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Leeuwin Estate Art Series Chardonnay 2021 露紋酒莊"藝術系列"霞多麗白酒《風土系列 - TAU002A》

Leeuwin Estate Art Series Chardonnay 2021 露紋酒莊"藝術系列"霞多麗白酒《風土系列 - TAU002A》

🌟 澳洲最具代表性Chardonnay - Leeuwin Estate
🌟 James Halliday 五紅星酒莊
🌟 Langton’s Classification "Exceptional"
🌟 Wine Spectator Top 100 Wines of the Year 常客
🏅 Wine Advocate 97+ 分
🏅 Ray Jordan, WinePilot 98 分
🏅 The Wine Front 97 分
🏅 James Halliday 97 分
🏅 James Halliday Top 100 Australian Wineries

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Leeuwin Estate Art Series Chardonnay 2021 露紋酒莊"藝術系列"霞多麗白酒《風土系列 - TAU002A》

產區: Margaret River, Western Australia, Australia 澳洲

葡萄品種: Chardonnay 霞多麗

酒精度: 13.5%

網站介紹: https://leeuwinestate.com.au/

🌟 澳洲最具代表性Chardonnay - Leeuwin Estate Art Series

🌟 美國葡萄酒巨頭Robert Mondavi加持

🌟 James Halliday 五紅星酒莊

🌟 Langton’s Classification "Exceptional"

🌟 Wine Spectator Top 100 Wines of the Year 常客

🏅 Wine Advocate 97+ 分

🏅 Ray Jordan, WinePilot 98 分

🏅 The Wine Front 97 分

🏅 James Halliday 97 分

🏅 Vivino 4.3

🏅 James Halliday Top 100 Australian Wineries: "For long regarded as one of the very greatest producers of chardonnay in the Margaret River, and indeed the whole of Australia"

🏅 Robert Parker: "greatest Chardonnays I have ever tasted from Australia."

酒莊介紹page: https://www.winecouple.hk/pages/leeuwin

🧐 Margaret River呢個新興產區產量只佔澳州2%,但就佔澳州Premium wine 20%,屢屢喺葡萄酒比賽擊敗眾多比佢長幾倍發展歷史嘅產區,點解喺短短五十年間就可以冒升成為澳州頂級產區呢?對Margaret River嘅招牌Chardonnay嚟講,其中一個公認嘅答案就係個Clone - Gingin~

Gingin clone被認為係令Margaret River Chardonnay有咁出色嘅風味同集中度嘅原因~一開始喺Margaret River北面嘅Gingin鎮首先大幅種植而得名~Gingin好耐以嚟都搞錯咗以為同Mendoza clone係一樣,直到近年先追溯返佢地係唔同的~只係同樣嚟自University of Davis California嘅"Old Foundation" Block.


除咗咁強大嘅Gingin clone之外當然都要有強大嘅釀酒實力,Leeuwin Estate係產區始創嘅五間酒莊之一,package超強!

由會計師 Denis & Trish Horgan喺1973年創立。早期美國葡萄酒巨頭Robert Mondavi已經睇中Leeuwin嘅葡萄園,想向Leeuwin提出收購,但數口精嘅Denis & Trish Horgan當然深知呢度嘅潛力,反向提出以Joint Venture方式合作~得到巨頭嘅金錢同技術加持,喺短短2年就以Art Series Chardonnay 1981擊敗全球對手拎走Decanter Best Chardonnay!

Art Series Chardonnay係旗艦中嘅旗艦🔝Art Series每年都會委任當代最著名嘅澳洲藝術家去為嗰年唔同酒款嘅酒標畫畫👨🏻‍🎨👩🏻‍🎨就好似Chateau Mouton一樣,顯出旗艦酒嘅尊貴不凡~見到一堆98, 99分都嚇死人!唯一需要懷疑就是點解佢仲未上到天價!!

值得一提嘅係Wine Advocate嘅Erin Larkin今次係連埋酒莊好多舊年份一齊飲(7/7/2022), 其中評到Magnum嘅1987 95分適飲期Early!!個陳存力同穩定嘅高質絕對唔係講笑!!!飲開嘅酒友都絕對要試試有咩唔同,因為Ray Jordan 99分嘅評價認為今年係最burgundy嘅表現!

🏅Wine Advocate 97+分:

The 2021 Art Series Chardonnay leads with a distinctly floral nose: jasmine and white garden rose, wisteria and lemon blossom. The season was a challenging one in Margaret River, defined by the rainfall, which was constant. The temperatures were modest (not cool, as plenty of rain might suggest),and given that the region is so diverse in terms of distances between vineyard areas, this created quite a patchwork of outcomes for producers. On the palate, the wine is powerful and savory—it leans heavily on exotic dry spice and cracked honeycomb, with hints of salted butter on fresh white bread, beeswax and salted pink grapefruit. Stylistically, it is not dissimilar to the 2017; however, the dovetailing of acid and fruit feels seamless and well matched here. The wine is piercing and structural, tightly coiled and almost rigid, in the best of ways. It's an impressive wine, one that, at this stage of its life, is defined by its penetrating acid line. Sealed under screw cap.



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