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Chateau Fonroque 2018 弗蘭克, Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe 《醇酒系列 - F143C 》

Chateau Fonroque 2018 弗蘭克, Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe 《醇酒系列 - F143C 》

🌟施行生物動力法 (Biodynamic)
🏅Jeb Dunnuck 94 pts
🏅Wine Spectator 93 pts
🏅James Suckling 93 pts
🏅Decanter 91 pts
🏅Wine Advocate 90 pts
🏅Vinous 90 pts

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Chateau Fonroque 2018 弗蘭克, Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe 《醇酒系列 - F143C 》

產區 : Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe

葡萄品種 : 82Merlot 梅洛、18Cabernet Franc 品麗珠


網站介紹 : http://chateaufonroque.net/


🌟施行生物動力法 (Biodynamic)

🏅Jeb Dunnuck 94 pts

🏅Wine Spectator 93 pts

🏅James Suckling 93 pts

🏅Decanter 91 pts

🏅Wine Advocate 90 pts

🏅Vinous 90 pts

Chateau Fonroque (弗蘭克酒莊) 是波爾多最早實行有機耕種酒莊,早於2002便開始在葡萄田試驗 Biodynamic (生物動力法) 並在05年全面實施,在06年已取得”AB” (Agriculture Biologique) 認證,到了08年更取得Ecocerts的Biodyvin認証。

酒莊佔地17.6公頃、每年只產5萬到7萬支,由Moueix 家族擁有,莊主Alain Moueix 同時擁有Pomerol另一酒莊Chateau Mazeyres。酒莊的葡萄田是波爾多少見的一塊完整田,土壤是Clay、Limestone和Sand,平均樹齡30年。 Chateau Fonroque本身坐擁優異的風土條件,位於聖愛美濃西北面的坡地,南邊的斜坡與Premier Grand Cru Classe B的Clos Fourtet接壤,屬於聖愛美濃最精華的地段。稀薄的表土下是厚實的石灰岩底土,給予葡萄園良好的排水性。品質最高的Merlot都種植在這片斜坡上,而 Fonroque在不同年份所用的葡萄比例也不同,所以在喝不同年份時也能感享到不一樣的感覺。

🏅Jeb Dunnuck 94 pts

Checking in as a blend of 82% Merlot and 18% Cabernet Franc, the 2018 Château Fonroque offers a rich, powerful nose of ripe black fruits and cassis as well as vanilla bean, spice box, and chocolate. Rich, medium to full-bodied, and concentrated, it has plenty of background oak, a great mid-palate, and one heck of a terrific finish. This is the real deal and certainly the finest wine I've tasted from the estate. Give bottles 2-3 years and enjoy over the following decade. It should be a stunning value.

🏅Wine Spectator 93  pts

Dark plum and blackberry compote notes form the core, while hints of licorice snap and fruitcake form the backdrop. Nice grippy, tarry streak on the finish adds length and drive. Should cellar well. Merlot and Cabernet Franc. 

🏅James Suckling 93 pts

Stewed berries, currants, cloves, sweet tobacco and some orange zest on the nose. It’s full-bodied with firm, tightly knit tannins, framing a core of ripe dark fruit. Spiced and zesty finish. Fills your mouth

🏅Decanter 91 pts

There is an enjoyable hawthorn and bramble edge, quite different in feel from the others. More freshly cut herbs, with rosemary and sage notes. A little high in acidity on a finish that brings things to an end slightly abruptly. 30% new oak. Biodynamic and organic.

🏅Wine Advocate 90 pts

A blend of 82% Merlot and 18% Cabernet Franc, the 2018 Fonroque has a deep garnet-purple color and rambunctious scents of baked black plums, boysenberry preserves and fruitcake with hints of Indian spices, potpourri, cedar and sandalwood. The medium to full-bodied palate has soft, well-managed tannins and plenty of freshness to support the black fruit preserves and spicy flavors, finishing earthy. 

🏅Vinous 90 pts

The 2018 Fonroque, which I gave an hour’s decant, has retained its very opulent, quite ostentatious bouquet of black cherries, fig, cassis and touches of black olive. The palate is medium-bodied and candied on the entry. This is very exuberant, with blood-orange-infused red fruit, gaining better focus toward the delineated finish. I wish the aromatics were just toned down a notch, because otherwise, this is a decent Saint-Émilion.


3支優惠裝 : $885/3支 (平均每支 $295)



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