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Dow’s 30 years Old Tawny Port 道斯30年波特酒《風土系列-TP873 》

Dow’s 30 years Old Tawny Port 道斯30年波特酒《風土系列-TP873 》

🏅Wine Advocate 95 pts
🏅Wine Spectator 95 pts
🏅James Suckling 95 pts
🏅Wine Enthusiast 94 pts
⭐ 超過200年歷史 4大波特酒酒莊之一
⭐ Robert Parker評價Dow’s 為 "5 stars - Outstanding Port wine producer 5星級傑出波特酒酒莊"
⭐ 莊主Paul Symington 曾於2012年獲英國雜誌Decanter頒發年度風雲人物一獎 "Decanter - Man of the Year 2012"

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Dow's 30 years Old Tawny Port 道斯30年波特酒《風土系列 - TP873


產區/級別 : Senhorada Ribeira and Bomfim/ Douro/ Portugal
葡萄品類 : 
Vinha Velha 老藤 – 
Mainly Touriga Nacional and Touriga Franca blend with some Tinta Barroca, Tinta Roriz (Tempranillo) and Tinto Cao

酒精度 : 20%vol

官方網站: https://www.dows-port.com/


超過200年歷史 4大波特酒莊之一

⭐ Robert Parker評價Dow’s  "5 stars - Outstanding Port wine producer 5星級傑出波特酒酒莊"

莊主Paul Symington 曾於2012年獲英國雜誌Decanter頒發年度風雲人物一獎 "Decanter - Man of the Year 2012"

🏅Wine Advocate 95 pts

🏅Wine Spectator 95 pts

🏅James Suckling 95 pts

🏅Wine Enthusiast 94 pts


(請留意: 部分陳年舊Port的瓶身正面會有白油的印記,而且瓶內會含有一定沉積物,此乃正常現象。  )


大部分陳舊Port酒的正面瓶身都會有名為Splash Mark的白油印記。 

此為酒莊在酒窖陳存酒瓶時的記號,以茲識別酒瓶陳放時正面朝上的方向並了解沉積物所累積的地方(即白油Splash Mark的反方)。 

因此建議飲家在酒櫃存放Port酒時,同樣有酒標和白色Splash Mark的一面朝上方,並且在飲用前1-2天提前直立處置令沉積物提前沉至瓶底。


歷史/ 背景

道斯酒莊於兩個世紀前1798年創立,是葡萄牙當地最早的英國波特酒製造商,道斯家族精心挑選上等的莊園,而道斯酒莊也成為當時最有名的波特酒莊。1912年,在該行業工作了25年的蘇格蘭人Andrew Symington成為了Dow's的合夥人。如今,該公司由Symington家族的第四代人100%擁有和管理,後者是葡萄牙杜羅河谷地區最大的土地所有者,佔地4,000英畝。Robert Parker的著作「Parker's Wine Buying Guide」中有寫到「Rating Portugal's Producers of PortDow Five Star *****(Outstanding)(葡萄牙波特酒的評分—Dow's 道斯波特酒—五顆星(傑出)Dow's 的波特酒以相對少甜但卻強勁屬老派英國風味而聞名,Dow's的波特酒發酵時間稍長一點,才加進白蘭地停止發酵,讓葡萄中的糖份被酵母消化多一點,酒的甜味稍低,以突顯酒的強勁和深厚。



Dow's 道斯年份波特酒-最受歡迎的波特酒 from Wine Searcher 2018

葡萄酒搜尋網站Wine Searcher 2018 年的統計,世界上幾大波特酒品牌中,最受歡迎的波特酒,就屬 Dow's 道斯的年份波特酒了!!

酒莊102歲高齡年份波特酒獲近乎滿分好評 James Suckling 98/ 100

James Suckling, one of today's leading authorities on Vintage Port was equally impressed by another legendary wine - the Dow's 1896 - “The ancient {1896} Ports till had an amazing ruby colour with a garnet edge, and it smelled of raisins, black pepper and berries. It was full-bodied, with masses of fruit intertwined with layers of velvety tannins. It was superb.” In 1998, when this wine was 102 years old, he awarded this Port an exceptional 98 points.

