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Banfi Brunello di Montalcino Poggio Alle Mura Riserva 2009《風土系列 - TI1012A》

Banfi Brunello di Montalcino Poggio Alle Mura Riserva 2009《風土系列 - TI1012A》

🏅Wine Advocate 94 pts
🏅James Suckling 92 pts
🏅Wine Enthusiast 90 pts

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Banfi Brunello di Montalcino Poggio Alle Mura Riserva 2009《風土系列 - TI1012A》

產區/級別 : Brunello di Montalcino DOCG 蒙塔希諾·布魯奈羅

葡萄品類 :Sangiovese 桑嬌維塞

酒精度 : 14.5%vol

🏅Wine Advocate 94 pts 

🏅James Suckling 92 pts 

🏅Wine Enthusiast 90 pts

Banfi建立於1978年,他們源於來自美國的Mariani家族, 這家族在1978年收購了Banfi酒莊,一切都歸功於一對意大利裔美國兄弟John Mariani和Harry Mariani的決心。他們將美國營商的一套帶到意大利,釀造出不同風格的Brunello di Montalcino。  



他們又與意大利最優秀的釀酒師之一的Ezio Rivella一起工作,他們清楚明白這里肥沃的土壤和天賜的小氣候,使得酒莊擁有巨大的發展潛力。 

 就好像這枝Poggio Mura Riserva單一葡萄園的出品,以Sangiovese葡萄釀造,成熟的黑果味,明確的雲呢嗱木桶香氣,厚重酒體,豐滿的單寧,屬於不一樣的Brunello,因此有人喜歡也有人不喜歡,但出品卻充滿話題性。 

 Banfi Brunello di Montalcino Poggio Mura Riserva 

來自蒙塔奇諾區最令人敬仰的歷史城跡"Poggio alle Mura Castle" 是意大利Poggio alle Mura小城Castello小鎮周邊的單一葡萄園。 

講究科學系統化的Banfi在此展開了細致的分區研究,結果不但表明此處非常適合種植Sangiovese,並且成功幫酒莊找出重點地塊, 最後更於1982年開始進行首批葡萄的克隆培養研究, 為Banfi的成功奠下根基。



葡萄品種: 100% Sangiovese   

釀造技術: 釀酒葡萄收獲之後,將在不銹鋼罐和Horizon木桶中儲藏12至14天,完成恆溫(27-29℃)浸漬和酒精發酵。 經2年的陳化後,裝在350升法式橡木桶的90%的原液以及裝在90和60公升木桶的10%的原液,還需要在上市銷售之前在酒瓶中另行精釀12個月, 總括而言要在採收後的第六年才可上市。

🏅Wine Advocate 94 pts 

Dark and impenetrable, the 2009 Brunello di Montalcino Riserva Poggio alle Mura offers heavy notes of savory spice, teriyaki, tar, darkened fruit and Spanish cedar that contribute to the wine's overwhelming sense of density and richness. The fruit sees a beautiful level of ripeness that is neither heavy nor too sharp. The lavish oak tones add an enormous sense of grip, extraction and power. In fact, the alcohol reads 14.5% and you feel it. Yet, the mouthfeel is surprisingly more elegant than you might expect with a firm tannic skeleton fitted to a fleshy frame of dark berry fruit and blackcurrant. The balanced acidity also heightens the wine's sense of liveliness. This dark Brunello is ready to drink in the mid-term.

🏅James Suckling 92 pts 

A balanced and refined wine with chocolate, spice and berry character. Medium body and fine tannins. Delicious and fine. Drink now.

🏅Wine Enthusiast 90 pts

This firmly structured wine opens with toasted aromas, baked plum, fennel and a licorice note. The palate offers dried cherry, fig, roasted coffee bean and anisette alongside bracing tannins. Drink through 2020.


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