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歌碧酒莊(Chateau Croizet-Bages)坐落在法國波爾多梅多克四大名村之一的波雅克村,是該村的一座1855五級莊,同時也是波爾多特級酒莊聯合會的成員之一。
18世紀初,時任波爾多議員的Croizet兄弟想要修建一個酒莊,便收購了波雅克內著名小村莊——巴斯村(Bages)的部分地塊,並將家族姓氏加入到酒莊名字裏,歌碧酒莊從此誕生。1855年,在波爾多分級中,酒莊被評為五級莊。之後在1942年,酒莊被Quie家族收入麾下,該家族還坐擁二級莊露仙歌城堡(Chateau Rauzan-Gassies)。奎伊家族在接手之後,投入鉅資對歌碧酒莊進行酒窖、釀造車間和酒莊建築的重建,這一工程目前仍在進行中。在現任莊主Anne-Francoise Quie帶領下,歌碧酒莊將以嶄新的面貌呈現在大家面前。
酒莊約28.5公頃的葡萄園坐落在Bages plateau一整片完整連續的園地上,被劃分成多個不同的地塊,風土條件極佳。園內的表層土壤為Gunzian礫石,深層土壤為石灰岩和砂礫土,複雜多樣的土質和深厚的土層為酒莊出產優質美酒提供了優異的風土條件。園內葡萄樹的種植比例為62%Cabernet Sauvignon、28%Merlot、6%Petit Verdot和4%Cabernet Franc。在管理方面,酒莊通過除芽、疏葉和綠色採收等方法控制產量,以提升葡萄品質。
酒莊採用人工的方式採摘葡萄,而這些葡萄還需經過二次篩選才會進入釀酒環節。在釀酒顧問 Eric Boissenot 的指導下,酒莊採用了同時接種發酵的方式來釀制葡萄酒,即同時進行酒精發酵和蘋果酸-乳酸發酵,這樣一方面可以更好地保留葡萄本身的果香,還可以盡可能延長葡萄酒在橡木桶中的陳年時間,從而提升葡萄酒的品質。
Chateau Croizet-Bages
To perfect the most delicate blends, the Merlot, harvested relatively early, brings roundness to the great wine. On notes of candied cherry, it expresses all the purity of a crunchy and charming fruit. The Petit Verdot, present in a tiny quantity, gives all its colorful ardor to the wine. The backbone of a great wine, Cabernet Sauvignon brings a long-lasting aromatic power that will reveal itself after a few years of aging. On notes of black fruits and cedar, the tannic structure reveals fatness, fullness and generosity.
Aged for 12 to 14 months in French oak barrels, the wines are fine and have a velvety texture. Rich, deep, elegant, passing through time, Château Croizet-Bages opens up aromatic horizons of plum, cocoa, spices and leather.
Alias Croizet-Bages
Comes mainly from the young vines of the property intended, in a few years, to produce the great wine.
Developed according to the latest plantations and the vintage effect, its blend may evolve. Subtle spirit of Pauillac, Alias Croizet-Bages offers all the charm of a bright, gourmet and precise fruit. Carrying the values of its elder, its aromas of cherry and cedar are expressed on a measured tannic structure.
Vinified with the same care as the great wine, Alias Croizet-Bages is aged for 12 to 14 months in French oak barrels. The delicate gilding of its label illustrates the new facilities of the property, like a nod to the future of the Château.