Dow's 30 年Tawny Port 茶色波特酒絕對是釀酒和調酒藝術的終極體現。只有對杜羅河產區具有豐富經驗和知識的品酒師才能通過在Dow's地窖中極豐富的藏酒量中調配出最頂級和精準的Tawny Port. Dow's 調酒師將橡木桶中陳釀多年的葡萄酒打造成精選最優質的葡萄酒,並形成這些偉大的陳年 Tawny Port

Dow's 位於地窖中陳存多年的 Tawny Port 都需要定期品嚐。每年都需要不時地對葡萄酒進行 Racking ,將葡萄酒從其“酒糟”(酒桶底部形成的自然沉澱物)中抽出,然後將酒倒回到干淨的酒桶中。多年來精心照料,並在老化過程中,充滿活力的年輕波特酒逐漸成熟,並成為複雜但精緻的Tawny Port,並獲得了經典的茶色,因此而得名。

Dow's 的Tawny port都在 Vila Nova de Gaia 寬敞的酒窖中陳年,那裡適度的沿海氣候使葡萄酒達到均衡的陳釀過程中起著關鍵作用。杜羅河(Douro)的眾多 Tawny Port 往往透過夏季的高溫而獲得強烈的焦糖味。

Dow's 的 Tawny Port 比其他品牌都更 Dry ,儘管它們保留了所有波特酒的經典風味。在歷代 Port 酒的生產商中,廣為人知的是,生產乾身的Tawny Port 比生產甜型的 Tawny Port 困難得多。甜味可以掩蓋任何不太平衡的葡萄酒,但會使最終的Blending 顯得比較凝結,令人不愉快。但Dows 的Tawny Port 比其他更 Dry 。這使釀酒師的工作更加艱鉅,但最終裝瓶的葡萄酒卻更出色,這也是Dow's 的 Old Tawny Ports 長期以其獨特的風格和品質贏得全球眾多獎項的原因。

經過30年橡木桶的陳化演進,在Dow's 釀酒師悉心照料下,酒體已經變成了更柔和。在味覺上,Dow's 30 years old tawny port 陳舊的茶色非常均衡,帶有乾果和香料的香氣。是波特酒混調者釀造出最偉大的葡萄酒之一。

🏅Wine Advocate 95 pts

The NV 30 Years Tawny Port was bottled in 2013 with a bar-top cork and 120 grams per liter of residual sugar. This muscular Tawny is dry, concentrated and stern at times. Although on paper it doesn't have much less sugar than the Graham's this issue, the balance is different. It starts slow, then shows some notable bite on the finish. Gracefully constructed and sensually textured, it's never too thick or overpowering, but it always seems dense and intense anyway. Its complexity and focus are impressive. Then, it finishes rather dry. This was certainly one of the stars here. As always, these last indefinitely, barring cork failures. They are not really meant to be held, though.

🏅Wine Spectator 95 pts

Gorgeous, with a beguilingly creamy mouthfeel that lets waves of date, fig, persimmon, golden raisin, toffee and praline glide along while notes of ginger and juniper flash underneath. Manages to be viscous and light-footed at the same time. Drink now.

🏅James Suckling 95 pts

Ruby brown with an orange and lemon-yellow edge. Intense aromas of dried citrus, some volatility (which adds to the complexity), almonds, treacle tart and caramel. A fantastically full-bodied, dense and very layered, chewy palate that remains so sweet and decadent. Love the mango and dried-peach undertones on the finish. Drink now.

🏅Wine Enthusiast 94 pts

This is a beautiful wine, aged tawny at its peak. The wood aging has given the old gold character that shines though the spirit, the sweet nuttiness and hints of red fruits to give a plushy, wood-paneled wine that, of course, is ready to drink.


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