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Chateau Villemaurine 2012 Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe 威樂酒莊《醇酒系列-F772B》

Chateau Villemaurine 2012 Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe 威樂酒莊《醇酒系列-F772B》

🏅 Jeb Dunnuck 93 pts
🏅Vinous 93 pts
🏅Wine Advocate 92 pts
🏅Wine Enthusiast 92 pts
🏅 James Suckling 91 pts
💥近年急速冒升的Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classe

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Chateau Villemaurine 2012 Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe 威樂酒莊《醇酒系列-F772B》

產區 : Saint Emilion Grand Cru Classe

葡萄品種 : 95%Merlot 梅洛 、5%Cabernet Franc 品麗珠


🏅 Jeb Dunnuck 93 pts

🏅Vinous 93 pts

🏅Wine Advocate 92 pts

🏅Wine Enthusiast 92 pts

🏅 James Suckling 91 pts

💥近年急速冒升的Saint-Emilion Grand Cru Classe

🏰Chateau Villemaurine的歷史可謂非常長久,公元7世紀已經有記錄在當地開闢耕作,18世紀未,酒莊已經建立,其間酒莊經過多次易手,最後在2005年,由Onclin Family買下,家族掌舵人Justin Onclin是一位葡萄酒愛好者,希望為自己的家族建立一份遺產,並渴望自己釀造葡萄酒,被Chateau Villemaurine的豐富和無限的潛力所吸引,所以買下酒莊,經過他的大力改造,更先後邀請👱‍♂️Stephane Derenoncourt及👨‍🦳Hubert de Bouard擔任釀酒顧問,這2位人兄的來頭真的不少;

👱‍♂️Stephane於2010年9月,被《葡萄酒觀察家》(Wine Spectator)譽為“世界上最炙手可熱的釀酒師;

👨‍🦳Hubert de Bouard 是Saint-Emilion Premiers Grands Crus Classes A 的Chateau Angelus莊主,亦是一名釀造顧問,先後在80多家酒莊擔任釀酒顧問,想了解更多關於這2位人物,可以按以下連結:

😁2007年Justin Onclin終於達到自己的心願,釀造出第一支自己的紅酒,經過高人指點,酒莊的出品品質突飛猛進,開始得到專業酒評家的認可,近年的年份都獲得90分以上的高分。

🏅 Jeb Dunnuck 93 pts

Another beautiful 2012 is the Villemaurine, which is 95% Merlot and 5% Cabernet Franc from a site just outside the village of Saint Emilion. Incense, kirsch liqueur, currants, cedary herbs, and tobacco leaf nuances all emerge from this ripe, sexy, medium to full-bodied Saint Emilion. It’s beautifully balanced, has ripe, yet present tannin, a great mid-palate, and seriously impressive length. Drink this knockout Saint Emilion over the coming 20+ years. 

🏅Vinous 93 pts

One of the under the radar gems of the vintage, the 2012 Villemaurine is striking from the outset. A dark, sumptuous Saint-Emilion, the 2012 possesses gorgeous richness to match its sensual personality. Black cherry, smoke, plum and spices are some of the many notes that emerge from this beautifully layered, inviting wine. The 2012 is 95% Merlot and 5% Cabernet Franc. Hubert de Bouard is the consulting winemaker.

🏅Wine Advocate 92 pts

Twenty years ago, this used to be one of my candidates for the worst wine from a top terroir in St.-Emilion. Things have changed incredibly since the acquisition of this property by Justin Onclin. The terroir is fabulously situated just adjacent to the walls of this medieval village, and the wine has gone from strength-to-strength. The 2012 has a dense purple color, a rocky and chalky minerality, medium to full body, and is long, rich and intense, elegant yet noble. Consumers have to be pleased that this long-time underachiever has finally raised its game under the new ownership. This is a property to seek out in St.-Emilion. 

🏅Wine Enthusiast 92 pts

Cellar Selection* This solid and powerful wine comes from a chateau right in the walls of Saint-Émilion. A dense texture brings out tannins and the wood-aging flavors. Spice, black currant fruitiness and a dark, dense character all promise aging. Drink from 2018.

🏅 James Suckling 91 pts

A red with a tight structure and intensity for 2012. Plenty of wet earth, walnut and berry character. Long and flavorful. 


可混訂其他酒款, 🚚6支免費送貨上門


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