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Chateau Sansonnet 2015 桑索酒莊《風土系酒款 - TF447A》

Chateau Sansonnet 2015 桑索酒莊《風土系酒款 - TF447A》

🌟 右岸夢幻組合貼身打造
🌟 波爾多躍升的性價比高分酒莊
🌟 右岸最好的濃郁奔放酒款之一
🏅 James Suckling 96:so refined and beautiful
🏅 Vinous 94:"one of the best..."
🏅 Jeb Dunnuck 94:The finest vintage I’ve tasted
🏅 TheWineCellarInsider 94
🏅 Decanter 92:dramatic improvements
🏅 Wine Enthusiast 92
🏅 Wine Advocate 92

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Chateau Sansonnet 2015 桑索酒莊《風土系酒款 - TF447A》

產區 / 級別:Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe 聖埃美隆列級莊,Bordeaux 波爾多,France 法國

葡萄品種:90% Merlot 梅洛、5% Cabernet Franc 品麗珠、5% Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠



🌟 右岸夢幻組合貼身打造

🌟 波爾多躍升的性價比高分酒莊

🌟 右岸最好的濃郁奔放酒款之一

🏅 James Suckling 96分:so refined and beautiful

🏅 Vinous 94分:"one of the best..."

🏅 Jeb Dunnuck 94分:The finest vintage I’ve tasted

🏅 TheWineCellarInsider 94分

🏅 Decanter 92分:dramatic improvements

🏅 Wine Enthusiast 92分:The concentration is palpable

🏅 Wine Spectator 92分:A ripe, muscular, extracted style

🏅 Wine Advocate 92分

🏅 Falstaff 91-93分

🏅 Le Guide Hachette des Vins 2/3星:A brilliant track record


看到上面一連串的高分評語都已經眼花撩亂... 一句說話或者一個酒評的分數未必很有說服力,但當 10 個酒評 (無錯是 10 個) 都給予高分評語時,相信只有一試是最實際!

近年曾持有香檳名莊的 d'Aulan 家族在 1999 年買入翻新過酒莊,在 2009 年賣給現在的主人 Christophe Lefévère 和妻子 Marie-Bénédicte。由本身是藥劑學博士和釀酒家族出身的 Marie 管理。決心將酒莊大推至頂級行列!不惜成本用最頂級的規格,釀酒團隊一開始請過 Clinet 的 Jean Michel Arcaute 和大家熟悉的 Stephane Derenoncourt,現在轉為由 Michel Rolland 團隊貼身打造~不只是有 Michel Rolland 當顧問,更有和他共事超過 20 年的 Jean-Philippe Fort 真正當上釀酒師一職。Jean-Philippe Fort 也曾在 Angelus 工作,加上車庫酒之父 Jean Luc Thunevin 協助,是釀造現代風格右岸的夢幻組合!~

釀酒師 Jean-Philippe Fort

翻新方面都不手軟,改善葡萄園,重整酒窖不在話下,容器和酒窖都全面控溫,由機器採收改為全人手,更引入先進且昂貴的一種以液體密度篩走不成熟葡萄的篩選器 Tribaie®。冷浸漬後在木桶進行蘋果乳酸發酵,最後在 80% 新桶陳熟 16 個月。成熟度和技術直線上升~

葡萄篩選器 Tribaie®

加上本身優質的風土,葡萄園是一整塊約 7 公頃,帶典型淺層黏土 + 底層石灰石,海拔最高達 80 米,是 Saint Emilion 的高點之一。所以雖在 1996 年降級,但在 2012 已成功爭取回,這組合就算不能再上一層樓,性價比都已到天花板~

🏅 James Suckling 96分:

Quite floral, this shows a wealth of very ripe plums and black cherries. The tannins are powerful with a thread of spicy cinnamon-infused oak. Rippling with power. Yet ever so refined and beautiful. Try around 2025.

🏅 Vinous 94分:

The 2015 Sansonnet has turned out beautifully. Full-bodied, unctuous and voluptuous, it is one of the best among the more overt, flamboyant wines being made in Saint-Émilion today. The plum, black cherry, mocha, espresso, new leather and spice flavors are all given an extra kick of textural richness by the decision to harvest late and the overall approach to extraction. Readers should expect a full-throttle, intense Saint-Émilion. For the first time in recent memory, Sansonnet seems to have fully ripe tannins, always a challenge to achieve in this cool site. The blend is 80% Merlot, 10% Cabernet Franc and 10% Cabernet Sauvignon. Tasted three times.

🏅 Jeb Dunnuck 94分:

The finest vintage I’ve tasted from this estate, the 2015 Château Sansonnet is a deep, full-bodied, opulent beauty with notes of chocolaty dark fruits, leafy herbs and lots of graphite. Possessing a wealth of fruit and sweet, yet building tannin, this thick, beautifully layered wine is an awesome effort that will keep for 15+ years. The lieu-dit Sansonnet lies just east of the village of Saint-Emilion and covers 6.96 hectares. It was purchased by Marie and Christophe Lefévère in 2009 and this 2015 is 90% Merlot, 7% Cabernet Sauvignon and 3% Cabernet Franc, aged 16 months in 80% new oak.


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