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Chateau Duhart Milon 2010 杜哈美隆 Pauillac 四級莊《風土系酒款 - TF535G》

Chateau Duhart Milon 2010 杜哈美隆 Pauillac 四級莊《風土系酒款 - TF535G》

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Chateau Duhart Milon 2010 杜哈美隆 Pauillac 四級莊《風土系酒款 - TF535G 》

產區 : Pauilla 波亞克

葡萄品種 : 73% Cabernet Sauvignon 赤霞珠 , 27% Merlot 梅洛 

酒精度:13.5% vol

⭐️ Wine Advocate 歷來最高分 97 pts!

⭐️1855波爾多評級列級酒莊第四級酒莊 (Quatriemes Grands Cru Classe)

⭐️與拉菲古堡 Chateau Lafite Rothschild同屬拉菲羅斯柴爾德家族 Domaines Barons de Rothschild

⭐️曾經供應成為 Lafite 的副牌酒,風格與 Lafite 相似

⭐️ Pauillac 波雅克唯一的四級莊

⭐️傳奇釀酒顧問 Eric Boissenot ( 法國Lafite, Latour, Mouton 和Palmer多家名莊都是跟 Eric Boissenot 合作 )

🏅Wine Adovcate 94 pts

🏅James Suckling 93 pts

🏅Vinous 93 pts

🏅Jancis Robinson 17/20 pts

🏅Decanter  95 pts

「Consumers looking to maximize value shouldbe checking out Duhart Milon, as this may be the single smartest purchase inthis great and historic vintage ! the 2009 appears to be the finest Duhart Ihave ever tasted.」Robert Paker 

Duart Milon 杜哈美隆位於法國波爾多的波雅克 Pauillac 產區,是1855波爾多列級莊分級中唯一一個位於波雅克的四級莊,目前與拉菲莊園同屬羅斯柴爾德家族 Domaines Barons de Rothschild。原名是 Chateau Milon ,在18世紀初其出產的葡萄酒曾供應為拉菲的副牌酒出售,由於葡萄園和拉菲的葡萄園接壤,Baron Eric de Rothschild 在1962 年買下它時曾說“ It would have been nonsense not to acquire such a great neighbouring vineyard ”,釀出來的酒風格與拉菲甚為相似。

當時酒莊的名字還只是 Mandavy-Milon,這裡的葡萄藤被用以租借釀酒,其酒質得到拉菲認可成為拉菲副牌出售帶來了豐富的收入,之後在19世紀30年代,Mandavy-Milon 酒莊和Duhart 爵士在波雅克的葡萄園都被中間商 Casteja 家族接管,並被合併為杜哈美隆 Duhart-Milon。

在 Casteja 家族管理酒莊期間,都夏美隆獲得了1855年評級的四級酒莊評價。20世紀早期,這個酒莊一直是波雅克最大的酒莊之一,擁有大約50公頃葡萄園。然而從1937年第二次世界大戰打響開始,酒莊在幾經先後五易其主,葡萄酒的品質也不斷下降。當1962年羅斯柴爾德家族購入酒莊時,為其注入新活力,葡萄園中修建了排水系統,拔除老葡萄藤並重新栽種新的葡萄藤,與鄰近的酒莊交換田塊以獲得最適宜的混釀品種組合,而且不斷加入增大葡萄園的面積,Duhart Milon 是少數列級莊沒有所謂的主樓房 (Chateau) ,其後羅斯柴爾家族興建了新的酒窖和橡木桶室,隨著 Rothschild 家族不斷投入,Duhart Milon 的酒質不斷攀升,已重拾甚至超越昔日的光輝。酒莊葡萄園面積152公頃,樹齡平均三十年以上,位於 Chateau Lafite 的西邊,鄰近 Chateau Mouton Rothschild 和 Clerc Milon,葡萄園的土壤是由細砂礫與風成砂覆蓋在石火岩基上而混合成的土壤,由於大部份葡萄園樹藤面向北方,溫度較清涼,為葡萄酒創做較優雅清新的風格。都夏美隆是在 Pauillac 產區獨一無二的單一大面積葡萄園,採用人工採收葡萄,每一小片地塊上的葡萄在採摘後都立即進行品評以確定是否在發酵結束後進入頂級酒的站養,發酵過程在不锈鋼發酵糟中進行,接下來的12個月,每個酒糟都進行幾次試酒,以嚴格標準選出最頂級的酒。酒釀造後陳熟橡木桶約14個月,一半是新桶,造出來的酒強健堅實,優雅兼備,泥土氣息十足,單寧精緻,果味豐富,年產大約20000 到 25000箱,現在由同樣管理 Lafite 的技術總監 Eric Kohler 主理。


🏅Wine Advocate 97 pts

A blend of 63% Cabernet Sauvignon and 37%Merlot, it displays an inky/blue/purple color as well as a big, sweet nose ofcreme de cassis, forest floor, licorice, lead pencil, cedar and subtle barriquesmells. Viscous and full-bodied, it is the most concentrated and broadestexample of this cuvee I have tasted in over three decades. It will be ready todrink in 5-7 years and should last for three decades or more. Consumers lookingto maximize value should be checking out Duhart Milon, as this may be thesingle smartest purchase in this great and historic vintage! Since few consumers other than Chinesebillionaires can afford wines such as Lafite Rothschild, perhaps it is time forreaders to take a look at Duhart Milon, which sells for less than Lafite’ssecond wine. The Rothschilds have invested heavily in resurrecting thisproperty to near super-star status, and the 2009 appears to be the finestDuhart I have ever tasted.

🏅Vinous 95 pts

The 2009 Duhart-Milon is recalcitrant onthe nose, refusing to give much away in terms of aromas. Loamy, peaty scentsemerge with time amongst the black fruit. The palate is medium-bodied withgrippy tannin, fresh in the mouth with good salinity. There is somethingestuarine about this Pauillac that lends it personality and its grip on thefinish suggesting that it will give many more years of drinking pleasure. Thishas long been an impressive Duhart-Milon and so it is proven here. Tasted blindat Farr Vintners’ 2009 Bordeaux tasting.

🏅James Suckling 95 pts

This is superb, with so much beautifulsubtle fruit and wonderful flowers. Full and very lively, with super finetannins and a lively finish. Very exciting. Best ever from here.

$928 /支

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