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Chateau Pichon Baron男爵古堡(又名碧尚男爵酒莊)位於波爾多著名產酒村波雅克(Pauillac),在1855年梅多克評級(1855 Classification)中被評為二級莊,它是整個波爾多產區內著名的“傳奇式”酒莊。
波爾多頭號酒商皮埃爾德梅茲·侯贊(Pierre Desmezures de Rauzan)一手掌管拉圖、瑪歌兩大酒莊,並在1689年購置了毗鄰拉圖酒莊的葡萄園,創建了侯贊酒莊(Enclos Rauzan)。1694年,侯贊的千金特麗莎(Thérèse)與雅克·碧尚龍格維爾男爵(JacquesPichon de Longueville)締結良緣,侯贊酒莊的葡萄園成為特麗莎的嫁妝,碧尚龍格維爾莊園 (Domainede Pichon Longueville)應運而生。這個卓越的酒莊後來在碧尚·龍格維爾家族世代傳承,其聲譽歷久不衰。1850年,碧尚龍格維爾莊園一分為二,拉烏爾·碧尚德龍格維爾男爵(Raoul Pichonde Longueville)繼承的部分即是如今的男爵古堡(Pichon Baron)。另一半由其3位姊妹繼承,後來成為女爵酒莊(Pichon Comtesse)。酒莊的近代史是在1987年保險集團 AXA 入主了男爵,而技術總監Jean-Rene Matignon 亦相繼加入,AXA斥資進行城堡的復興,將發酵車間和酒窖全面重新改造,城堡也加以翻新,並於2006年完成了興建地下酒窖, 男爵遵循波亞克Pauillac上乘葡萄酒傳統工藝,亦因被酒友經常評為可媲美一級莊的 Super Second,超二級莊。
酒莊有兩款副牌為Les Griffons de Pichon Baron & Les Tourelles de Longueville,而Les Griffons de Pichon Baron是2012年首次推出,其風格比Les Tourelles de Longueville更接近正牌,葡萄產自砂礫含量較高的土壤。在發酵期間,酒莊每天都會對每個發酵罐進行監測,以精准把控葡萄酒的品質,酒精發酵完成後進行蘋果酸-乳酸發酵(Malolactic Fermentation),之後葡萄酒便會進入橡木桶陳年,陳年過程中每3-4個月會澄清一次,以分離葡萄酒液與沉澱物,並通過蠟燭檢查酒液的澄清度,於橡木桶陳年18個月,其中60%為全新橡木桶,40%為陳年過1年酒的橡木桶。
在發酵期間,酒莊每天都會對每個發酵罐進行監測,以精准把控葡萄酒的品質,酒精發酵完成後還會進行蘋果酸-乳酸發酵(Malolactic Fermentation),之後葡萄酒便會進入橡木桶陳年,陳年過程中每3-4個月會潷清一次,以分離葡萄酒液與沉澱物,並通過蠟燭檢查酒液的澄清度。調配時,酒莊也極為謹慎,通過品鑒40餘款基酒,將其中最好的酒液用於釀造正牌酒。這些酒液在新橡木桶中熟成3個月後,酒莊會再次進行品鑒,決定最終配比,正牌酒通常會在新橡木桶陳年18-20個月。
Chateau Pichon-Longueville Baron男爵古堡出品包括:酒莊正牌、副牌 以及三牌酒:
Chateau Pichon Baron
在1855年梅多克評級(1855 Classification)中被評為二級莊,它是整個波爾多產區內著名的“傳奇式”酒莊。
Our Grand Vin Château Pichon Baron 2nd Cru Classé in 1855 comes from the very oldest vines grown on the historic plots of the estate.
This authentic Pauillac offers an amazing sensory experience with its black fruit flavours and spicy hints. Château Pichon Baron shows great elegance, intensity and exceptional length on the palate.
It is a wine that improves year after year and can age for over 40 years in the cellar.
Les Tourelles de Longueville
Les Tourelles de Longueville is one of the second wines of the property. Named after the turrets that embellish the château, it embodies the charm of the estate.
The grapes that are used to blend the wine come essentially from the Sainte Anne plot, planted mainly to Merlot, giving to it a distinctive personality. Les Tourelles de Longueville is an invitation to enter a world of flavour, charm, roundness and sensual delight.
This wine provides an introduction to the spirit of Pichon Baron and can be enjoyed young or aged in the cellar for 15 years or more.
Les Griffons de Pichon Baron
Les Griffons de Pichon Baron is one of the second wines of the property. Created since the 2012 vintage, it has a pure and direct character.
The grapes which make up this wine's blend come primarily from gravelly plots of land near the Gironde estuary, a good environment for Cabernet-Sauvignon.
Les Griffons offers a vigorous and fresh tasting experience, full-bodied and clean, overflowing with energy.
It can be laid down in the cellar for over 20 years or enjoyed right away.