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Luce Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 麓鵲莊園布利魯蒙塔奇諾 《風土系酒款》

Luce Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 麓鵲莊園布利魯蒙塔奇諾 《風土系酒款》

📜 酒款有 2016 & 2017 年選擇
🌟 太陽之光 BdM
🌟 各大酒評長年高分酒莊,實力名莊
🌟 2006 & 2010 & 2015 3 次獲得 James Suckling 滿分 100 分
🌟 Marchesi De Frescobaldi & Mondavi 兩大家族新舊世界融合的實力名莊
🌟 24 個月 Slavonian 橡木桶熟成
🌟 最原始的 Sangiovese 演譯

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Luce Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 麓鵲莊園布利魯蒙塔奇諾 《風土系酒款》

產區/級別 : Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 蒙塔希諾·布魯奈羅

葡萄品類 : 100% Sangiovese 桑嬌維塞


📜 酒款有 2016 & 2017 年選擇
🌟 太陽之光 BdM 
🌟 各大酒評長年高分酒莊,實力名莊
🌟 2006 & 2010 & 2015 3 次獲得 James Suckling 滿分 100 分
🌟 Marchesi De Frescobaldi & Mondavi 兩大家族新舊世界融合的實力名莊
🌟 24 個月 Slavonian 橡木桶熟成
🌟 最原始的 Sangiovese 演譯

酒精度 : 14.5%
🏅 James Suckling 96 pts
🏅 Wine Advocate 94 pts
🏅 Wine Spectator 91 pts

酒精度 : 15%
🏅 James Suckling 98 pts
🏅 Falstaff 97
🏅 Wine Spectator 96 pts
🏅 Decanter 95 pts
🏅 Wine Advocate 94 pts
🏅 Wine Enthusiast 92 pts
🏅 Vivino 4.5

Luce Brunello di Montalcino

之前介紹了 Luce della vite 的 Super Tuscan,今次終於輪到推薦他的 Brunello di Montalcino ,酒莊總面積88公頃,只有11公頃可列入 Brunello di Montalcino DOCG,屬少量生產,精挑莊園最優質的Sangiovese, 釀造後放24個月橡木桶陳熟,Frescobaldi 家族自1308年開始釀酒,已對 Sangiovese 品種作長期深入的研究,而且 Luce della Vite 是 Montalcino 地勢最高的酒莊(350-420米 ),高海拔提昇了種植 Sangiovese 的種植條件,涼爽多風讓Sangiovese葡萄保留更佳復雜性,而且酒莊葡萄園含有Tuscany 獨有的土壤 Galestro (片岩混合砂石) 及石灰岩,只有在托斯卡納最頂級的葡萄園先搵到 Galestro,土壤排水優良且保持乾燥,有利Sangiovese 葡萄生長,而西南朝向亦使葡萄能得到完熟,最終建構成 Brunello di Montalcino的力量和超強的馥郁感,沒有混調Merlot ,Brunello di Montalcino 成為了最原始的Sangiovese演譯,也是最純正的意大利生命之光。


🏅 James Suckling 96 pts

The freshness and the floral aromas with citrus fruit and berries are startling for a 2017. The palate is full and extremely refined with elegant tannins and vivid fruit and orange-peel undertones. Racy and bright at the finish. Drink or hold.

🏅Wine Advocate 94 pts

Here's a handsome bottle inside and out. The 2017 Brunello di Montalcino Luce is an exuberant and flashy expression of Sangiovese. Just like the etched label design that features sunbeams, the wine radiates fresh fruit, cherry, spice, tar, licorice and grilled herb. The house style favors a contemporary and rich style of Sangiovese, and the wine's velvety approach is measured against the ample texture and fruit weight presented here. This warm 2017 vintage is well interpreted by the folks at Tenuta Luce (even with that high 15% alcohol). Production is 30,000 bottles.

🏅 Wine Spectator 91 pts

A rich red, this boasts cherry, plum, leather, tobacco, bitter almond and herb flavors. Taut and dense, with brisk acidity and dusty tannins that truncate the finish for now. Traditional style. Best from 2025 through 2040. 2,500 cases made, 117 cases imported.


🏅 James Suckling 98 pts

Ripe, decadent aromas of blackberries, black truffles and black cherries with hints of violets. Dark, wet earth, too. Full-bodied with a solid core of beautiful, pure fruit and creamy, round and fine tannins. Tight and reserved, but showing wonderful potential.

🏅 Falstaff 97 pts

Powerful ruby with a fine garnet edge. Very compact nose with inviting notes of ripe, dark cherries, blackberries, fine savouriness in the background. Juicy and round in approach and course, shows a lot of vivid fruit, fine-meshed tannin in many layers, in the final firm drive, compact.

🏅 Wine Spectator 96 pts

Pure black cherry, blackberry and black currant flavors abound in this rich red, supported by graphite, earth, wild rosemary and anise notes. Balanced and almost approachable now, yet the refined tannins and bright acidity should allow this to develop for decades.

🏅 Decanter 95 pts

Lighter in colour than the Luce, higher acidity even on the aromatics, gorgeously sculpted and nuanced, with kick and backbone. A savoury edge to the fruit, and strong spices, we are here at almost five years since harvest and you feel the softened tannins with tobacco and olive paste alongside still bright cherry fruits. This is sliding towards being ready to drink, although a few more years will really open things up.

🏅 Wine Advocate 94 pts

From the Frescobaldi family of Florence, the Luce della Vite (or Tenuta Luce) 2016 Brunello di Montalcino Luce is a wine of depth and intensity. This 2016 vintage goes further and offers more substance than most of the recent vintages we've seen. It reveals a dark color and appearance with cocktail cherry, balsam spice and a touch of white chocolate. The tannins are dry, but the wine compensates with a good dose of that concentrated fruit richness that defines this classic vintage.

🏅 Wine Enthusiast 92 pts

The shy nose eventually reveals balsamic aromas of menthol and cedar that mingle with underbrush, leather and baked plum. The full-bodied palate recalls cherries marinated in spirits, licorice, vanilla and grilled porcini while assertive, close-grained tannins clench the finish.

$680/支 (2017年)

$738/支 (2016年)

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