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FH008A - Chateau Pedesclaux 2014, Pauillac 百德詩歌

FH008A - Chateau Pedesclaux 2014, Pauillac 百德詩歌

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FH008A - Chateau Pedesclaux 2014, Pauillac 百德詩歌

產區:Pauillac GCC Fifth Growths

葡萄品類 : 48 % Merlot 梅洛, 47 % Cabernet-Sauvignon 赤霞珠, 3% Petit Verdot 小維多, 2% Cabernet franc 品麗珠

酒精度 : 14 %vol


頂尖釀酒顧問 Eric Boissenot



 James Suckling 94 pts
 Jeb Dunnuck 94 pts
 Wine Enthusiast 93 pts
 Wine Advocate 92 pts

Chateau Pedesclaux(柏德詩歌酒莊)是法國波爾多(Bordeaux)產區波雅克(Pauillac)村的酒莊之一,在1855年梅多克評級中被列為五級酒莊。
Chateau Pedesclaux的歷史可追溯至1810年。波爾多的酒商Urbain Pierre Pedesclaux從Grand Puy購得了葡萄園,建立了自己的酒莊,並將它打造成一所“優雅的”酒莊,那就是Chateau Pedesclaux。1855年,Chateau Pedesclaux被評為五級酒莊。Urbain Pierre Pedesclaux死後,他的遺孀Madame Pedesclaux繼承了酒莊。到19世紀末期,因葡萄病害(包括白粉病和根瘤蚜病)的影響,酒莊的發展受到了嚴重阻礙,1891年Madame Pedesclaux只能將酒莊售出,酒莊的新東家轉為Comte de Gastebois。之後酒莊幾經周轉,1996年,莊園又交給了Brigitte和Denis管理。他們運用現代的經營理念,翻新了城堡,設立了五間各有特色的套房,供參觀者居住,並設計了品酒室等配套設施。

2009年,Francoise和Jacky Lorenzetti將Chateau Pedesclaux買下,並在短短幾年時間裏收購了Chateau Haut-Milon,將葡萄園的面積由35公頃擴大到48公頃。2013年,Emmanuel Cruse成為Chateau Pedesclaux的總經理。

Chateau Pedesclaux的葡萄園總體上位於波雅克北界附近,毗鄰Chateau Lafite-Rothschild、Chateau Mouton-Rothschild和Chateau Pontet-Canet。酒莊葡萄園的表層土壤是礫石,較深層的土壤為粘土和石灰岩,種植的葡萄品種為Cabernet Sauvignon和Merlot,以及少量的Cabernet Franc和Petit Verdot。

2011年Chateau Pedesclaux引進了一種獨特的採摘法:酒農先從葡萄園中間區域開始採摘,再向周邊擴散採摘。葡萄經過手工採收後,裝進8公斤的板條箱。採收的葡萄在冷藏24小時後,進行手工分類、去梗、再次分類、進入控溫不銹鋼罐中發酵,然後再在橡木桶中熟成14至16個月,其中50%至70%是新橡木桶,餘下的是用過一年的橡木桶。

Chateau Pedesclaux的正牌酒是Chateau Pedesclaux紅,副牌酒為Fleur de Pedesclaux。

James Suckling 94 pts
The aromas of blackcurrants, oyster shell and blackberries are impressive. Full-bodied, chewy and rich — showing a fantastic depth of fruit and intensity. Extremely long and beautiful. Needs four to five years to soften. First vintage from the new winery at this estate

Jeb Dunnuck 94 pts
The first wine made at the new cellar, the 2014 Château Pédesclaux checks in as 53% Cabernet Sauvignon and 47% Merlot aged in 65% new French oak. It's a beautiful wine in the vintage that has awesome purity and precision in its black raspberries, cassis, crushed flowers, and hints of river rock-like minerality. Medium-bodied, silky, pure, incredibly elegant and seamless, with gorgeous purity and elegance, it's a knockout wine in the vintage.

Wine Enthusiast 93 pts
From an up and coming property in Pauillac, this wine shows firm tannins and lively acidity on the palate, with a fruit kick on the finish. 

Wine Advocate 92 pts
The 2014 Pédesclaux has a tightly wound bouquet with redcurrant and crushed strawberry fruit, cedar and cigar box aromas filtering through with time. The palate is medium-bodied with firm tannin, plenty of black fruit laced with cedar and black pepper, though it does not quite deliver the complexity that I think the 2015 will on the finish. Still, it is a very capable vintage from the rejuvenated château that is certainly going places in the same way that Pontet-Canet did in the 1990s. Tasted twice with consistent notes.

Wine Spectator 91 pts
Distinctive, with a ripe cassis and boysenberry core, lined with dried anise hints and backed by ample singed apple wood notes, though this stays very polished overall. An extroverted style. 

可混訂其他酒款, 🚚6支免費送貨上門


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