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Podere Santa Maria Colleoni Brunello di Montalcino 2012 《風土系列 - TI002》

Podere Santa Maria Colleoni Brunello di Montalcino 2012 《風土系列 - TI002》

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Podere Santa Maria Colleoni Brunello di Montalcino 2012 《風土系列 - TI002》

產區/級別 : Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 蒙塔希諾·布魯奈羅

葡萄品類 :Sangiovese 桑嬌維塞

酒精度 : 14 %vol

The Santa Maria , which has alwaysbeen known to the Montalcinians as "le Sante Marie", was born fromthe desire to lead a life in symbiosis with the rhythms of nature. In 1995, withinthe company body, an ancient vineyard in Brunello was accidentally discovered.This allowed, after the preparation of the land in respect of the centuries-oldterraces supported by dry stone walls, to create new vineyards. In 1999 thecompany bought other plots of land in Sant’Antimo, in particular olive grovesfor the production of extra virgin olive oil. Currently, after a patient workof manual recovery, a consequence of the company's choice to preserve theancient crop varieties present, the olive grove is slowly recovering itsoriginal vigor by producing olives of excellent quality. In 2000 the productionof Brunello di Montalcino wine began, marketed from 01-01-2005. We currentlycultivate 3 hectares of vineyards and 2.5 hectares of olive groves. Theproduction method is natural.


My Brunello, I'll tell you ...


Our next goal is to use absolutely nothing. We would like to createa natural balance where the "good ones" and the "bad ones"take care of each other ".


This is, in a nutshell, what we try toconvey with our Brunello di Montalcino and with all the wines we produce, fromthe earth to the bottle, without ever betraying these principles!


If you have the opportunity to open one ofour bottles, perhaps in good company, we hope that you will be able to graspthe essence of our work and our "non-intervention", to give you awine that represents what nature best for us.

HK$498 /支 
也可混訂其他酒款 (非風土精選系列),全單滿6支免費送貨上門


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