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La Rioja Alta Gran Reserva 904 2011 橡樹河畔特級珍藏904《風土系酒款 - TSP688B》

La Rioja Alta Gran Reserva 904 2011 橡樹河畔特級珍藏904《風土系酒款 - TSP688B》

🌟西班牙老字號 La Rioja Alta
🏅James Suckling 96 pts
🏅Wine Advocate 94
🏅Vinous 94
🏅Guia Penin 96
🏅Wine Spectator 92
🏅Wine & Spirits 94
🏅Decanter 95
🏅Tim Atkin 95
🏅Vivino 4.4

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La Rioja Alta Gran Reserva 904 2011 橡樹河畔特級珍藏904《風土系酒款 - TSP688B》

產區 : Rioja

葡萄品種 :  89% Tempranillo、11% Graciano

酒精度:14.5% vol

Winemaker: Julio Saenz

🌟西班牙老字號 La Rioja Alta
🏅James Suckling 96 pts
🏅Wine Advocate 94
🏅Vinous 94
🏅Guia Penin 96
🏅Wine Spectator 92
🏅Wine & Spirits 94
🏅Decanter 95
🏅Tim Atkin 95
🏅Vivino 4.4

💁🏻‍♂️橡樹河畔酒莊(La Rioja Alta S.A.)位於西班牙里奧哈(Rioja)葡萄酒產區。里奧哈是西班牙成名最早,也是最大的優質葡萄酒產區,有“西班牙波爾多”之美譽,擁有許多西班牙精品至極品的酒莊,該酒莊就是其中最優秀的代表之一。該酒莊現已歸屬於橡樹河畔酒業集團(Grupo La Rioja Alta S.A.)。 


1890年,在Don Daniel-Alfredo Ardanza y Sanchez的領導下,Doña Saturnina García Cid y Gárate、Don Dionisio del Prado y Lablanca、Don Felipe Puig de la Bellacasa y Herrán 和Don Mariano Lacort Tapia等5個家族共同出資設立了橡樹河畔酒莊,開始了他們共同的夢想——生產高品質的佳釀。然而不幸的是,酒莊剛成立2年時間,也就是 1892年時就遭受了法國根瘤蚜蟲的侵害,這使酒莊陷入了極其艱難的時期。儘管如此,家族們沒有放棄酒莊的釀酒事業。為了挽救酒莊,重拾夢想,他們再度籌集鉅資從美國引進能抵抗根瘤蚜蟲的樹根,將本土的葡萄品種嫁接其上,才得以從這場危機中逃脫出來,讓這個種著橡樹的美麗河畔繼續流淌美酒的神話。風景秀美的Oja河畔,靜靜地聳立著4棵豐茂的橡樹,1892年2月6日這幅美景成為了該酒莊的酒標印記,並一直沿用至今。而所產的美酒也伴著Oja河不斷流傳開來。酒莊葡萄園中種植有丹魄(Tempranillo)、格拉西亞諾(Graciano)和馬士羅(Mazuelo)等葡萄品種。


隨著歐洲葡萄酒和美國葡萄酒的流行,各類酒展和酒評大賽開始在國際上盛行,橡樹河畔酒莊也參與其中,並取得了相當好的成績。1893年,酒莊一舉奪得芝加哥哥倫布酒展金牌;1895年,酒莊榮膺波爾多世界酒展銀牌得主;1910年和1911 年分別榮獲布宜諾斯艾利斯和圖盧茲酒展大獎。但自1930年榮獲拉美酒展金牌以後,該酒莊宣佈不再參與任何酒展或酒評大賽,因為他們不再需要為任何獎項而釀酒,他們需要釀出真正的葡萄酒。雖然沒在國際上獲獎,但良好的口碑不斷流傳開來,此後的數10年裏,該酒莊可謂名聲大噪,迅速躍升為西班牙裏奧哈的頂級佳釀,同時也是國際上享有盛譽的幾個西班牙葡萄酒品牌之一。

1904年,酒莊創始人Bodegas Ardanza 酒莊的擁有者Alfredo Ardanza提出將2個酒莊合併,此後的百年時間裏,酒莊經歷了數度擴展,現已經發展成為一個酒業集團,共擁有4個酒莊,包括:橡樹河畔酒莊(La Rioja Alta, S.A.)、阿斯特爾酒莊(Aster)、施華樂酒莊(Lagar De Cervera)和托雷奧納酒莊(Torre de Ona)。其中占地425公頃的橡樹河畔酒莊的是規模最大、產品線最齊全的。所產的橡樹河畔特級珍藏890(La Rioja Alta, S.A.- Gran Reserva 890)是為了紀念酒莊的成立,原本叫做Reserva1890,由於容易跟年份混淆,所以改成了“890”;同樣,橡樹河畔特級珍藏904(La Rioja Alta, S.A.- Gran Reserva 904)也是是為了紀念1904年兩個莊園的合併和里奧哈有史以來葡萄收成最好的一年而特別推出的,原來叫“Reserva 1904”,後來改為904,是里奧哈法定產區最精緻複雜的一款紅葡萄酒之一。

混釀了超過60年樹齡的 89% Tempranillo 加11% Graciano,一直保留著傳統風格,使用美國橡木桶熟成,酒莊更有自己生產酒桶的傳統,橡木桶全部由美國肯塔基州或俄亥俄州進口的橡木做成,到步再風乾3年,904 經歷4年木桶陳熟、4年瓶熟,差不多到10年才推出巿場,就算酒廠年份庫存清光,酒莊也不會為了應付巿場需要而急於將新年份推出,酒莊堅持著只到適飲的時間才會推出巿場,而且不是每一年都生產,這就是對品質的堅持💪🏻

🏅James Suckling 96 pts
Lovely dried red fruit, such as plums with just a hint of prunes. Cedar, walnut and leather undertones. Full-bodied with lots of fruit, considering its age, as well as hints of smoke, tobacco, bark and black tea. Some balsamic at the finish. Traditionally styled with lovely results.

🏅Wine Advocate 94
Oak and red fruit nose. The palate has mouth-watering acidity, fine-grained/well-knit tannins and notes of citrus peel, spice and baked brambles. Long finish.

🏅Vinous 94
Deep, shimmering garnet. Highly perfumed cherry, blueberry, smoked meat, coconut and floral pastille scents are complemented by a succulent herb nuance that builds as the wine opens up. Juicy and seamless on the palate, offering intense cherry-vanilla, candied rose, cola and mocha flavors sharpened by a late jolt of spiciness. Shows outstanding clarity and penetrating red fruit character on the gently tannic, impressively long, smoky finish, which leaves a repeating floral note behind.

🏅Wine Spectator 92
This supple red shows maturity, with forest floor, mushroom and cedar notes framing dried cherry and tea flavors. The silky texture is supported by light tannins and orange peel acidity. Traditional style, balanced and harmonious.

🏅Wine & Spirits 94
Grand and elegant, in the stubbornly traditional mode of Rioja Alta classicism, this wine has enough air between the layers of plump fruit and oak spice to build generous complexity. Its herbal savor and piquillo-pepper notes keep it earthbound, while the wine’s stamina keeps driving the flavors forward. This has the gracious power to sustain it for seriously long aging.

🏅Decanter 95
Surely one of the greatest wines in Spain (or anywhere), the 904 is symphonic in scope and structure. For me, the secret lies in the vines (more than 60 years old from the villages of Briñas, Rodillo and Villalba), the 11% of Graciano, which adds acidity and spice, and the 32 months of ageing in American wood. Sweet and savoury notes rejoice together; red and black fruit, velvet generosity and subtle tannic grip; one could go on, but let’s leave that to the wine.


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