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Giovanni Rosso Barolo La Serra 2012《風土系列 - TI006》

Giovanni Rosso Barolo La Serra 2012《風土系列 - TI006》

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Giovanni Rosso Barolo La Serra 2012《風土系列 - TI006》

產區 / 級別 : Barolo DOCG 巴羅洛

葡萄品種 : 100% Nebbiolo 內比奧羅

酒精度 :  14% vol

網站介紹: http://www.giovannirosso.com/

Since the 1890's the Rosso family hasfarmed vineyards in Serralunga d'Alba, notably the Crus of Cerretta, La Serra,Broglio, Meriame, Sorano, Costa Bella, Lirano & Damiano. During the early1980's Giovanni Rosso restructured the vineyards with the aim of growing thebest fruit.


Giovanni's son, Davide, studied Oenologyand gained invaluable experience in France. In 2001 Davide, then 27 years old,took charge of the vinification & affinamento/elevage of the wines with onegoal in mind: "Wine should be a perfect copy of its terroir"... inthis case from the slopes of Serralunga d'Alba, among the finest soils in theworld.


The Giovanni Rosso cantina (winery) islocated in the hamlet of Baudana, just a couple of kilometres north ofSerralunga d'Alba village. A traditional family cascina, or farmhouse, ithouses the fermentation, ageing, bottling and labeling facilities as well asthe offices.


The Giovanni Rosso cantina is not simply aBarolo producer, but a Serralunga producer. They have around a dozen differentplots within the commune in addition to the newly acquired Valle del Mondovineyard just south of the communal boundary in Roddino.


These vineyard plots include some of themost historically important areas such as La Serra, Broglio, Damiano and VignaRionda (each of which is mentioned in a document dated 30th May 1694) as wellas Cerretta and Sorano. All but the new plantings in the Valle del Mondo liewithin the communal boundaries of Serralunga d'Alba.In terms of viticulture, wefarm as organically as possible, using no artificial chemical treatments suchas fertilizers, insecticides or weed-killers. Harvesting is 100% manual, as ispruning and tilling of the soil beneath the vines. Green harvesting is carriedout as necessary and we allow plant growth between the rows of vines toencourage soil health and diversity in the vineyards.


The type of soil, altitude, exposure (theterroir) varies from one Cru to another; something that must be respected whenworking the vineyards. This work should also reflect the different weatherpatterns experienced each vintage. Savoir-faire learnt daily over the past 100years enables us to understand perfectly the subtleties of each Cru.

Grape variety: 100% Nebbiolo

Located in: Serralunga d'Alba – Serra

Planted in: 1984 – 1996 – 2003

Training system: Guyot

exposition: EAST – SOUTH/EAST

Alcohol: 14,0% vol.

Bottles: 5800

First year of production: 2004



Harvest time: middle of October.

The fermentation lasts some 25 daysaccording to the vintage with daily pumping over of the wine mass withdélestages at half of the period (fermentation in concrete tanks).

The aging is conducted in 25 or 50hl largebarrels of Fontainebleau Forest oak (from 18 to 36 months according to thevintage)



Perfumes: the nose is vivid, powerful andneat; austere at the beginning. Wild berries, coffee, licorice, violet andmint. Good balsamic tones.

Taste: powerful and structured; savourywith clear tannins; very long finish.

Pairings: long cooking red meats, perfectwith deer roast.


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