2012年  (TF519A)👇🏻(暫時缺貨)

葡萄品種 : 57% Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠 , 33% Merlot 梅洛, 10% Cabernet Franc 品麗珠 

酒精度 : 13% vol

🏅 Wine Enthusiasts 93 pts

🏅 James Suckling 90 pts

👇🏻2020年  (TF519B)👇🏻

葡萄品種 : 60% Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠 , 40% Merlot 梅洛

酒精度 : 13% vol

🌟 James Suckling "Like the grand vin of Lynch from the 1980s."

🏅 James Suckling 95-96 pts

🏅 Jeb Dunnuck 92-94 pts

🏅 Decanter 92 pts

🏅 Falstaff 92 pts

🏅 Vinous 91 pts

🏅 Wine Spectator 91 pts

靚次伯副牌(Echo de Lynch Bages)為波爾多五級莊靚次伯(Chateau Lynch Bages)的副牌酒,而早前其副牌酒是另有其名!Chateau Haut-Bages Averous莊園便是Andre Cazes先生在波雅克(Pauillac)收購的莊園,從1976年起成為靚茨伯的副牌酒,此後為強調與列級名酒之間的親屬關係,於2008年份正式更名為“Echo de Lynch-Bages”。酒名“Echo”源自希臘神話中的一位仙女,當宙斯被某個美麗凡人迷得天旋地轉的時候,其妻赫拉因被Echo干擾而未能及時阻止。因此,赫拉施法讓Echo喪失了語言能力。儘管Echo de Lynch-Bages永遠不會闡釋出正牌的言語,卻分享著正牌酒的特徵與優雅。

與正牌酒一樣擁有波亞克葡萄酒的美味、芬芳和悠長特徵。從葡萄園到釀酒車間,副牌受到了同等待遇,不同的是精選了年輕的葡萄樹,選用更多比例的梅洛混釀,展現更加柔順與迷人的一面,而2008年的出品Robert Parker表示是自2000年以來最為出色。

🏅 James Suckling 90 pts
This is the first year of Lynch-Bages's second wine with this name. There is a rich berry character in this wine, think strawberries, cherries, and raspberries. Full bodied, with fine tannins and a lovely fresh finish. So yummy now. Why wait.
🏅 Jancis Robinson 16.5/20 pts
The re-named Ch Haut-Bages Averous. Vigorous crimson. Sufficiently ripe, rather appealing nose. Spreads nicely across the palate. Good tannin management. Vigorous. Drink 2016 - 2026.

🏅 Wine Enthusiasts 93 pts
The second wine of Lynch-Bages shows all the power of this estate. The difference lies in the tannins and the ripe flavors of the wine. It has power without the tannins that demand long-term aging.

🏅 James Suckling 90 pts
Aromas and flavors of tar, berries and dark chocolate. Full body, relatively firm tannins and a finish that fills the palate. Well done. Second wine of Lynch-Bages.

🏅 James Suckling 95-96 pts
Intense graphite and violet character with lead pencil. It’s full and firm with chewy and balanced tannins. Iodine coming through. So intense. Super second wine. Like the grand vin of Lynch from the 1980s.

🏅 Jeb Dunnuck 92-94 pts
Offering classic Pauillac notes of blackcurrants, scorched earth, violets, and lead pencil, the 2020 Echo De Lynch Bages is a big, rich, nicely concentrated wine that shows the fresh yet powerful style of the vintage beautifully. It's a terrific second wine, yet one that's going to benefit from a few years of bottle age.

🏅 Decanter 92 pts
A serious Echo, one that has walls and depths to its tannins, and will take time to open up. Black pepper, cassis, cassis bud and liquorice, I would give this four or five years before opening.

🏅 Falstaff 92 pts
Dark ruby, purple reflections, subtle rim brightening. Ripe dark berries, black cherries, subtle oak, an inviting bouquet. Juicy, red cherries, a subtle fruit sweetness, elegant, a fresh structure, fine tannins, nice spices on the finish, a versatile food companion.

🏅 Vinous 91 pts
The 2020 Echo de Lynch-Bages has certainly tightened up since I tasted it from barrel, now more black fruit comingthrough, graphite and pressed flowers. The palate is medium-bodied with succulent tannins, slightly grainy in texturequite saline towards the finish, sleek and poised. lt will require just a couple of years in bottle.

🏅 Wine Spectator 91 pts
This has a nice generous feel, with cassis and damson plum unfurling easily, backed by light floral and iron notes through the fresh finish.

2020年(TF519B) - $350/支

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