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Marchesi Antinori Castello della Sala 'Cervaro della Sala' Umbria IGT 2021 安東尼世家酒莊芝華露白酒 《風土系酒款 - TI988B》

Marchesi Antinori Castello della Sala 'Cervaro della Sala' Umbria IGT 2021 安東尼世家酒莊芝華露白酒 《風土系酒款 - TI988B》

🌟義大利著名的葡萄酒雜誌Gambero Rosso最高評價
🏅James Suckling 97 pts
🏅Wine Advocate 96 pts
🏅Vinous 95 pts
🏅Vivino 4.4

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Marchesi Antinori Castello della Sala 'Cervaro della Sala' Umbria IGT 2021 安東尼世家酒莊芝華露白酒 《風土系酒款 - TI988B》

產區 / 級別 : Umbria 翁布裡亞

葡萄品種 : 93% Chardonnay 霞多麗、7% Grechetto 格萊切多

酒精度 : 12.5% vol

網站介紹: www.antinori.it


🌟義大利著名的葡萄酒雜誌Gambero Rosso最高評價


🏅James Suckling 97 pts

🏅Wine Advocate 96 pts

🏅Vinous 95 pts

🏅Vivino 4.4

Castello della Sala有著悠久的歷史:建於中世紀(1350年),由Angelo Monaldeschi della Vipera的貴族家族建造,今天它見證了十四世紀和十五世紀控制Orvieto這座重要城市的家庭衝突,在當時雖然它是一個非常小的城鎮,但卻擁有非常重要的 地位。直到1860年(義大利統一時),Orvieto一直在教皇的統治下,而從1516年到1860年之間,這座城堡也是教堂的眾多財產之一。

追溯到現代歷史,當身為義大利第一酒世家的Antinori買入Castellodella Sala 這個歷史古莊之後,就不斷思考如何將Umbria 區的風土特色發揮到淋漓盡致,以期造出全義大利最精彩的佳釀,經過多年的努力,於1987年推出了第一個年份的Cervarodella Sala 1985,是結合Antinori 家族數百年釀酒傳承與創意的心血結晶,無比精緻高雅的質感,豐富層次的深度,幾乎可以說是重新定義義大利最高級白酒的標,一致的好評,不但奠定了Cervaro della Sala 成為義大利白酒一哥的地位,而且就算放眼全球酒壇,也絲毫不遜色,絕對名列當今最偉大的白酒之林!


葡萄園總面積約170公頃,主要種植白葡萄品種,有Trebbiano(這裡叫Procanio)和Grechetto,也有國際葡萄品種,如Chardonnay, Suavignon Blanc, Sèmillon, Pinot Blanc等。Pinot Noir是個例外,它不是義大利中部常見的葡萄品種,但這裡的環境很適合,因為這種特殊的微氣候,晝夜溫差很大。


Cervaro della Sala 多次獲獎,其中包括於酒界夢寐以求義大利著名的葡萄酒雜誌GamberoRosso”三隻酒杯最高評價,口感上充滿著水果香如洋梨、新鮮鳳梨混合者香草味,濃鬱且多樣化,高貴而細緻。此酒適合現飲用,如陳年3-5年更為精緻,可陳年達15年之久。

🏅James Suckling 97 pts

This is very aromatic and lifted with mineral, nougat, floral, and lightly cooked apples. Some flint and matchstick. Medium- to full-bodied with a fine phenolic and acid backbone that energizes the wine. Complex aftertaste with subtle fruit and pastry at the end. This will age beautifully but hard not to drink now.

🏅Wine Advocate 96 pts

This wine is mostly Chardonnay with about 7% Grechetto. The presence of the Grechetto has declined quite a bit over the past couple of vintages. Given these tweaks to the winemaking formula, the 2021 Cervaro della Sala promises an exceptionally crisp and linear presentation with salty mineral tones, lots of stone fruit and tart apple. No malolactic fermentation or oak is used on the Umbrian grape that always adds a hint of rusticity and Umbrian authenticity. However, the Chardonnay is fermented in oak and aged in both new and used barrel.

🏅Vinous 95 pts

The 2021 Cervaro della Sala comes to life in the glass with crushed stones, oyster shells and damp earth evolving intolemon oil, green apple and hints of chamomile. This is pure elegance, with silky, verging on creamy textures andbriliant acidity. A salty staining of minerality adds tremendous depth to baked apple and spice notes. lt finishescrunchy and long with a citrus tinge as touches of custard and nectarine slowly fade. This is a dramatic Cervaro dellaSala that possesses amazing balance. lt will be fascinating to watch it mature over the coming years.

也可混訂其他酒款 (非風土精選系列),全單滿6支免費送貨上門


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