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Chateau Meyney 2018 375ml 美尼酒莊 Saint Estephe《醇酒系列 - FH072》

Chateau Meyney 2018 375ml 美尼酒莊 Saint Estephe《醇酒系列 - FH072》

🌟 與五級莊 Grand Puy Lacoste 同一集團
🌟 前四級莊釀酒師 Anne Le Naour
🌟 金鐘莊主 Hubert de Bouard 擔任釀酒顧問
🌟 鄰近二級莊 Montrose,擁有藍色黏土的優異風土
🏅 James Suckling 95分
🏅 Decanter 94分
🏅 Vinous 93分

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Chateau Meyney 2018 375ml 美尼酒莊 Saint Estephe《醇酒系列 - FH072》

產區 / 級別:Saint Estephe,Bordeaux,France

葡萄品種:Cabernet Sauvignon,Merlot,Petit Verdot


🌟 與五級莊 Grand Puy Lacoste 同一集團

🌟 前四級莊釀酒師 Anne Le Naour

🌟 金鐘莊主 Hubert de Bouard 擔任釀酒顧問

🌟 鄰近二級莊 Montrose,擁有藍色黏土的優異風土

🏅 James Suckling 95分

🏅 Decanter 94分

🏅 Vinous 93分

Chateau Meyney (美尼酒莊) 前身是間修道院,所以早在 1660 年已經有僧侶在那種植葡萄釀酒。在近代的 1917 年被波爾多酒界大家族 Cordier 買入,也即是當時跟二級莊 Gruaud Larose 用同一團隊釀造!開始建立起名聲~去到 2004 年被另一個大集團,擁有五級莊 Grand Puy Lacoste,法國農業信貸銀行子公司的酒業集團 CA Grands Crus 收購。CA 加大了對莊園的投資,交由女釀酒師 Anne Le Naour 擔任技術總監,Anne 曾在香檳莊 Mumm 和澳州名莊 Yering Station 實習,在 24 歲年紀輕輕的時候已接任四級莊 La Tour Carnet 的主管一職!還加上已故的波爾多白酒教父 Denis Dubourdieu 及其後接任的金鐘莊主 Hubert de Bouard 擔任技術顧問。

Meyney 擁有波爾多為數不多的一整塊 51 公頃葡萄園,更鄰近二級莊 Montrose 酒莊!土壤除了礫石和沙之外,底層還有 Pomerol 標誌的頂級藍色黏土,接近 3 米厚,非常適合種植 Merlot,所以酒莊近年都去掉了 Cabernet Franc 以種植更多 Merlot!平均樹齡 40 年,亦有區內最老之一,接近 100 年的老藤!風土優異~

🏅 James Suckling 95分

Blueberry, blackcurrant, clove, dark chocolate, praline and gravel on the nose. It’s full-bodied with firm, fine-grained tannins. Focused, chewy and layered. Fantastic effort here. Try from 2025.

🏅 Decanter 94分

It's clear that this is hugely concentrated, as is the Montrose right next door, but there's also beautiful juice and freshness underneath the black fruits and the powerful grip. Tannins, acidity and fruit: it's all there. This is great quality and should be long-lived, with a rich palate, evenly balanced and austere in all the right places. Another good vintage at this increasingly impressive property.

🏅 Vinous 93分

The 2018 Meyney is every bit as impressive as it was en primeur. Technical Director Anne Le Naour has done a terrific job in reining in some of the excess weight and power of previous vintages, but without sacrificing richness. Classy and layered, Meyney boasts fabulous depth and tons of character. Ripe red/purplish fruit, spice, blood orange, smoke and incense are some of the many aromas and flavors that mesh together. The 2018 offers striking immediacy, but also has enough structure to develop well in bottle for 15-20 years, maybe more. The 2018 Meyney is a wine of immense pleasure. Best of all, it is a tremendous value.


可混訂其他酒款 6支免費送貨上門


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