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Roccapesta Pugnitello 2016 Toscana 《風土系列 - TI005》

Roccapesta Pugnitello 2016 Toscana 《風土系列 - TI005》

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Roccapesta Pugnitello 2016 Toscana 《風土系列 - TI005》

產區 / 級別 : Toscana 托斯卡納

葡萄品種 : 100% Pugnitello 普尼特羅

酒精度 :  15% vol

網站介紹: https://www.roccapesta.com/it/

Roccapesta Winery


Dancing Ewe regulars know that Roccapestais one of our longest-running producers. Alberto Tanzini hails from Piedmont,but he fell in love with Tuscany and bought a parcel of land there decades ago.The estate currently has nearly 20 hectares of vineyards, planted mostly withdifferent Sangiovese clones selected for their suitability to the geology andmicroclimate of each site.


Morellino di Scansano is anappellation in the southern part of Tuscany, east of Grosseto but stillbenefiting from the gentle maritime climate: hot days, cool nights, and plentyof breezes from the ocean. Jody believes that Roccapesta makes the best wine inthe appellation, expressing the complexity of the soil, which ranges fromvolcanic to sedimentary clay, and the full, joyous richness of the Sangiovesegrape in all its food-friendly glory.


The vineyards are farmed biodynamically,and no additives or filtration are used in the winemaking, so nothing is addedto or subtracted from the wines. The fruit is hand-selected and sorted both inthe vineyards and then on a conveyor belt before pressing. It’s a lot of work,but this care is evident in every sip. The wines are fermented only withindigenous yeast, so you’re tasting the true, unadulterated terroir of theregion. If there were ingredient lists on these bottles, they would say“grapes.”


Pugnitello is a rare red grape varietynative to Tuscany. The grape gets its name, Italian for “little fist,” from theappearance of the vine’s small bunches of berries. Pugnitello has seen a resurgencein recent years due to efforts from the University of Florence and smallestates like Roccapesta.


This is a deep red wine, full and intense,its sweeter berry notes complemented by earthy tones.




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