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Mazzei Castello di Fonterutoli Siepi Toscana 瑪翠世家 - 樹籬《風土系酒款 - TI921 / TI921A》

Mazzei Castello di Fonterutoli Siepi Toscana 瑪翠世家 - 樹籬《風土系酒款 - TI921 / TI921A》

⭕️兩個年份選擇: 2016 / 1997
🌟 Gambero Rosso: Siepi - 改變意大利葡萄酒風格嘅50款葡萄酒之一
🌟 接近600年家族酒莊,Chianti酒區第一人
🌟 James Suckling : Siepi 兼具狂野和優雅的氣質

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Mazzei Castello di Fonterutoli Siepi Toscana 瑪翠世家 - 樹籬《風土系酒款 - TI921 / TI921A 》

產區 :  Toscana IGT 托斯卡納
葡萄品種 : 50% Sangiovese 桑嬌維塞、 50% Merlot 梅樂

🌟 Gambero Rosso: Siepi - 改變意大利葡萄酒風格嘅50款葡萄酒之一

🌟 接近600年家族酒莊,Chianti酒區第一人

⭐️James Sucking : Siepi 兼具狂野和優雅的氣質

🏅James Suckling 98 pts

🏅Wine Advocate 96 pts

🏅Vinous 95 pts

🏅Wine Spectator 93 pts

酒精度 14.5%

🏅Wine Spectator 92 pts

🏅Wine Advocate 91 pts

酒精度 14%

Mazzei家族的作品,這家族擁有悠久的釀酒歷史與傳承,自公元1435年就開始釀造葡萄酒,至今已有將近600年的歷史,24代傳承,在意大利 Chianti Classico 的釀造史上也有舉足輕重的地位,是 Chianti Classico 紅葡萄酒產區的標誌之一,也是 Tuscany葡萄酒釀酒業的標杆。早在1398年12月26日的一份商業合同中,Ser Lapo Mazzei 便使用了 Chianti 的稱謂,這也是最早關於Chianti葡萄酒的記載,因此 Ser Lapo Mazzei 被譽為“Chianti之父”。時至今日酒莊仍完全由家族所擁有,如今經營酒莊的已是第24代傳人,老爸 Lapo Mazzei 任董事長,兩個兒子做CEO,董事會成員全部來自家族成員。

Mazzei家族的酒莊面積達650公頃,其中117公頃用於葡萄種植,在 Fonterutoli 村共有5個葡萄園——Fonterutoli、Badiola、Caggio、Belvedere 和 Siepi,細分為120個不同的地塊,分佈在距海平面230-500米的海拔高度上,酒莊生產多個系列的葡萄酒,如Fonterutoli、Castello Fonterutoli、Siepi、SerLapo、Badiola與Mix36。

Siepi是Mazzei眾多酒款中唯一的一款Super Tuscan,來自同名的葡萄園,是意大利歷史最悠久的特級葡萄園之一,有著Chianti Classio DOCG最古老的風土。Siepi的首發年份是1992年,是酒莊第一款採用同等比例的Sangiovesse與Merlot的葡萄酒,也是Super Tuscan風格的先驅;Sangiovese和Merlot進行混釀,前者是代表意大利精神的原生品種,後者是風靡世界的國際品種,代表酒莊將傳統與革新精神集於一身,將這兩種極具代表性的品種,於Siepi葡萄酒中演繹出不凡的氣質;James Suckling曾這樣點評道:Siepi 兼具狂野和優雅的氣質….;意大利權威美酒聖經 - 紅蝦評鑑Gambero Rosso對SIEPI極為推崇並稱讚他是“改變意大利葡萄酒風格的50種葡萄酒之一”, 可見其對意大利葡萄酒界發展的重要性

(2016 Vintage)

🏅James Suckling 98 pts

What a beautiful nose of elderberries, freshly picked blackcurrants, citrus, herbs, licorice and crushed stones, amidst a backdrop of coffee beans, cedar and vanilla. Full-bodied and very subtle and refined with tightly wound tannins and an impressive balance of fruit and acidity. Long, grainy and elegant on the finish. A masterpiece.

🏅Wine Advocate 96 pts

This was an iconic vintage, and the superiority of the 2016 growing season, with lots of sunshine and cool summer nights, shows. A blend of equal parts Merlot and Sangiovese, the Mazzei 2016 Siepi is profound, vibrant, nuanced and lifted. The Merlot plays an important role in grounding the wine, adding both texture and volume. However, the Sangiovese is almost more important in my opinion, especially in this sample. The bouquet is fresh and lively with plenty of wild cherry, rose, crushed stone, lilac and lavender. One of the big changes made in 2016 is the introduction of a four-month finishing period in concrete tanks. This wine is showing beautifully now, but it has many more years to give. Production was 35,000 bottles.

🏅Vinous 95 pts

The 2016 Siepi, the estate's Sangiovese/Merlot blend, is a big, rich wine. In 2016, the Merlot is especially prominent. Black cherry jam, torrefaction, spice, leather, menthol and new French oak are all pushed forward. Time in the glass brings out a good bit of aromatic freshness to balance things out. Readers should expect a potent, seriously concentrated wine.

(1997 Vintage)

🏅Wine Spectator 92 pts

🏅Wine Advocate 91 pts

You might remember the fanfare surroundingthe 1997 vintage when it hit the market more than two decades ago. It marked anew chapter for Tuscan wines that prized a concentrated, soft, velvety andthickly extracted style that would be very much in vogue for the followingyears. Unabashed and confident, the Mazzei 1997 Siepi transports us back intime to a warm, sun-drenched growing season. You feel the heat in this wine'sDNA with strawberry preserves, marasca cherry and dried prune. The wine isendowed with big structure and volume, as expected. The Siepi vineyard enjoysdeep soils, allowing the roots to penetrate far underground and find moisturein the dry season. The soils have a big component of clay that also lock inhumidity, and the area is surrounded by green forests that cool down the nearbyenvironment. Best After 2022

$680/支 (2016年份)

$770/支 (1997年份)

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