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Chateau Dassault 2014, Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe 達梭酒莊 《風土系酒款-TF1105A》

Chateau Dassault 2014, Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe 達梭酒莊 《風土系酒款-TF1105A》

🌟【👫小編心愛酒莊 ~ Dassault 🏘️ Saint Emilion ✨ Grand Cru Classe ✨級別】
🌟【與拉菲Chateau Lafite-Rothschild集團互動合作🤝】
🏅James Suckling 92pts
🏅Wine Advocate 90pts
🏅Vinous 92pts
🏅Vivino 4.2

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Chateau Dassault 2014, Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe 達梭酒莊 《風土系酒款-TF1105A》

產區 : Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe

葡萄品種 : 70% Merlot、23% Cabernet Franc、7% Cabernet Sauvignon


Wine Consultant:Jean-Philippe Fort

🌟【👫小編心愛酒莊 ~ Dassault 🏘️ Saint Emilion ✨ Grand Cru Classe ✨級別】

🌟【與拉菲Chateau Lafite-Rothschild集團互動合作🤝】


🏅James Suckling 92pts 

🏅Wine Advocate 90pts

🏅Vinous 92pts

🏅Vivino 4.2

Chateau Dassault是小編們其中一間喜愛的酒莊之一Grand Cru Classe級別+ 2015年為Saint Emilion的超靚年份,貨量不多,實在不容錯過

酒莊由達梭家族在1955年購入,原名 Chateau Couperie 及後改名為 Chateau Dassault ,家族背景就是法國航空科技的巨頭Dassault Aviation,公司主導了法國的軍事空防和民航領域,在法國財經雜誌 Challenge 2019剛發佈的富豪榜當中榮登第7位,坐擁超過230億歐資產,很自然無限量的資金支持和投資令酒莊的發展速度跟家族本業生產的戰鬥機速度一樣快,而酒莊亦在短短十幾年間便將酒莊提升至 Grand Cru Classes 級別,而且家族與 Domaine Barons de Rothschild 的交情深厚,Dassault家族也擁有Lafite旗下部份酒莊的股權,從而換取了Lafite在葡萄酒領域上的技術支援

他家也是最早在1982 年第一間酒莊找來星級人馬 Michel Rolland 出任釀酒顧問,隨後其他多間酒莊仿傚,此莊右岸GCC出品的質量每年穩步上揚。現酒莊交給了Laurent Dassault。Laurent Dassault在1995年起與莊園經理Laurence Brun Vergriette一直致力研究如何釀造最優質的葡萄酒。當中包括改善葡萄園的排水、減少產量、及打造全新釀酒窖,大力地提升釀酒技術水平以出品高品質葡萄酒。而這間也是小編一直喜愛的酒莊之一

平均樹齡為35年。葡萄採收後,會被導入傳統大水泥罁進發酵,並在木桶進行乳酸發酵。發酵後會放入1法國橡木桶陳存14-18個月 (其中65%是全新桶, 35% 是一年橡木桶) 才裝瓶出售。



🏅James Suckling 92pts 
Dark fruits and dark tannins are the hallmark of this brooding beast. Either you like rather bold, dry tannins and this will excite you, or it won’t! But I love it. 

🏅Wine Advocate 90pts

The 2014 Dassault was a difficult primeur sample to pin when I tasted it back in April 2015. Now in bottle, it has certainly come good. It has an intense bouquet full of black cherry, raspberry and iodine aromas that blossom in the glass, though there is a slight tinniness that remained despite aeration. The palate is medium-bodied with slightly chewy tannin on the entry, a fine thread of acidity with a harmonious blackcurrant and strawberry pastille-driven finish. There is good potential here—a heady and buxom Saint Emilion that should be tempered by time in bottle.


🏅Vinous 92pts

The 2014 Dassault is bold, fruit-driven and absolutely delicious, although the firm tannins are going to need some time to soften. Plum, violet, licorice and lavender are some of the signatures in this inky, extroverted Saint-Émilion. In 2014, Dassault is a sleeper. Tasted two times.



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